New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-11-15 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #232: A Ballet Bonanza in the Big Apple! 🩰🍎

Monday, 15th November 1999

Hello my darling darlings, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet! As you know, I’m your very own Pink Tutu Queen, and this week, I'm bursting with excitement to share all about my fabulous week in the Big Apple! 🗽

Now, I know what you're thinking. It's November. The weather's turning chilly, the days are shorter, and the thought of a pink tutu seems... well, a little out there! But, let me tell you, dear readers, New York is magical year-round. And frankly, nothing screams 'confidence' quite like a twirling ballerina in a vibrant pink tutu amidst the urban landscape, do you agree? 😉

This week has been a whirl of exciting adventures, from catching up with fellow ballet lovers at the City Ballet to browsing the most incredible fashion finds (have you seen the hats? divine!) and indulging in some delectable Broadway theatre - Oh, how I adore a good musical!

But before we delve into all that, let's catch up on where I've been. You see, after performing a delightful piece in a stunning pink and silver tutu at the Royal Opera House, I was absolutely bursting with inspiration! The energy, the emotion, the sheer joy of performing... It simply ignited a flame in me to journey across the Atlantic and share my love of all things ballet with you, right here in New York City!

As always, I made sure to pack my suitcase to the brim with gorgeous tutus (one for each day!), fabulous feather boas, a sprinkling of pink polka dots and a pair of my trusty tap shoes, just in case I fancy a impromptu street performance!

Speaking of, you know I couldn’t resist a little impromptu jig in the Metro! There’s something so liberating about waltzing through the subway with the rhythm of the trains, the friendly faces, and the twinkle of the lights reflecting on my pink tutu! ✨

Now, onto the exciting events!

Tuesday: A Ballet Bevy at the City Ballet 🩰

I knew I had to start my week right by attending the New York City Ballet! The performance was simply spellbinding - graceful dancers, breathtaking choreography, and the perfect dose of drama and passion. It was pure magic! I spent hours admiring the gorgeous costumes and getting a backstage glimpse of all the hard work that goes into bringing such stunning productions to life.

And of course, I couldn't resist a little shopping afterwards. Fifth Avenue was practically calling my name with all its elegant stores, so I ventured in and out of countless boutiques searching for the perfect new tutu (oh, how I adore those floaty layers and whimsical sparkles!)

Wednesday: Broadway Bound! 🎤

Now, you can't come to New York and not see a Broadway show! I snagged tickets to see The Lion King, and it was nothing short of phenomenal. The music, the costumes, the incredible performers… everything about it was breathtaking! The dazzling choreography and intricate staging left me absolutely speechless. Even if I was in a little pink tutu, I was transported to a world of pure imagination and magic.

Later that evening, I took in the energy of Times Square, a place where everyone shines and anything feels possible. You know, in a place like this, the magic of ballet seems to shine even brighter, even when a fellow passerby glances at you in your pink tutu with a quizzical look!

Thursday: Discovering the Heart of Brooklyn 🌳

One of my absolute favourite things about New York is the feeling of constant discovery. Today, I set off on a quest to explore Brooklyn, a vibrant and artistic neighbourhood with a charm that can't be beat!

As I wandered through the quaint streets, I found myself drawn to a charming little vintage shop overflowing with dazzling, pink delights. Imagine my joy when I discovered a glorious pink feather boa with the most amazing colour that I simply couldn't resist! (And of course, it perfectly complimented my pink polka-dot skirt - my newest favourite for those New York adventures).

And, let’s not forget the delicious pizza! The flavours and textures of Brooklyn's local pizza were truly out of this world. I wouldn't be surprised if I was still dreaming of it tonight!

Friday: Finding the Best Broadway Boutiques 🛍️

Oh, my darling fashionistas! This city has simply blown me away with its fashion scene!

It all began in Soho. It’s the kind of place where you can find the most amazing independent designers, charming vintage stores, and simply beautiful creations. After browsing several fantastic boutiques, I found the most gorgeous pink lace top that would be absolutely perfect for my upcoming recital back home. And just imagine how stunning it would look with a tutu, yes?

You might be thinking that a pink tutu could seem a little out of place among the busy shoppers and street performers on the cobblestone streets. But let me tell you, darling, I truly believe a splash of pink can brighten even the dullest day and add a touch of fun to every ensemble. And that's the power of pink, darling, a colour that can light up the city with its happy glow.

Saturday: A Ballet Ballad in Central Park 🍂🍁

It's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the city, so a day out in Central Park is essential.

I packed a picnic lunch, put on my favourite tutu and settled down under the dappled shade of a magnificent oak tree. The park was bursting with life: children giggling on the playground, couples strolling hand in hand, dogs running with abandon, and joggers pushing past with purpose.

Of course, I couldn't resist the urge to twirl a little ballet for everyone! I believe you can always find time for a little grace, even in a city full of excitement and motion. Central Park offered the perfect stage for a ballet ballet-lover like me to embrace the freedom and grace of dance.

It’s moments like these, in the middle of Central Park, where my heart swells with inspiration. Here, amongst the green grass and the towering trees, amidst the happy faces and sounds of life, I realize that beauty can be found everywhere. It's about embracing life, and living it with passion and a twinkle in your eye, and why not? Especially in your own gorgeous, pink tutu!

Sunday: Exploring a Hidden Treasure

New York, I am realizing, is full of hidden gems just waiting to be discovered.

And what’s better than spending a sunny Sunday discovering these charming nooks? After all, nothing quite beats exploring a hidden library, a quirky little gallery, or a bustling flea market to uncover unique finds and vibrant stories.

I discovered a charming little tea room, nestled away on a cobbled street, that was simply divine. With its delicate china teacups, warm scones and pot of steaming hot tea, it was like stepping back in time to a more leisurely era. I imagined myself twirling through a dance while I sipped my tea, lost in a world of graceful elegance.

In a world that can be so fast-paced, it’s wonderful to take time to appreciate the simple pleasures. It’s not just the shopping sprees or Broadway shows. The city holds secrets in its little streets, just waiting for you to uncover.

Monday: Back to Reality… and New York City Ballet!

After a whirlwind of a weekend, it’s time for another magical ballet show. The City Ballet has been calling my name, and there's no better way to round off a fantastic week.

This week’s performance, ‘The Nutcracker’, was captivating from beginning to end. The breathtaking costumes, charming choreography, and stunning sets simply stole my heart. I was totally captivated. I found myself laughing with joy and teary-eyed with emotion. It reminded me of the magic and power of art, and the pure delight that comes from sharing an experience that touches the soul.

There's something magical about witnessing a ballet production in a beautiful theatre. It's a perfect combination of artistic beauty, music and performance that truly transports you. I can’t wait to come back for more.

My Farewell (For Now!)

Well, dear readers, that’s it for my week in the Big Apple. It was full of beautiful moments, sparkling performances, exciting adventures and vibrant discovery, and every single minute, of course, in my signature pink tutu!

I'm going to leave you with some final words: Never underestimate the power of pink! And always, always, twirl with passion! ✨

Join me again next Monday as I continue my adventures. I'll be bringing you all the latest updates and inspiration on the Pink Tutu Blog. Until then, take care and stay fashionable.

Love, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-11-15 she danced in New York City