New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-03-27 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City Edition - Post #251 - 27th March 2000

A whirlwind of pink in the Big Apple!

Hello my darling dears, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog, where we're embracing all things sparkly and fabulously feminine. Today I'm writing to you live from New York City! It's the city that never sleeps, and neither do I, when there's a chance to explore all its theatrical and fashion wonders.

You know I've been working tirelessly to make pink tutus a global phenomenon, and this week, I've had the absolute pleasure of spreading the message across the pond! As many of you know, my adventures are always funded by my love for performing. From ballet recitals to charity galas, my twirls and pirouettes pay for my escapades and, let me tell you, they're worth every single one. This trip wouldn't have been possible without my fantastic performances in Derbyshire – I just know my family and friends are proud!

My Tutu Travels in the City That Never Sleeps

Arriving in New York, I couldn't wait to explore. My trusty pink suitcase, overflowing with every tulle and lace confection I could find, was ready for a grand unveiling. You know I can't resist a good bargain, so I headed straight for the famous vintage stores in Greenwich Village. My new pink polka-dot tutu is already getting me noticed – a gentleman on the subway even called me "a breath of fresh air." Honestly, a tutu really can brighten anyone's day!

Now, you know I'm a girl who loves to experience all that New York has to offer, so it wasn't long before I was deep in the heart of Broadway, my eyes wide with wonder. We all know New York is synonymous with musicals, so naturally, I saw a few. I won't give away the specifics (don't worry, you can always check my Instagram!) but the costumes were utterly spectacular and gave me inspiration for my next tutus.

Speaking of spectacular, I had a once-in-a-lifetime experience at the New York City Ballet. It's the Mecca of dance! The whole theatre was buzzing with anticipation. The dancers, oh my goodness, they were ethereal, gliding through the air as if they were weightless. Watching the performance in that grand hall, amidst all that elegance and grandeur, just blew me away. I swear, it made me want to take a class myself!

Fashion Adventures and a Taste of New York

Of course, no trip to New York is complete without indulging in the deliciousness of it all. The bagels are truly phenomenal! I devoured a towering stack at a little corner bakery, its fluffy crust and fresh cream cheese simply divine. I can't forget the perfect slice of cheesecake at Junior's – I must admit, it might just have been the best I've ever had!

For a girly-girl like me, exploring the high fashion boutiques on Fifth Avenue is a must. The window displays were incredible, full of colourful, eye-catching pieces. Even if my pocketbook couldn't accommodate a Dior dress (oh to be rich and fabulous!), I still had a fabulous time just admiring the craftsmanship.

And as any self-respecting fashionista knows, a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art was a must! It's a treasure trove of fashion history, a beautiful reminder of just how far the art of fashion has come. The collection of costumes from Broadway musicals truly inspired me to think of ways to push the boundaries of pink and tulle in my own wardrobe.

Spreading the Pink Tutu Gospel

To be honest, my pink tutu has caused quite a stir throughout the city. From the moment I stepped out of my hotel, I was bombarded with questions, requests for photographs, and curious glances. It turns out, everyone in New York has a unique sense of style, and they are absolutely open to a touch of tulle in their lives. I even convinced a few people to try on a tutu (yes, the ones I brought with me!).

One elderly gentleman I met in Central Park – let’s call him Charles – he just beamed when I offered him a bright pink tutu. His eyes lit up, he did a little twirl (sort of) and declared it “a joyful thing!” Charles’s story reminded me that spreading joy is at the heart of this adventure – it’s all about letting go of inhibitions and just having fun with fashion!

Time for a Twirl and a Snuggle!

As the sun set on another day in New York, I retreated to my cosy little hotel room, its soft glow and charming ambiance a perfect haven after all the exciting activities. It’s always so wonderful to slip back into my trusty pyjamas, and feel my muscles relax after a long day of exploring.

Tomorrow, I’m heading out to the heart of the Upper East Side, where the most prestigious fashion houses reside. Who knows what glamorous wonders I’ll discover! Maybe even a little pink couture treat?

Remember, dear readers, never be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone! Take a leap of faith, embrace a touch of pink and tulle, and watch the world blossom around you. Stay tuned for next week’s blog – it’s going to be a dazzling pink escapade!

Lots of love and sparkly hugs,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-03-27 she danced in New York City