New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-04-10 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #253 – New York, New York!

Monday, 10th April 2000

Hello lovelies! Welcome back to the Pink Tutu Blog NYC, your weekly dose of pink-tastic adventures from the city that never sleeps! I'm Emma, your tutu-clad guide to all things glamorous and girly in New York City.

As you know, I'm absolutely obsessed with pink and tutus. The colour just brings me so much joy and the fluffy twirls are just so much fun! And there's nowhere better than New York City to embrace my passion! The city is bursting with vibrant energy, a million places to explore, and a love of all things fashionable.

Today's post is extra special, darlings! You see, I'm absolutely living the dream, right here in the heart of the Big Apple! The city's magic has truly captured my heart and soul. This week's adventures include everything I love: ballet, shopping, shows… oh, and of course, a dash of that iconic New York City energy!

So, let me whisk you away on a whirl-wind tour of my weekend, narrated in all the sparkling detail only a pink tutu wearer could provide!

From Derbyshire to Broadway: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage

Last Monday, I found myself trading my familiar Derbyshire landscapes for the iconic skyline of Manhattan. I'm so incredibly grateful that my ballet performances have enabled me to pursue my dream of living in New York for a little while. I mean, just think, a little girl from a quaint Derbyshire village… dancing on Broadway! It feels absolutely magical, and let me tell you, the magic here is just as tangible as the bustling streets below!

The moment I stepped off the metro into the heart of Manhattan, I could feel my heart thrumming with excitement! The city greeted me with a joyous symphony of honking taxis, a chorus of street performers, and that signature New York buzz. It was incredible.

My very first act, as soon as I got settled into my new apartment? Donning my most flamboyant pink tutu, of course! It's a must when you're stepping into a new city – a way to announce my presence, to make a statement, to celebrate! And let me tell you, New York is a city that loves a statement!

Taking in the Shows: The Majesty of The Nutcracker

My first few days were dedicated to fully immersing myself in New York's cultural offerings. After all, what’s a trip to New York without experiencing the magic of Broadway? I headed straight to the legendary New York City Ballet for a magical evening performance of The Nutcracker. Oh, my! I felt like a child again, enchanted by the spectacle of it all!

It was absolutely breathtaking. The sets, the costumes, the dancers – they were all just flawless! I felt such a strong sense of community amongst the audience. It was magical!

The iconic Tchaikovsky music resonated within me, reminding me why I love ballet so much. Each pirouette, each grand jeté, spoke a language I understood with every fibre of my being.

And let’s not forget about the incredible tutus! Those beautiful swirling layers of fabric in all sorts of colors, it truly was a spectacle to behold. But let’s be honest, none quite compare to the fabulousness of my own, perfectly pink creations.

I took a deep breath, taking it all in. This was a night I would never forget. New York had already captivated my senses, and my pink tutu, it seems, was just the thing to catch everyone's attention in this city.

The Ballet Dream

Every dancer, I'm sure, dreams of being on that Broadway stage. I've dreamt about this for years and years! After my mesmerising evening at the New York City Ballet, I just knew I had to see some ballet classes!

A good friend from Derby – she’s been living in New York for years, actually – told me all about this incredible class at the renowned Steps on Broadway studio. Now, I have to admit, it wasn’t all graceful pirouettes. In fact, I felt a little clumsy and a little overwhelmed at first, surrounded by all these amazing dancers. There were a lot of “en pointes” going on! But that didn't stop me!

I worked up a good sweat (don’t worry, I didn't mess up my perfect pink tutu!), but I’ve already signed up for next week's class, even though I’ll be back in the UK! And you know what? It made me realise, no matter what, I’ll never stop learning, never stop pushing myself. It’s like the teachers there always said, ”Even the greatest dancers began as beginners.”

The Power of Fashion in New York

Now, no trip to New York would be complete without indulging in its vibrant fashion scene, right? It was time for me to put my pink tutu knowledge to the ultimate test - exploring the city’s fashion scene!

I made my way to the chic boutiques of Soho, where my pink tutu caused a little stir (of course!), and stumbled across a delightful boutique called ‘Pretty in Pink’. Can you guess my reaction? This store was filled with fabulous items – oh, the clothes, the shoes, the accessories – all my favourite pink tones and sparkly textures.

You bet I stocked up on a new wardrobe, because, darling, even my tutu needs some new accessories to match!

Oh, and I just had to visit that iconic Saks Fifth Avenue, for that truly luxurious New York experience! But let me tell you, walking down the Avenue, it’s the street style that really steals the show. The chic New Yorkers – I swear they make even wearing a tutu feel stylish! And let’s not forget the shops, every one filled with unique and gorgeous finds, from statement shoes to elaborate hats.

Taking to the Subway

Of course, navigating the city wouldn't be possible without its infamous underground system, the NYC subway! I swear, there’s a special art form to riding the New York subway in a pink tutu! Just a little bit of planning (like wearing the right type of tutu – think lightweight for ease of travel!), and then embrace the energy! I do have to say, though, the sheer variety of characters I met on the subway made the experience an absolute delight. Every day, you'd see the coolest looks - I’m sure you all know the one. The “I’m-going-to-the-office-in-this” oversized glasses with bright orange tights outfit, I was like, “Ok, you got my attention!”. But of course, nothing could beat my pink tutu for stopping people in their tracks. I actually made some wonderful friends this way – fellow tutu-lovers who just couldn’t resist starting a conversation!

So, you see, New York really does live up to its name as the city that never sleeps, darling. From bustling Broadway shows to hidden gem boutiques and the vibrant energy of the subway, this city has stolen a piece of my heart.

I feel truly lucky to experience the beauty of New York City. I hope I’ve captured even a tiny fraction of that special pink-tutu magic. Next week, I'll be sharing more about my exciting plans for exploring this fantastic city. You don't want to miss it!

Don't forget to check out my website and join me in making the world a more fabulous place! Until next Monday, stay bright and fabulous!


Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-04-10 she danced in New York City