New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-07-10 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 266: New York City, July 10th, 2000

Hello, darling dears! It's your favourite tutu-wearing blogger, Emma, back from the Big Apple, and oh my, what a week it's been! I can't even begin to tell you about the fabulous sights, the exquisite shopping sprees, and the magnificent ballet performances that have filled my days in New York City. This truly is a city that never sleeps - and neither do I, as I flit between glittering dance studios, bustling department stores, and enchanting Broadway stages.

Now, as I sit here sipping on my raspberry tea at the charming café near my little apartment in Greenwich Village, the sound of the city thrumming just outside my window, I can't help but think of the beautiful week I've had. It all started, of course, with the joyous trip over on the trusty Queen Mary 2. There's something about the feeling of crossing the ocean, leaving the shores of dear old Blighty, and landing in a land of opportunity, that fills my heart with an inexplicable joy. The air on the other side is somehow different, electrifying. It’s like stepping onto the stage itself, just waiting to take centre stage in the greatest show on earth.

And, I must tell you, the New York metro, even with all the noise and the throngs of people, is absolutely fabulous! A journey to the top of the city in a brightly lit, speedy carriage, while all the exciting destinations whizz past my window, truly makes me feel like I'm travelling to a wonderland of possibility. I can already see myself twirling in the parks, exploring museums in my best pink tulle skirt, and stepping out for glamorous nights at the theatre - a true ballerina's dream come true!

New York, New York - What a Sight to Behold!

My arrival in New York coincided with a scorching hot day, which was the perfect weather for me to don a beautiful pastel pink tulle skirt, complete with a delightful polka dot print, and strut around Central Park like a ballerina enjoying a leisurely promenade. The trees cast delightful shade, the air was filled with laughter, and the scent of hotdogs wafting from vendors nearby made my stomach rumble. I grabbed a delicious hotdog (a real American classic!), watched a busker play his accordion with passion, and enjoyed the sunshine streaming on my face, letting the spirit of this extraordinary city wash over me.

In the evenings, it was all about immersing myself in the captivating Broadway performances. Firstly, a trip to see “The Phantom of the Opera”. Oh, the haunting melodies, the magnificent costumes, the awe-inspiring staging, it was a real treat for my ballerina soul! There was even a charming dancer who reminded me of myself with her captivating performance - just a little less pink tulle and a bit more dark eyeliner.

And of course, a visit to New York would not be complete without catching the grand "Swan Lake" at the Metropolitan Opera House. Imagine! Swans soaring across the stage, gracefully moving their graceful wings - just like ballerinas on point! The ballet transported me to a world of dreams and fairy tales, with its opulent set, incredible choreography, and the ethereal movements of the dancers. Every pirouette, every plié, every graceful jump felt like an ode to my passion for dance, and it reminded me just why I love performing myself.

Shopping - Oh, My Darling, Shopping!

As if the theatre and the ballets weren't enough, there's also the magical shopping scene! In my world, you can never have too much pink tulle, darling. So, naturally, my itinerary included some major shopping therapy. From the famous department stores like Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, and Saks Fifth Avenue, to the chic boutiques of SoHo and Greenwich Village, I simply had to see everything! A delightful discovery in my explorations was this quaint vintage clothing shop called “Secondhand Chic” – imagine a little shop packed to the rafters with fabulous dresses and accessories – everything with a dash of retro charm, which naturally included a few beautiful vintage pink tulle tutus that I just had to take home with me!

Speaking of tulle, the biggest discovery of my shopping adventure was in a delightful little boutique nestled in the cobbled backstreets of Soho. There, on a rack in a corner, hanging like a dazzling pink dream, was a glorious tulle tutu, so full, so perfectly crafted, so gloriously pink. This wasn't your standard, everyday pink, dear readers - this was the most divine shade of rose quartz pink, shimmering and whispering "Take me home."

The store owner, a charming gentleman with a twinkle in his eye, explained to me that it was a one-of-a-kind piece from a very talented designer - I can't reveal the name, it's a little secret! And let me tell you, he wasn't wrong - it was as if it was made just for me, with a delicate lace trim and shimmering pink sequins adorning every layer of the voluminous skirt. The perfect tutu to grace my presence at the very grand ball that was happening that night at the Plaza Hotel. Oh, darling, this is where the story gets truly sensational!

Ballroom Dreams and Midnight Memories

I found a charming little hat shop a few blocks away, where I picked up the perfect pink feathered fascinator, all ready for a touch of sparkle at the ball. After I’d spent an afternoon in the apartment getting ready, applying makeup and polishing my ballet shoes – pink, of course – I made my way to the Plaza Hotel, ready for an evening of waltzing, socializing, and perhaps, a little twirling in my brand-new, exquisite pink tutu.

I cannot describe the enchantment of walking through the grand entrance of that magnificent hotel, past towering marble columns, and onto the ballroom floor. It felt like stepping into a time machine, taking me back to the glittering era of the great flapper dances and the ballroom scene of classic films! The music, an orchestra playing the sweetest waltz I’d ever heard, instantly whisked me away on a dance floor filled with glamorous people, all wearing the most incredible dresses and sparkling jewels.

The grand ball, in fact, was celebrating a charitable foundation for arts and ballet. And it was simply the most enchanting night I could imagine, dancing with a group of incredibly charming men, who, it must be said, were quite smitten with a pink-clad ballerina like myself! And let me tell you, there's nothing quite as wonderful as making the ballroom floor my own, swirling and spinning under the chandeliers, while the world around us faded away, leaving only the intoxicating sound of the music, the light reflecting off the crystals of my dazzling shoes, and the warmth of those enchanting waltz steps.

Tutu Time! And a Glimpse of the Future

But the magic didn't end with the ball! The next day, as I ambled along a quiet, leafy street near my apartment, I saw something extraordinary - a little girl wearing a vibrant pink tutu, twirling happily as she bounced down the pavement! And in that moment, I had the most wonderful realization: even in the concrete jungle of New York, a touch of pink tulle can brighten the world.

I know my dreams, my obsession, and my vision for the world is a little crazy – making everyone wear pink tulle! – but then, why not? This is the city that dreamed up Times Square, and skyscrapers that touch the clouds – why not imagine everyone dancing around in a whimsical cloud of pink, too? I just know I’m onto something!

New York has ignited a spark within me, and I'm so excited about the incredible journeys ahead. Who knows, maybe, someday soon, everyone will be wearing pink tutus, and the world will become one big, beautiful dance floor, filled with laughter, light, and a whole lot of pink. And who knows? Maybe I'll even become a fixture in New York City, where my ballerina story, full of bright tutus and a whole lot of glittery fun, will continue to unfold.

Stay tuned, dear readers, for next week’s adventure – maybe I’ll finally be ready to tackle Broadway, maybe I'll get to teach ballet in the park! The possibilities are truly endless! Don’t forget to visit and keep on dreaming, darling!

Yours in Pink Tulle,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-07-10 she danced in New York City