New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-07-24 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #268 - Monday 2000-07-24 - Dancing in the Big Apple

Hello my dearest readers, and welcome back to another week of Pink Tutu adventures! Today I’m bursting with excitement because…drumroll…I'm in New York City! My dancing feet have taken me across the pond to the city that never sleeps, and believe me, they’ve been kept busy since I arrived.

This magical city is simply brimming with possibilities and I'm absolutely smitten. It's like a kaleidoscope of colours and sounds and smells, a symphony for the senses! I feel like a little ballerina doll spun into a dazzling fairy tale, twirling and prancing my way through the streets. Oh, and did I mention that New York is just utterly fabulous for shopping? squeals with delight

But before we delve into my New York escapades, let me tell you a little about my journey over. As always, I travelled on the most glamorous means of transportation imaginable - the metro, of course! It’s simply my favourite way to travel - I can people-watch to my heart's content and admire the fashion. And yes, I wore my pink tutu on the journey. As always, I couldn't resist twirling as the train whizzed through the stations - a bit of a show for my fellow travellers, I’m sure!

Now, you might be wondering, what took me to New York? Well, besides the obvious: New York City is utterly fabulous, duh!, my visit was prompted by an incredible opportunity - a showcase for some emerging talent at the Broadway Dance Center. I was invited to perform with a small ensemble, showcasing some fresh and exciting pieces. Talk about a dream come true!

As a young ballerina, performing on stage is my absolute passion, but the opportunity to perform in a place as legendary as New York is beyond my wildest dreams! I even performed in a glorious pink tutu, specially designed for this performance! (The fabulous designer actually sent me this outfit to wear when I received my invitation.) I felt like a princess in a fairy tale, and everyone absolutely loved it!

Of course, no trip to New York City would be complete without a visit to a real Broadway show. The iconic lights of the Great White Way are a sight to behold. This evening, I am absolutely delighted to be seeing "A Chorus Line", one of the most iconic Broadway shows. I am so excited!

And speaking of exciting... you know how much I adore seeing other shows besides ballet, and you can guess where my adventures have led me… The Met! Imagine, the iconic Metropolitan Opera, a symbol of culture and artistry. Of course, I’m attending a fabulous show - "Die Fledermaus". The beauty, the costumes, the singing – pure perfection!

The first thing I noticed at The Met is the grand elegance. The grandeur, the beautiful art everywhere, the elegant crowds. And the dress code! Oh, the dress code… the Met definitely lives up to its reputation!

And as if that wasn't enough to get my pink-loving heart palpitating, I managed to score some of the most exquisite fashion treasures during a spree on Fifth Avenue! My shopping bag is overflowing with shimmering new shoes, oh-so-trendy clothing, and the cutest accessories – I can hardly wait to show you all on my next blog post!

And if all of this hasn't exhausted me, I have already planned some exciting events! I’m going to attend a modern dance performance in the Brooklyn Arts Exchange and spend the day exploring the artistic corners of SoHo. And you can bet I’m wearing my favourite pink tutu!

So, my dear readers, New York is truly the city that never sleeps! It's vibrant and pulsating, a melting pot of cultures and artistic expression, where anything is possible if you just have the courage to dream it! I'm absolutely enthralled by it all, and I can't wait to see what adventures await me tomorrow.

And, just like I’m sure you are, I'm so glad that my dreams have led me here, and that my journey to share my passion for dance with you continues. After all, what's life without a little sparkle and a bit of twirling in your own pink tutu!

Remember to keep sharing your ballet adventures with me, whether you're at a class, at a show, or simply enjoying a beautiful sunny afternoon. And never forget, always have the courage to twirl and let your light shine!

With much love and lots of twirling,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-07-24 she danced in New York City