New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-07-31 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-07-31 - A Tutu-ful Time in the Big Apple!

Hello my darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, back from a whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple! This week's #PinkTutuBlogNYC is a little different. You know how much I adore the glamour of the stage, the elegant costumes, and the breathtaking performances. Well, this time, I was on the stage myself, performing for a fabulously supportive crowd in a beautiful New York City theatre. This is post number 269 from the city that never sleeps, and I've never been more thrilled with the energy, the magic, and the sheer joyous chaos of it all!

The Long and Winding Road to New York

If you're new to my little blog (and a warm welcome to you if you are!), you may not know that I’ve got a little secret – my travel adventures are funded by the joy of dancing. From Derbyshire to Paris, to London, Rome and now New York, it’s my performances that help me create my very own fairy tale life! I often say that I’ve exchanged the dusty English countryside for a pink tutu, some glitter, and the exciting adventure of the unknown. This week was no exception!

You see, this weekend I travelled to New York, not to see a show, but to perform in one! Imagine me, spinning, leaping, and twirling on a stage that’s a dream for any ballerina! It wasn't a Broadway show – although let’s just say I've got my eye on that – but it was a beautiful theatre with a fantastic energy, an audience that clapped for every step, and, oh, that spotlight, shining brighter than anything I could have imagined! The feeling of connection, the joy of movement, and the energy of being on stage in this city is an experience that's … well, impossible to put into words!

Travel Adventures – And a Touch of Pink, Naturally!

As always, my journey started at the station. A whizz down the tube line, all bright lights, a delicious mix of fragrances and an excited murmur of conversation. I can’t imagine life without a good ol' train journey. I even met a sweet lady who told me her little granddaughter adored my blog, which made me truly beam! A big part of being a #PinkTutuBlogger is finding those tiny, unexpected connections – whether it’s a lady in a park, or a fellow passenger, spreading a bit of pink magic around!

The first thing you’ll want to know is - did I wear my favourite pink tutu in New York? Why of course! It had to travel from England and make a glamorous entrance in this fabulous city! I even had my travel companions this time – a gorgeous pair of new bright pink heels and a chic, satin pink evening bag! Pink never fails to elevate a moment, you know. I felt like a modern day fairytale princess!

The Thrill of The Show!

And now, for the highlight of this whole journey – my show! You’ve gotta love how much my little pink tutu brings people together – I got some of the most beautiful comments about how it brought such a happy glow to the stage! There were little girls dressed in pink twirling around the stage with me in the interval, and, as usual, the older dancers were just so generous and encouraging! This performance wasn’t just a career milestone – it was an amazing journey, filled with lovely encounters and the kind of joy you can only experience through a shared passion for dance. It’s so beautiful to be part of such a warm and supportive community – something I can always count on!

Taking In the Sights of NYC

Being a ballet dancer, I love nothing more than watching world-class performances. New York is absolutely brimming with them. After the show, I wandered the streets for hours – mesmerized by the incredible architecture and the way this city comes alive after dark. There was even a delightful little bakery that I couldn’t resist visiting for a quick croissant and a cuppa! As a fellow baker and gourmand, a little French touch makes a huge difference.

Of course, my New York visit wouldn’t be complete without a little shopping spree. The sheer array of styles and fabrics, the vibrant shops overflowing with every colour and design – oh my! I simply had to buy a few things for myself – a beautiful pink lace scarf (you know I’m obsessed with lace!), and a charming pair of pale pink earrings that make me think of dainty fairy lights. But it wasn’t just about pink for me – there was so much colour, inspiration, and glamour around every corner! I really did find myself feeling more like a real-life fashion fairy!

Onward and Upwards

As much as I’ve adored this trip to the Big Apple, it's time to get back to the rhythm of life and the endless flow of my journey. The dance world awaits. The next exciting ballet show will be announced soon, and it is all I am thinking about! I’m just delighted to be back home and back to all things ballet. The best way to kick off the week? A little pirouette in my beloved pink tutu, of course!

And I can’t wait to share another magical travel story with you. Join me again next Monday – you can catch my #PinkTutuBlogNYC every week on Until then, go forth and spread a bit of pink magic.

Lots of love,
Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-07-31 she danced in New York City