New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-11-06 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 283: A Whirlwind in the Big Apple!

Monday, 6th November, 2000

Good morning, darlings! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind week in the Big Apple and buzzing with excitement, just like my sparkly pink tutu! 😉 This is post number 283 on my NYC blog, and trust me, I've got plenty to share from my trip.

Now, let me paint a picture: the bright lights of Times Square, the bustling crowds of Fifth Avenue, the sheer magic of Broadway, and of course, the endless opportunities for ballet and fashion in this phenomenal city! From the moment I arrived, I felt like I'd stepped into a fairy tale, only this one was filled with skyscrapers, steaming hotdogs, and the most exquisite collection of pink tutus you've ever seen (that's right, my darlings, even New York City can't resist the charm of a pink tutu)!

But before I dive into all the delicious details of my trip, let me tell you a little about the fabulous funding behind it. As you all know, I’m an avid ballerina and dancer, and I have the most incredible, generous, and supportive patrons. They believe in the pink tutu movement as much as I do, and I'm so grateful for the opportunities they give me to perform in stunning productions across the country. This week, my ballet performance at a prestigious venue in London raised enough funds to take me to New York City. Now, isn't that wonderful?

Speaking of wonderful, imagine stepping off the train from Heathrow, clutching my favourite pink tutu bag (naturally, it’s adorned with delicate ballet shoes and feathers!) and taking my first whiff of the crisp New York air. The city immediately captivated me. My arrival coincided with a glorious autumn, with leaves turning from the deepest emerald to shades of fiery crimson and golden ochre. It was truly breathtaking.

As a born and bred Derbyshire girl, New York City, with its endless concrete jungle, towering skyscrapers, and sheer ambition, feels like another planet. But despite the differences, it’s a place that holds a certain magic, a vibrant energy that’s utterly infectious. From the moment I stepped into the taxi, I felt a thrill coursing through me – a feeling that’s akin to the first pirouette of a well-rehearsed piece. It was pure magic!

A Parisian Flair with a New York Twist

Of course, my first stop was to find the perfect pink tutu for this particular trip! You see, I believe that each adventure deserves its own special pink tutu. They're my lucky charms, my fashion statements, and my way of saying “hello” to the world in a way that's both playful and sophisticated. I found a gorgeous new creation at a hidden little boutique on Fifth Avenue. It's a stunning confection, you see, made with delicate pink tulle, topped with silver sequins and a few feather boas for that extra touch of flair. It reminded me of a ballerina who's just stepped out of a Parisian salon, but with a distinctly New York swagger. I immediately fell in love!

Taking in the Cultural Buzz of Broadway

With my new pink tutu shimmering in my suitcase, I was ready to explore the city that never sleeps. I began my adventures by experiencing the true heart and soul of New York: Broadway. Let me tell you, nothing compares to the electrifying energy of Broadway. I managed to snag tickets for a dazzling revival of "West Side Story" which took my breath away. The choreography was simply stunning - every move, every twirl, and every pirouette felt so perfectly synchronized, so passionate, and so intensely alive. It was the perfect way to start my New York City journey!

And talking about my journey, wouldn't you know it, but my little trip coincided with the New York Marathon! As I was heading to the subway for a well-deserved post-theatre hotdog (peppered and cheesy, of course!), I saw thousands of people, all shapes and sizes, in colorful running gear. The air crackled with energy and excitement as the marathon runners pounded the pavements, pushing themselves to the limits. It was a sight to behold, an embodiment of that unstoppable New York spirit that everyone talks about. I found myself cheering them on, feeling a surge of motivation and admiration for their determination and strength.

Exploring Fashion in the Heart of Manhattan

Now, no trip to New York City would be complete without a thorough exploration of its fabulous fashion scene, wouldn't you agree? My next day was all about indulging in the shopping paradise that is Manhattan! I visited some iconic boutiques and department stores that truly live up to their legendary reputation, including Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdale's, and even a little spree in Soho! My wallet cried a bit, but I found some gorgeous things that will make perfect outfits for my future pink tutu escapades. Imagine my delight when I found a stunning pink silk scarf to complete my Parisian-meets-New York look – I immediately imagined myself swirling and dancing across the cobblestones of the city with its dazzling light reflecting off my new scarf!

Dancing My Way Through the Subway System

You see, the wonderful thing about New York is its ease of getting around. With a swift, and sometimes slightly chaotic, journey on the Metro, you can effortlessly jump from one fabulous destination to the next. Each station with its colorful mosaic tiles and bustling energy offered its own unique perspective on the city. I felt an echo of my ballet studio within these underground marvels, with the rhythmic sound of the trains blending with the echoes of conversations. Every time I went down those shiny steps, I imagined it was the entrance to a mystical land where creativity and culture seamlessly merge!

My favourite station, though? The Grand Central Terminal. Imagine an art deco wonderland of grand vaulted ceilings, marble columns, and intricate carvings – a spectacularly ornate setting for one of the busiest train stations in the world. It felt like a glamorous scene straight out of the roaring twenties, with elegant passengers moving around with an air of confident sophistication. And did I tell you about the stunning pink clock? A pink clock! Can you even imagine? Talk about a symbol of how perfectly fashion, style, and art converge in New York City!

Sharing a Bite with the New York Elite

For dinner, I wanted to indulge in the city's famous cuisine. I opted for a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant overlooking Central Park. I must confess, I ordered an extra glass of Champagne (the pink variety, of course, a must!) and got into a wonderfully deep conversation with the most interesting people – a renowned designer, a broadway actress, and a charming young violinist. We laughed, shared stories, and talked about everything from the magic of the New York stage to the endless possibilities that await those who dare to dream.

It was as if we were all on a secret mission together: to use art and creativity to uplift the world, to spark joy, and to make everyone around us believe in the magic of their dreams. It’s a secret society I’m quite happy to be a part of! And for the next evening, I found the perfect location for my New York tutu-inspired ensemble - an outdoor fashion event called "Fashion Night Out”. This grand event was taking place in SoHo.

Pink Tutus in the Heart of Fashion Night Out

Fashion Night Out is a glamorous celebration of everything fashion and glamour. And let me tell you, the SoHo district transformed into a spectacular spectacle, filled with colourful displays, glittering fashion boutiques, and an exciting air of creative energy. The streets were buzzing with excitement, a joyous blend of style and creativity. As the city bathed in golden twilight, I embraced this fabulous occasion, joining other fashion enthusiasts. I twirled through the heart of the party, my pink tutu catching the city lights as I laughed, chatted with strangers, and soaked up the atmosphere.

Dancing My Way to a Serene Rooftop Sunset

One of my absolute highlights of the trip was finding a little oasis of peace in the bustling heart of New York. A hidden rooftop garden with panoramic views of the city – the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, and even a glimpse of the iconic Statue of Liberty – all twinkling like magical stars in the distance. As the sun began to dip behind the cityscape, painting the sky with breathtaking hues of orange and purple, I found myself standing on that rooftop, feeling both humbled and inspired.

This, my dear readers, is what truly makes New York City so unique – it is a place of endless possibilities, where vibrant creativity intertwines with unexpected peacefulness. It is a city where dreams are realised, and dreams become reality. It's a feeling I'll carry with me long after my pink tutu adventure in New York is over.

The Power of the Pink Tutu: Sharing the Love

Speaking of the pink tutu movement, my trip was even more special thanks to a lovely reader of my blog, whose name is, ironically enough, Penelope. She’s been following my adventures for quite a while and, you won't believe it, she’s actually an aspiring ballerina herself! I decided to surprise her with tickets for a special performance. She came backstage afterwards and we chatted for a bit, discussing everything from ballet classes to our favourite brands. It was absolutely wonderful meeting another pink tutu enthusiast! It reminds me, I must add that if you ever see me on my adventures I love meeting you in my tutu-licious pink ensemble, it's always an absolute delight!

New York City, as always, has filled my heart and spirit with magic and inspiration. But I always bring home the message that I've learned - if we have the courage to follow our dreams and sprinkle a little pink tutu magic wherever we go, there’s absolutely nothing we can't achieve.

Now, my dears, as the days get shorter, and the leaves begin to fall from the trees, I want you all to embrace your own pink tutu and chase your wildest dreams, with the grace of a ballerina, the joy of a child, and a hint of pink tutu magic!

I can't wait to share more of my adventures with you. Until next time, darlings, may your dreams twirl into reality.

Love always,


Pink Tutu Blog -

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-11-06 she danced in New York City