New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-11-13 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City - Monday 13th November, 2000 (Post #284)

Oh, New York! How I love thee!

This week, my pink tutu and I have been shimmying our way around the Big Apple, taking in all the sights, sounds and most importantly, the ballet that this magnificent city has to offer. This week, I even managed to snag some tickets to a performance of "The Nutcracker" at the Lincoln Center – let’s just say my heart did a triple pirouette! The music was sublime, the choreography exquisite, and the costumes were like something straight out of a dream. I swear, my own little pink tutu looked positively dull in comparison, but who needs to compete with those fantastical, elaborate creations?

And of course, I couldn't resist grabbing a few photos with some fellow tutu wearers - let's just say we all stood out amongst the hustle and bustle! Honestly, I think everyone could use a little bit of tutued joy in their life. Imagine the chaos if everyone walked around with a pink tulle delight! Imagine a city where a tutu isn't just for a performance, but for life! I'm working on it, my darlings, don't you worry! I’m starting in New York, but believe me, my tutu-fication mission won’t stop here! We will tutu the world! I can feel it.

Speaking of tutued joy, you guys have to come and check out the Metropolitan Opera House! It's truly a sight to behold - all marble and glamour and such a grand entrance. The architecture alone is worthy of a whole day of admiring! I had the most decadent chocolate cake in the tea room after. Pure, divine indulgence.

This city never sleeps, which is perfect for someone like me who lives and breathes for the stage. I mean, where else can you catch a Broadway show one night and be swept away by the grace of the New York City Ballet the next? This city offers an embarrassment of riches! I just have to squeeze in as many experiences as I possibly can! It’s tiring, I won’t lie, but totally worth it. I’m quite partial to their famous subway system, too. There is nothing more thrilling than shooting under the city in a high-speed, flashing underground chariot.

Shopping Spree!

It wouldn't be a proper New York adventure without a little bit of shopping! I've found some absolute gems on the streets here, perfect for any tutu-loving lady. You'll see pictures of my purchases later in the week! I even had a lovely, chatty lady at Saks 5th Avenue, who, when she saw my pink tutu, asked me how long it took me to train. Genuinely. Apparently, she had just finished learning her very first pirouette at the adult ballet class she goes to on Thursdays. I was ecstatic! That's right ladies, it’s never too late to take up ballet! The joy it brings is infectious!

I think I need another slice of that divine cake now. Just picture this… I’m perched on a velvet chair at the Metropolitan Opera House, sipping my tea, my tutu perfectly twirling in the sunlight streaming through the grand window. My dear reader, it is nothing less than heavenly.

Tutu Time!

There are just some places in the world where you can feel the rhythm of life pulsing through the pavements and in New York, you really can feel that heartbeat. Just try sitting in a park like Bryant Park at lunch time, amidst the busy office workers on their break, with their takeaway coffee cups and neatly-tied pinkies and try not to smile! You cannot! I know because I did, and the man opposite, he couldn’t resist it either, and a whole gaggle of strangers laughed and talked. That is New York City – strangers making each other laugh. That is truly something special.

This is life at its most exciting! I'm loving every minute of this experience.

Until next Monday, my lovelies, I leave you with the following quote,

“No matter how far we come, no matter how old we get, there’s a part of us that always wants to be a little bit like the person we were before. That little person inside us that believes in happily ever afters and dancing tutus. Let’s make life like that little bit of magic.”

Happy dancing and wear your pink tutus with pride. Oh, and have a smashing week, you gorgeous lot!

Emma x

PS - Make sure you check out to see my New York photo shoot. The most exciting shoot yet! I am looking to take some photographs of my next city escapade. Any suggestions? I’m really drawn to a country that has something akin to ballet dancing – I would be tempted by France, for instance. Maybe even Spain. It will need to be exciting. This blog has gone international – I’m getting calls from Russia now! That’s just fabulous!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-11-13 she danced in New York City