New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-12-04 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #287: Dancing Dreams in the City That Never Sleeps! 🩰✨

Helloooo darlings! It's Monday, and that means another installment of your favourite Pink Tutu Blog, direct from the fabulous city of New York!

As always, I'm so thrilled to be sharing my adventures with you lovely lot. And trust me, this week has been an absolute whirlwind of pink tutus, glittering lights, and incredible performances!

The Journey Begins

Now, as many of you know, I always start my New York adventures with a journey on the glorious metro. It's like a fashion parade down there, darling! From the coolest streetwear to the chicest suits, the subway never ceases to inspire. Of course, I made sure my pink tutu was on display for all to see - a touch of fairytale whimsy in a concrete jungle!

Ballet, Broadway & Everything in Between

This trip has been all about celebrating the magic of performance. My first stop was the iconic New York City Ballet, a treat for the eyes and ears. Those dancers were simply ethereal! I just love watching those graceful bodies in motion. It reminds me that magic truly can happen when we open our hearts and our minds to creativity.

Of course, a trip to the Big Apple wouldn't be complete without a visit to Broadway! The energy of a Broadway performance is simply unmatched. I'm not going to spoil the show I saw, but let's just say I was utterly enchanted by the talent, the story, and the spectacle. I'm actually feeling inspired to put together a pink tutu outfit for my next performance, inspired by the stunning costumes of the Broadway production!

Shop, Shop, Shop

Now, after all that excitement, every girl needs a little retail therapy! My shopping spree this week was legendary, darling. You wouldn't believe the amazing finds I discovered. I picked up some gorgeous pink ballet shoes, perfect for my future performances. You see, in Derbyshire we have a local panto this Christmas, so my trusty pink tutu has already been pressed into service, and the shoes were the finishing touch!

And let's not forget those fabulous new pink sweaters. I found some incredible vintage gems, each one more beautiful than the last! The best bit was a tiny vintage boutique crammed with vintage pink goodness in Greenwich Village, a true fashion treasure trove. I'm thinking pink sweaters with my tutu? Could be just the thing!

Fashion and Friends

One of my favourite things about travelling is meeting fellow fashionistas from all walks of life. I bumped into a lovely bunch of tutu-loving ladies at a cafe, all inspired by my little blog. We spent hours chatting about everything from vintage finds to upcoming performances. It was lovely to connect with fellow fans of the pink tutu life, and I made some wonderful new friends, some even invited me to their dance class the next day!

Pink Power

This week has reaffirmed something very special for me: pink is always the answer. It’s all about embracing your inner joy, channeling your confidence, and celebrating the magic of life, all wrapped up in a pretty pink package.

And guess what? I spotted another pink tutu wearer on the subway this week. It’s the small victories that matter! Remember, dear readers, together we can make the world a more colourful and wonderful place. One pink tutu at a time. 😉

A Little Bit of Christmas Magic

This week's blog post felt like a touch of early Christmas cheer. I couldn’t help but feel filled with warmth and happiness after a long week exploring everything New York had to offer. If you happen to be in New York, make sure you get your holiday spirit on, indulge in some festive shopping, maybe see a show, or even wear your pink tutu on the subway. Because darling, it’s all about enjoying life!

Thank you for reading, and I'll catch you next Monday!


P.S. Don't forget to check out the latest Pink Tutu Fashion posts on We’re adding a whole new collection for winter, including festive sparkly pink tutus just perfect for your Christmas panto or holiday performances!

P.P.S. You can follow me on social media - find me on Instagram and TikTok @PinkTutuEmma! Let me know where your adventures take you!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-12-04 she danced in New York City