
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-11-27 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 286 - New York, New York! (Monday, 27th November 2000)

Darling readers,

Oh, it's simply divine to be back in the Big Apple! My travels this week took me to the heart of New York City, and let me tell you, this metropolis is bubbling over with energy and style.

Just picture me: arriving at JFK airport in a powder-pink tutu (of course!) and a chic black peacoat. I just knew it would make an impression. As I breezed through the terminal, a handsome young man complimented me on my tutu. We even had a delightful conversation about his favourite ballerina - he said he loves to see Mikhail Baryshnikov dance! We both agreed, there's nothing quite like a flawless performance in a grand ballet theatre.

I've been so busy since I arrived. Let's just say my to-do list is longer than a dancer's stretch. But don't worry, darlings, I'm going to share every dazzling detail with you!

New York Fashion Week:

Of course, a trip to New York would not be complete without experiencing the wonder that is New York Fashion Week! I was absolutely dazzled by the dazzling ensembles presented. I found myself mesmerized by the new collections featuring bold silhouettes and whimsical textures - just the kind of inspiration that fuels my own tutu obsession! My little heart skipped a beat for a sequined number in electric pink. You know what they say: the bolder, the better!

Subway Safari:

Oh, I adore the New York subway! Such a fascinating tapestry of humanity - the perfect place to people watch and get a real feel for the city. I took a delightful ride on the iconic subway to Broadway to catch the opening night of a musical. Imagine: a chorus line of pink-clad performers, swirling their skirts and tapping their toes to a cheerful Broadway melody! The applause was deafening, the costumes were fabulous, and the whole experience was nothing short of spectacular.

The City That Never Sleeps:

After the musical, I couldn't resist a wander through the glittering streets. I even squeezed in some window-shopping at Bergdorf Goodman. It's like a wonderland for fashionistas! I was mesmerized by a dazzling dress with a hundred little pink ruffles. Now wouldn't that look fabulous twirling on stage?! But I managed to exercise my willpower, as my purse strings wouldn't allow for an impromptu shopping spree this time.

The Magic of Ballet:

I'm not sure how much I can even gush about the New York City Ballet! Oh my, darling, the talent, the skill, the elegance! A magical evening of graceful leaps, ethereal pirouettes, and perfectly executed formations. Every single performance is a masterpiece. Even I, with my tutu-obsessed passion, can admit there is truly something breathtaking about seeing real ballet, a classical artform performed by talented artists.

Food Glorious Food:

No trip to New York is complete without a taste of its delicious delights! I had to try a New York cheesecake - it's an absolute dream! Of course, my sweet tooth couldn't resist a slice of classic red velvet cake. To my utter delight, the restaurant I went to even offered a special dessert of pink macarons. Now that's what I call a ballerina's dream!

My New York Secret:

A tip for my fellow fashion-forward travellers: I discovered a hidden gem in the Lower East Side. A small boutique tucked away in a quiet street, bursting with gorgeous tutus! From frilly lace to classic satin, this shop was tutu heaven. I bought a lovely blush-pink tutu, with delicate layers of tulle and a sparkling gold ribbon. It's going to make my next ballet class even more enchanting!

Pink Tutu Inspiration:

I know I can sound a bit, well, obsessed when it comes to tutus. But darling, it's a real passion! You wouldn't believe the looks I get from fellow passengers on the subway when I'm rocking my pink tutu. At first, they give me funny looks, but as soon as I get off the subway, their faces become illuminated. Everyone secretly loves tutus! It's a true fashion statement. Why not give it a try? Pink, of course! You can't go wrong.

Derbyshire Dreams:

I'll admit, there's a part of me that always misses my beautiful Derbyshire home. The rolling green hills and quaint country cottages are truly a sight to behold. I often feel the urge to break into a ballet routine right there on the Peak District - well, as long as I'm not wearing my pink tutu, that is! I'll admit it wouldn't quite blend in with the scenery. But the scenery always does give me ballet-inspired ideas for my next dance class!

The Pink Tutu Mission:

Darling readers, I promise you, my mission is to spread the pink tutu love around the world. It's a powerful symbol of grace, elegance, and, of course, sheer fashion fun! I've already seen its magical power, bringing smiles to the faces of strangers and sparking conversations about all things sparkly and wonderful. Every time I wear my tutu, I feel like I'm spreading a bit of sunshine and happiness into the world.

New York Farewell:

My darling, this beautiful city is calling my name. So, I bid you adieu, for now. But you can be sure, this won't be my last adventure in the Big Apple! I'll be back to discover more of its glittering charm and share it with you all.

Don't forget to follow me on www.pink-tutu.com for more exciting adventures from the tutu-wearing blogger on the go!

And, until next time, be sure to wear your pink tutu proudly and dance with all your heart.

Love and tutus,

Emma x

P.S. Did I tell you I have a big project in the works for Christmas? You might be seeing a whole lot more pink tutus come December. Let's just say Santa is about to get a fashionable upgrade!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-11-27 she danced in New York City