New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2001-09-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #328: A Whirlwind Week in the Big Apple!

Hello darlings!

It's Monday morning, the sun is shining through my little window in Brooklyn (yes, Brooklyn! More on that later), and the coffee is brewing - can you tell I'm already in a fab mood?

Today marks my third week in the greatest city in the world, New York City! The energy is just buzzing, and there's always something new and exciting around every corner.

This week's blog is all about what this sassy little pink tutu wearer has been up to in the city that never sleeps. Buckle up, because we're going for a spin!

A Little Bit of Derbyshire in the Big Apple

For those of you new to the blog, I'm Emma, a ballerina from Derbyshire. It's a lovely part of England - you might have heard of Chatsworth House and Bakewell tart. Anyway, I've always had a passion for performing, and my heart beats for tutus. And New York? It's been a dream of mine since I was little!

But don't worry, I'm not just here to frolic in pink tulle - I've been doing some serious ballet hustling, finding amazing shows, exploring the city's fashion scene, and making sure that pink tutu spirit is being spread far and wide!

Opening Night at the Met

This week was extra special because I had the honour of attending the opening night of the Metropolitan Opera's new season. It was magnifique! I'd managed to snag tickets to see “Der Rosenkavalier” – that's “The Knight of the Rose” for those not fluent in opera language!

You know me, I couldn't resist dressing up for the occasion. A classic pink tutu paired with a silky black blouse and some glittering shoes. Let’s just say, I was ready to dance in the aisles!

The Metropolitan Opera House is absolutely breathtaking, and I must admit, the show blew my mind. It was truly captivating. And of course, the music - it sent chills down my spine. Just divine!

Tutus & Treats in Chinatown

After the opera, I couldn't resist indulging in some Chinatown treats. It was a whirlwind tour of flavours, from sweet and savory dumplings to incredible roasted meats. I even managed to find a cute pink tutu shop! You bet I walked out with a few treasures, including a gorgeous pair of sparkly pink ballet shoes. Who needs diamonds when you can have sparkly pink shoes?

New York City's Ballet Mecca

But let's be honest, no trip to New York is complete without a visit to the legendary New York City Ballet. It's their fall season now, and I snagged a ticket to see "Swan Lake." I'd been waiting so long to see it performed here! And oh my, the dancers were phenomenal. The elegance, the strength, the pure grace – they just flowed effortlessly across the stage. I almost wished I had my own tutu on and could join in the fun!

Speaking of fun, I managed to sneak into the studio for a little backstage sneak peek - you'd think I was on the set of "Fame"! The energy is electric backstage at the NYCB. You can feel the dedication and passion every dancer possesses. I'm hoping one day I'll be lucky enough to share that stage. A girl can dream, right?

Pink Tutu Fashion Fix

Now, let's talk fashion! New York is a haven for shopaholics like me. I was drawn to this incredible vintage boutique in Greenwich Village called “Second Hand Muse”. You could find everything from classic designer dresses to the most unique pieces.

I managed to score this stunning 1960s-style dress, perfect for an evening out, and I just had to add some pink – a fabulous feathered boa that adds just a touch of whimsy to any outfit. And of course, no vintage shop trip is complete without a little something sparkly for my toes – I couldn’t resist a pair of rose-gold peep-toe heels.

A Bite of Broadway

And let's not forget Broadway! I went to see a classic – “Wicked,” the musical that takes you on a journey through the "Wizard of Oz" world, told from the perspective of the Wicked Witch of the West.

While it was not your typical ballet, I was blown away by the incredible costumes and the incredible energy of the whole production. There was a magic in the air that had me totally captivated! And if I'm being honest, the soundtrack got stuck in my head for the whole week - maybe it will inspire me for my next performance piece.

Riding the Rails in Style

The other thing I just have to tell you about – riding the New York City Metro in a pink tutu! That’s a whole experience in itself! Let’s just say that most people definitely look up twice when you go flashing your pink tutu through the station, especially on a packed Monday morning commute. But you know, it's all part of spreading that pink tutu spirit and maybe even bringing a smile to a tired commuter's face.

Finding My Brooklyn

I mentioned I was staying in Brooklyn – now, Brooklyn's the trendiest part of New York – so cool and creative. My little studio flat is overlooking a quaint little street, and every morning, I see families enjoying coffee outside cafes and local shops selling all kinds of beautiful, handcrafted treasures. It’s a wonderful feeling to wake up to the scent of freshly baked bread from the nearby bakery.

So, if you’re ever in the neighbourhood, look me up! Maybe we can go on a pink tutu shopping spree together or enjoy a slice of the famous New York-style pizza - just be warned, you’ll likely see a few surprised faces as we make our way to the table!

Next Week's Adventures

It's been a magical week in New York. I can’t wait for my next week, as there’s still so much I want to explore. I'm dreaming of visiting the Museum of Modern Art to find some inspiration for a future ballet routine, and maybe I'll even make a stop at a ballet street performance. What better way to see the city than through the eyes of street performers, showing off their talents.

Remember darlings, the most important thing is to spread the pink tutu love and let the joy of dance radiate through everything you do! And don't forget, life's a stage, so put on your pink tutu, step onto the world stage, and embrace the fabulous journey!

See you next week!

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2001-09-17 she danced in New York City