New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2001-09-10 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #327: A Spin Around the Big Apple!

Monday, 10th September 2001

Hello my darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado, back from a whirlwind week in the city that never sleeps: New York City! Now, I know what you're thinking, "Emma, haven't you just been to Paris?" But I just can't resist a good trip to the Big Apple. This time, I managed to sneak in a ballet show (don't tell my dance teacher - she thinks I should be focusing on perfecting my pirouettes!), and, of course, a spot of shopping, which is always a delightful part of my trip to the city.

So, let me fill you in on what I got up to in New York City, a place that truly makes me feel alive! My tutu flew into the city on a plane, of course. You've heard it before, darling, no tutu, no Emma. My dear friend, Annabelle, met me at the airport and helped me with my suitcases (because tutus are bulky, don't you know!)

My favourite part of any trip to New York has to be the journey from the airport. There's something quite magical about the air in New York City that makes it seem like anything could happen! I know it's the energy of a million different dreams clashing and collaborating - but when I hop off the airport train into the labyrinthine wonder of Grand Central Terminal, it's simply electrifying!

Annabelle helped me navigate the labyrinth of the subway to our favourite hotel, The Roosevelt. I absolutely adore the Roosevelt Hotel! It's always just so fabulous and has an air of vintage Hollywood glamour about it! I feel like I've stepped onto the set of a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers film, and I'm just ready to break out my twirls in the lobby! I may even be bold enough to start dancing on the way up the staircase... although maybe not; I do still need my limbs intact.

That afternoon, we strolled down Fifth Avenue. My tutu billowed beautifully in the light breeze. We made sure we did the customary tourist photos by the grand windows of Tiffany's and admired the elaborate facades of Saks and Bloomingdale's. Then, for a little afternoon tea break, we ducked into a sweet little place tucked away on a quiet side street. They had this gorgeous lavender teacake with a dainty pink icing! So utterly perfect.

It's been raining cats and dogs in New York! Not in a "oh dear" way though, more in a "I've got my boots and umbrella on and ready to strut my stuff" way! Yes, my lovelies, I did say struts! Even in a rainstorm, my tutu holds its own, and lets me do that famous Emma swagger!

The weather made me all the more keen to see "A Midsummer Night's Dream" on Broadway at the Cort Theater! The show itself is an absolute masterpiece - with the incredible, fantastical set design, beautiful costumes and the exquisite choreography, the actors are brilliant, of course. Honestly, it was absolutely sublime and had me grinning from ear to ear the entire show! I almost broke into a impromptu ballet in the lobby! Thankfully, my inner ballerina is well-trained and I managed to restrain myself!

But before we even reached the theater, I couldn't resist the lure of a delicious cheesecake! I do like to get in touch with my inner New Yorker by indulging in a bit of comfort food from time to time! Let me tell you, it was quite an adventure.

Our cheesecake hunt involved weaving our way through the bustle of Times Square, taking a walk through the quiet streets of Chelsea, a short metro trip down to Little Italy (which is not that little!) and ended up with us in a hidden gem of a café tucked away in the Village. It may sound strange, but this is exactly the kind of exploration I live for.


It’s raining again today! But I don’t care because my beautiful fuchsia polka dot rain coat is making quite an impression in New York City!

I spent the morning browsing around the shops along Madison Avenue. There was some incredible jewelry and gorgeous accessories that my inner style diva just had to have. However, my inner tutu-wearing girl took a firm stance and said that was all the ‘retail therapy’ she needed, or else my tutu-buying budget would be stretched thinner than the thread on my most favourite ballet shoes.

But that didn’t mean that we could not indulge in a little food shopping - I’m thinking a new favourite pink coffee mug from a quirky little shop on Canal Street – just think how fantastic the cappuccino will look when poured in! And of course, I need some chocolate too - something melt in the mouth delicious to keep me fuelled up for the adventures to come…

I'm also trying to make my own ballet company by encouraging everyone to try on a tutu and go for it. In case you're not familiar with my life’s work, this blog is not about promoting a love of ballet. It’s more than that. It’s about bringing some sparkle into your life with a pink tutu. I've seen what happens when people put on a tutu! It changes them! The shy ones become brave, the grumpy ones find a twinkle in their eye and everyone has a bit more pep in their step. Even if it's just to take a spin on a dance floor, the world needs a bit more tutu in its life!


It was a grey and cloudy day today. But the grey clouds only accentuated my pink! You know, in fashion, you just have to embrace it, right?! Today was a ‘culture day’ and we visited the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) for a dose of modern art! We took a walk through the halls and spent hours appreciating the bold strokes and interesting textures! Some of the works were really abstract, so I took my own ballet moves as my guide – I even took my favourite pose right in front of a Picasso. It had an unexpected effect on a family with a little boy - he ran over and tried to copy the pose with his dad - but it’s amazing how the most basic shapes in an artistic composition make everyone want to take to the dance floor!

In the afternoon, we had tea in Central Park! We braved the weather (despite my fabulous fuchsia rain coat, a little tutu-tastic umbrella would’ve been a good idea for today). It felt so relaxing after being in a world of big city sights, noises and shopping - It was truly one of my favourite days of this trip to New York City! I managed to make my way through some amazing New York cheesecake while sitting on a park bench. You have to do it once, just for the experience! And I really needed a second cup of tea! So my inner Englishwoman had to come out to play - and, even with the occasional squeaky rain drop falling from the clouds, it made me realize how much I adore New York. What a truly remarkable and stylish city it is!


We decided to brave the elements again and take a ride on a double-decker bus tour – it was raining again (well, drizzle) – and not a spot of sun in the sky! Oh well. I don’t care. Rain can’t dampen my pink tutu’s shine – in fact, it’s like a shimmering, rain-soaked jewel. It was the kind of day you can only experience in New York – drizzle, sunshine, towering buildings with all the noise and vibrant colours you could ever dream of. It made me feel incredibly small!

The rain let up by mid-afternoon, just in time for a lovely dinner in Little Italy – all that walking in the drizzle meant I’d earned my pizza, didn't I? But don't you worry darling, I saved room for tiramisu. The evening felt like one of those iconic Hollywood movies I used to love to watch as a child, and it's even more inspiring now!


It was so easy to fall asleep, thanks to that huge bowl of delicious, cheesy pasta! In fact, I did fall into the land of dreams - even when you know there is so much you can see and do in New York City. You might even say I felt quite serene - I know, an unusual feeling to have in such a big, busy city!

On Friday morning, Annabelle treated me to a delightful treat: brunch! We took our time in one of my favourite locations, the Bryant Park Grill. It’s in such a delightful spot – right by the park with beautiful greenery all around – the sun was finally out today! Even my favourite little, yellow taxi that pulled up right in front of the park felt perfect! Annabelle went for her usual favourite avocado on toast with poached eggs - and it took me a little while to get my head round an American breakfast. (So much more food than in England, where bacon and a couple of eggs was about the extent of breakfast, with perhaps toast to accompany them. Oh how the times they have a changed, I tell you!)

I just knew I couldn’t resist the American favourite, a stack of fluffy buttermilk pancakes (well, as long as there was maple syrup, and a few grilled strawberries to top them off, it felt like the perfect choice)!

We strolled around the city in the afternoon - Annabelle bought me a really fantastic new leather jacket and we browsed around the shops for more quirky gifts for the tutu fanatics back in Derbyshire (there is an insatiable need for all things tutu-related at home!)


Oh, my darling readers, Saturday started like the fairytale dream! First stop was a special brunch to celebrate Annabelle’s birthday – at our favourite little place on 1st Avenue! We drank a couple of delicious mimosas (as you would imagine) and enjoyed a slice of the most delightful vanilla cheesecake topped with blueberries - just divine. It’s been one of my all-time favourite brunches in the whole of New York, and to be surrounded by Annabelle’s favourite people was a perfect treat!

In the afternoon, we went for a little bit of ‘fun in the city’. It started with a fantastic visit to a vintage shop that sells all the tutus and ballet shoes from Broadway’s famous productions - I'm talking the full show-stopping glamour of "West Side Story," the stunning tutus from "Swan Lake" and a huge collection from "Cats" - everything I could imagine and even more. We laughed and chatted away with the shopkeepers. In case you are wondering, a lot of the costumes in the shop don’t go back into production. They’re original, rare, museum-worthy items. That really adds something to my enjoyment of these costumes!

Then, the perfect finishing touch - an afternoon performance by the New York City Ballet. Of course, as you might have guessed, it was everything and more. You have to experience it to really believe the talent and the perfection.

You know, dear reader, when I think of ballet in London and ballet in New York, it’s the same and yet utterly different. It’s all in the little details, the grandness of the stages, the passion, and that amazing talent for pushing the boundaries. Of course, my favourite ballet of the whole night - a fantastic performance by the leading ballerina was set in a whimsical, moonlit garden! It was truly mesmerising. The perfect way to celebrate Annabelle's birthday and round off a wonderful week in New York!


Annabelle's birthday party was just an epic farewell to New York City.

Sunday was packed with memories. I said goodbye to my dear friend, Annabelle. It wasn’t too difficult - the moment you leave, you start looking forward to the next visit! We caught a bus to the airport, I boarded my plane and then I waved a final farewell to the towering city of skyscrapers - I love this city, but, you know, the real reason for any trip is the amazing friends you get to make and share an adventure with.

This weekend, I was inspired by the energy and style of New York and it reminded me that anything can be achieved in this world. The sheer magnitude of this wonderful city is mind-boggling! The whole of this magical week made me appreciate my pink tutus and that incredible, little sparkle I feel inside. That's something worth spreading around. You all know what I'm talking about, darling. Now get out there and wear your tutu! You know, everyone knows a pink tutu makes life a bit brighter and a whole lot more fun! I can’t wait to be back next time, New York City - I promise I’ll be twirling back in no time!

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See you next week for more posts!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2001-09-10 she danced in New York City