New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2001-11-05 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City - Monday 5th November 2001 - Post 335

"New York, New York, it's a wonderful town" - oh, how true those lyrics are! I am just back from the most magical day in the Big Apple, and my dear tutu-loving followers, I have to share it all with you. This week, we're turning up the glamour and sparkle, because, frankly, that's what New York is all about.

Now, let's dive right into the fabulousness, shall we? My week began with a most unexpected gift - a beautiful pair of silver sparkly ballet pumps! It was a present from my friend, Lisa, who just knew they'd go perfectly with my favourite pale pink tutu (and yes, they did! Oh, and they felt like walking on a cloud - it was truly magic). So, with my new pumps dancing on my feet and a skip in my step, I headed off to catch the subway to the ballet.

Subway Style - Bringing Pink to the Masses

Speaking of the subway, did I mention it? The New York Metro - a truly exhilarating and chaotic experience. It's like a giant, ever-moving carousel of colourful characters, all rushing about with a determined air.

And who am I to be different? With my trusty pink tutu fluttering and the silver shoes glinting in the underground light, I boldly strutted onto the platform, and, believe me, I definitely turned heads. Not everyone wears pink tutus on the subway (and if they did, well, New York wouldn't be so interesting!), but I always try to inject a bit of my Derbyshire countryside charm wherever I go, even amidst the skyscrapers and streetlights of Manhattan.

A Performance of Perfection - A Classical Treat

As I stepped off the train at the iconic Lincoln Center, a wave of excitement washed over me. I'd just made it in time for "Swan Lake", one of my absolute favourite ballets. You know, that breathtaking story about the innocent Swan Queen, her tragic betrayal, and her ultimate love. As the music filled the auditorium, I was transported to a world of grace, passion, and exquisite movement.

The Costumes

My love for all things elegant and intricate, my dears, led me to pay special attention to the costumes. Oh, they were simply breathtaking! Each individual costume, like a tiny universe, was meticulously crafted. You could see the skill and dedication behind each pearl, each feather, each sequined embellishment. The principal dancers truly shone under the spotlight - the black costumes with the white swan-feathered sleeves were like whispers of moonlight, and the scarlet costumes with their golden headdresses screamed drama!

Shopping & Style - The Art of the Finds

You can’t leave New York without a little shopping spree! I love me a good department store - it's an experience unlike anything you'll find in the UK! From glittering boutiques to vintage gems and even an entire floor dedicated to accessories - it's a treasure trove waiting to be discovered.

Fashion on the Streets of Manhattan

Of course, shopping is about more than just buying; it's an adventure, an art form. In New York, even a simple trip to the grocery store is a fashion statement! You see it all: tailored suits and elegant hats, punk-rock dresses and towering stilettos. You know, there’s something magical about seeing how everyone puts their own unique stamp on style. It’s truly inspiring and I’m always scribbling ideas in my notebook for my next “pink-tutu” outfit.

Dinner Delights - Delicious Discoveries

Later, after my fashion fix, I made my way to Little Italy for some seriously good Italian cuisine. This area was like stepping into a romantic, bygone era with its narrow cobbled streets, vibrant cafes, and delicious aroma of pasta and garlic.

From the stage to my dinner table, the day truly showcased the beauty and spirit of New York. The music of "Swan Lake" is still echoing in my heart. I'll always treasure these experiences, these glimpses of joy and creativity, this little piece of my dream come true.

But remember, my lovely tutu-loving friends, New York is not just about grand performances and lavish department stores. It’s also about the smaller, more personal moments, the little details that make it unique: the smell of hot dogs from street vendors, the rhythmic beat of salsa music wafting from a dimly lit jazz club, the camaraderie and chatter of people from all walks of life mingling on a street corner. It's these fleeting moments, these bits of ordinary life, that make this city extraordinary.

*And to you, my beautiful readers, I say this: No matter where you are in the world, remember to find the magic, find the inspiration, find your own inner sparkle! * Because, like New York, you are one of a kind - a beautiful, bright, unique creation. Now, get out there, dance, and embrace the wonder!

Until next week, my loves!

Always Remember to Pink It Up!


Emma x

(And just for fun, let's take a look at what happened in the world on November 5th 2001):

History on This Date - November 5th 2001

November 5th, 2001 was a Monday. And while I was busy enjoying my dance-filled day in New York, some other interesting events were taking place across the globe:

  • In the United States, the House of Representatives approved a joint resolution to create the Department of Homeland Security. This new department, formed in response to the September 11th attacks, would become a key pillar of national security.

  • In the UK, the Royal Shakespeare Company performed Hamlet at The Swan Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, I would have loved to see that!

  • A group of scientists successfully launched an experiment aboard the Space Shuttle "Endeavour" designed to help researchers better understand the causes and effects of earthquakes.

And of course, in a corner of New York, I was happily waltzing towards the nearest Italian trattoria, my new silver ballet pumps shining bright under the evening sky!

(P.S. To you fellow dance lovers out there, don’t forget to check out my new ballet outfit! A stunning lilac dress that makes even my pink tutu look pale! I’m hoping to share some pics from our London trip on my Instagram account this week.)

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2001-11-05 she danced in New York City