New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-04-15 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC #358 - A Day in the Big Apple with a Touch of Tutu

Hello my darling darlings! It's Monday, the day the pink tutu flies across the pond and lands firmly in your inbox! It's been another whirlwind week in the Big Apple, filled with all things pretty and pink, of course. The sunshine is finally gracing our New York skies, bringing out all the vibrant colours of spring – it's almost enough to make me wish for a little pink blossom on my tutu, if that wasn't already pushing it!

But before we get carried away with flowers and spring blooms, let's talk about the whirlwind of a weekend just gone by. As usual, it began with a grand performance, but this time it was even more special - a real treat. My fellow tutu enthusiasts will already be gasping – I saw "The Nutcracker" on Saturday night! The music, the dancing, the costumes...oh the costumes!

Now, don't think I was all starstruck and forgetting to do some serious shopping, dear reader! It's a bit of a balancing act – performance, then fashion – but that's my New York life in a nutshell! Afterwards, I snuck off for some well-deserved retail therapy on 5th Avenue. You can't leave a New York weekend without a few gorgeous new items to make my tutu-loving wardrobe even more vibrant!

A Little Something About This Day In History...

Fun fact, on this very day in 1943, Jackie Robinson became the first African American major league baseball player when he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers. A true trailblazer, breaking barriers in a male-dominated field. Isn't it lovely how far we've come, dear readers? We now see strong women pushing boundaries every day, whether it be on the dance floor or in the boardroom. It gives me hope for a world where every single one of us feels empowered to wear our own unique brand of 'pink tutu', embracing our passions and individualities.

From Ballet to Broadway

Speaking of trailblazers, I recently bumped into one of the most inspiring figures in the New York dance scene: The legendary Mikhail Baryshnikov! He's known for his groundbreaking choreography and his fearless attitude towards defying convention, which really resonates with me and my 'pink tutu' philosophy.

You see, I truly believe everyone can wear their own kind of "pink tutu" – that spark of passion and creativity that makes them truly unique. It could be a love for cooking, singing, painting… whatever ignites your inner fire and sets your spirit soaring!

And oh, how my own inner fire is burning today, after experiencing a sensational show last night – "Moulin Rouge! The Musical". I won't spoil the surprise but I'll tell you this – I practically gasped when the red mill started spinning, and it left me with a song stuck in my head! I'm now craving a little slice of Paris and a dose of Parisian glamour… I think I may just need to book a spontaneous trip...

Metro Magic and Tutu Tales

Oh, I must tell you, it was such a joy this week to catch a sneak peek at the newly launched "Subway Week"! They’ve created these amazing installations all over the metro stations – beautiful artwork and creative designs that transform the mundane into magical. It's just another reminder that art and beauty are everywhere in this city – you just need to know where to look!

I feel so fortunate to be exploring this city with my ballet shoes (and, of course, my pink tutu!) as my constant companions. Remember, my lovely readers, the pink tutu is a symbol of embracing the power of your individual spirit, pushing your limits and following your heart. It's a reminder that life is too short for dull colours, ordinary days, and forgotten dreams!

Back to Basics... Ballet Class

But don’t think that my week was just about dazzling performances and dazzling outfits! I did manage to squeeze in a few essential ballet classes. You see, maintaining my tutu-wearing strength and flexibility is a crucial part of my job! Besides, there's no greater feeling than the pure joy of movement, of your body finding its flow and rhythm. It's a way of truly connecting with myself and grounding me amidst the hectic pace of New York life.

Now, a confession. I haven't always been the confident, tutu-clad adventurer you see before you. Moving to New York was a leap of faith. A chance to ditch my Derbyshire roots and follow my passion for dance. Leaving behind the familiarity of my village life and embarking on this exciting new adventure wasn't easy.

But with every step I took, with every new challenge I conquered, with every exhilarating performance and breathtaking discovery, I felt my spirit soaring higher and higher. It was like the tutu itself became my shield, protecting me from any doubt, inspiring me to believe in myself and to embrace the unknown with a heart filled with joy.

And now, dear reader, I want you to do the same!

I encourage you, from the bottom of my pink tutu-wearing heart, to embrace your unique spirit and wear your own kind of "pink tutu." What makes you feel alive, what lights a spark in your eyes, what makes you truly you? Don't be afraid to shine bright, to dance your own dance and paint your world with your own vibrant colours. You never know what wonders await you, just waiting to be discovered, when you have the courage to follow your heart's calling!

Until next week, may your dreams be filled with grace, glitter, and a touch of pink tutu magic!

With love and a twirl,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-04-15 she danced in New York City