New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-04-29 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #360 - The City That Never Sleeps, in a Tutu, Of Course!

Hello my gorgeous readers! It’s Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, and welcome back to another week of adventures from the concrete jungle that is New York City. I can't believe it’s already Monday, April 29th – it seems like I just arrived here! But time truly does fly when you're in a city as exciting as this.

As always, my trusty pink tutu and I have been busy exploring all the fabulous facets of the Big Apple. I don’t know how they manage to keep this place humming 24/7 but frankly, I love the energy.

So, what’s been on the agenda for this whirlwind week? Let me spill the beans…

Ballet, Shopping and Shows - Oh My!

The highlight of the week was undoubtedly the chance to see the American Ballet Theatre perform Giselle. Oh, the sheer beauty of it! The intricate footwork, the ethereal costumes, and the captivating story were enough to bring a tear to my eye. It made me want to twirl all the way home!

Speaking of twirling, I also squeezed in a ballet class at Steps on Broadway. You know how I feel about a good class - it just puts me in a wonderful, peaceful headspace. And while I was in the neighbourhood, I took advantage of the opportunity to window shop. Now, don’t get me wrong, I do my best to be good, but those designer shoes are just calling to me. Perhaps one day, darling, perhaps one day.

On Saturday, I managed to grab tickets to see the incredibly talented New York City Ballet perform a mixed program. I always love to see new things, to push the boundaries of what I thought was possible in the art of dance.

I also took in a Broadway show, Hairspray, this week, a real treat for those who love musicals and vibrant stories! There’s nothing quite like the thrill of the unexpected – it really recharges my creative batteries.

Living the (Pink) Tutu Life in NYC

It's impossible not to feel inspired when you're in New York City. I love walking around, just soaking it all in, from the towering skyscrapers to the charming little side streets, there's just so much to discover. It really does make you appreciate life - that and a little retail therapy!

One thing I particularly enjoy is the amazing diversity in this city. I feel like there's a whole different world on every corner, whether it's a little French café on a quiet street, a lively Latin dance club in the heart of a neighbourhood, or a world-class museum displaying art from around the globe. And every place I’ve been to has been utterly friendly! New Yorkers have been so incredibly welcoming to my pink tutu! I feel like I'm fitting right in here.

The subway system, however, remains an interesting experience! It’s something else when you’re a petite Derbyshire girl like myself, used to nice neat stations. However, my pink tutu and I take on any challenge with a smile and some upbeat music. And trust me, if you can make it on the New York subway, you can navigate just about anything. The people watching alone is a show.

I find myself taking lots of photos to capture all the inspiration and vibrant colours, of course. I love using the "old fashioned" film camera in particular because the photos have such a unique look and feel, not to mention the amazing character that each image seems to capture. That and I'm trying to embrace the vintage aesthetic which fits rather nicely with my personal style, and you all know I’m a lover of anything retro!

New York City, I’m Hooked!

I truly believe every single one of you, dear readers, should try living in this fabulous city, just for a little while. Don’t get me wrong, I love the UK – my home is definitely my castle - but the atmosphere and energy in New York is just phenomenal.

For me, the city feels very much like a reflection of the dance world itself – full of excitement, creativity, constant change, and always moving forward. New York is where anything is possible, it truly is a city that never sleeps. That and the fact that everyone can’t help but be at least a tiny bit impressed by a pink tutu.

You know I can't finish this post without urging you to do something inspiring this week. I believe in the power of following your dreams, so whatever they may be, chase them. The world is waiting, and we're all ready to cheer you on!

I hope you all had a lovely week! I can’t wait to share more adventures with you from New York. Be sure to check back next Monday, for another blog post! And as always, don’t forget to wear your pink tutus proudly, darling. Until then, happy twirling!

Yours in Tutu Love, Emma x

P.S. If you want to see photos from my adventures in New York City, check out my Instagram @EmmaPinkTutu!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-04-29 she danced in New York City