New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-05-06 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 6th May 2002: Dancing Dreams in the Big Apple (Post #361)

Good morning, my darling readers! It's Monday again, which means it's time for a fresh dose of Pink Tutu Blog NYC, fresh from the streets of the greatest city in the world!

Last week was absolutely phenomenal. I swear, you'll have to pry this pink tutu from my cold, dead feet – because this city just makes you want to twirl. From the sparkling lights of Times Square to the hidden gems in Greenwich Village, every corner bursts with life and inspiration. It’s just bursting with opportunities for a girl to dance and shine!

Oh, and let me tell you about the ballet show I saw last week! The Sleeping Beauty, you guys! Such a beautiful production! I nearly burst with joy, I tell you. It’s why I dedicate so much of my time to dancing and performance. You just have to experience that magic, the joy of transporting yourself and an audience to a different world.

Now, let's delve into this week's adventures! The Big Apple, I have to admit, feels like my second home now, and it was so lovely to arrive back in this concrete jungle of dreams, even though it is, as ever, a whirlwind of activities. My journey back this time wasn’t entirely smooth. A long delay in the Metro threw a wrench in my meticulously planned schedule.

For those of you who haven’t heard of it (seriously? how could you!), the Metro is a truly excellent way of getting about this city! It’s basically the subway system, but just think… more efficient and elegant in its organisation, which as you all know, are two of my favourite things. So as you can imagine, being stuck with the rest of New York City as the entire thing screeched to a halt for nearly half an hour, with a thousand people milling around, and trying to keep my fabulous tulle in tip-top shape… was not fun. I have to say though, I made the most of it by using it as an impromptu dance floor! The other commuters looked at me like I’d gone completely mad, but I was sure to flash them a wide, happy grin, and a little curtsy as I did my pirouette, in my signature bright pink tutu of course. It felt like a little piece of my own Derbyshire countryside in this otherwise bustling and somewhat grumpy underground experience!

It was a touch ironic as a dancer who spends so much time choreographing movement and routines… that I should get delayed, almost stuck, in such an enormous underground, metallic box! It all added to the experience though. And to think it only delayed me for around 30 minutes… I’d hate to think how long I might have been there if this particular New York City Metro delay hadn't happened so close to a stop! It made me wonder if anyone had a plan in place for a complete blackout on a rush hour… perhaps I should write the New York Metro some suggestions, perhaps some fun emergency routines that the thousands of people could use to avoid becoming a ‘meltdown mass of chaos’? Perhaps the Metropolitan Transportation Authority would enjoy my suggestions? Perhaps they’d be willing to make me a permanent choreographer of ‘calm’ for the city! After all, there are few things in this life as effective as dance!

Anyway… despite that Metro meltdown, I eventually made it to the apartment… well, more of a swanky boutique hotel in Soho for this week. I mean, this girl needs somewhere to house her collection of gorgeous clothes, right?

This week has been a dream! A beautiful mix of high culture and fashion fun. First stop was a delightful little boutique in Brooklyn. Honestly, this place is like an explosion of color and style! And it’s the best place in town to get vintage-inspired pink accessories. Seriously, you haven't seen a tutu-tiful headpiece until you've seen the amazing things at this boutique.

Of course, no trip to New York City would be complete without a visit to the Fashion Institute of Technology. As any serious style aficionado will tell you, the FIT is a mecca for all things fashion! So, I got my fix of some seriously cutting-edge design inspiration, and I’m itching to unleash my inner fashionista! Just imagine the most gorgeous pieces, in all sorts of beautiful pink! Honestly, my wardrobe is calling out to me!

Speaking of clothes, I treated myself to the most adorable floral print skirt on Fifth Avenue. Just you wait until I match it with my pink tulle! It’s practically calling out to be paired with a ballet class in Central Park! That's the plan anyway… maybe tomorrow afternoon I'll finally put on my dancing shoes and find a little grassy patch somewhere!

Of course, it’s always fun to catch a Broadway show, and this week was no exception. The incredible talent and the breathtaking stage sets… oh, the magic of live performance! I caught the revival of Cabaret, such an evocative and vibrant experience! It’s the sort of thing that just makes you want to dance in the streets! You’d be surprised how many people here in the Big Apple agree. Even though the sidewalks here aren’t known for their softness or lack of traffic… and this is exactly what makes the experience so exhilarating.

Even though my time here was brief, the sheer quantity of events crammed into these past few days meant it was one for the books. This trip wouldn’t have been the same if I didn’t visit the Empire State Building too. There’s something incredible about those towering buildings, the amazing skyline. Just looking at those skyscrapers, particularly at night… you’d think it was magic the way the lights on top are almost moving like stars against the backdrop of a sky painted pitch black. You get such a sense of possibility in this city, and when it is put into perspective from a distance on the top of a beautiful and historic building… well… there are very few better feelings to experience in the world.

Let me tell you a little secret: the best place to grab a quick lunch when you're on the go? The food trucks! These culinary treasures are dotted all over the city, offering everything from tasty hot dogs to delicious gourmet sandwiches. It's truly an adventure for your tastebuds! Don’t worry though, I've still been indulging in plenty of good ol' New York pizza, but even I need a change of pace from all that cheesy deliciousness sometimes, and so many amazing fresh fruit vendors appear on street corners too. The only trouble is trying to choose just one of them! I don't know about you guys, but that’s my kind of problem to have in a city… a delicious selection! You see, I like to mix up my menus to stay healthy, especially when you’re getting out and about, travelling as much as I am!

Now, here’s a little tip from yours truly… New York City is full of fantastic street performers, particularly in the areas I've mentioned! From talented musicians to funny mimes, the streets of this city offer entertainment around every corner. I love them all! Some of the musicians here are so fantastic that they’ve inspired me to start my own dance group with them, one with a whole lot of pink tulle of course, to use as our backdrop! Just think, our stage is the entire city. It’s already a natural theatre space for such a talented lot of musicians! We even had our first dress rehearsal a couple of nights ago... under a beautiful canopy of trees in Central Park. I’ll let you in on a little secret though - those impromptu street dance shows won’t ever officially happen. Because I still want to be the queen of my own show!

My next performance in this wonderful, enchanting city is booked. In fact, I already booked two events at two theatres within the next three weeks - I love that New York City loves having a whole load of performances lined up! It seems to fit the general vibe here. I am quite happy to add to the vibrant pulse and the theatrical atmosphere. This town certainly knows how to celebrate and appreciate performance art! It feels as if the entire city was a giant, glamorous stage with everyone having a chance to make a show. I always try to encourage as many people as possible to join in with the fun – to try on the tutu! After all, who doesn't feel like a princess when they're twirling around in a pink tutu, right? That's the kind of feel good spirit and energy I like to give the world!

Well, I should really get going and enjoy a few more nights in the city before it's time for this pink tutu ballerina to hit the road for another performance… in the beautiful city of San Francisco, you guys. It’s quite a trip across America this week… especially as my bag is already bulging with pink tulle and other outfits! But I have to say that, the fact that my life allows me to fly and perform around America is amazing, even a little dream-like sometimes.

You’ve probably already figured this out from this post, but as much as I adore this great big city with its huge energy, I'm also feeling ready for the California vibes. There’s something about the fresh air of the California coastline. And let’s be honest… when it comes to dancing, California and I share a similar philosophy! So there is definitely something to be said about visiting, dancing and feeling right at home amongst a community that’s just brimming with such joyous artistic expression!

Until next week, my lovelies, keep your chins up, your spirits bright, and your dancing shoes ready. I’ll be keeping my Pink Tutu Blog updated from San Francisco next week with all the news from the beautiful golden state! Until next Monday, twirl on!

Lots of love,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-05-06 she danced in New York City