New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-05-13 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 2002-05-13 - New York City, It's all Pink & Tutus!! Post 362

Hello my gorgeous tutu-loving lovelies!

Welcome back to another week of fabulousness here in New York City! I’m just back from a whirlwind of tutus, tiaras, and titillating theatrical treats. It’s all just so fabulously exhilarating, I practically skipped onto the metro this morning. It’s a new week, so a new post on the website for all you amazing tutus followers - so let’s dive into what made this past week in the Big Apple so fantastic!

It's all pink! It's all tutus! It's New York!

Okay, so you know how much I love pink – it’s simply the best! And tutus, well, they are just divine, aren't they? The perfect combination, right? I truly believe we should all embrace the power of pink tutus! What is a more uplifting thing in life than wearing pink and twirling in a tulle-tastic tutu?! I'm here to encourage everyone to put on their tutus, their pink tutus, of course, and celebrate life! So many amazing opportunities this week, here's the round up...

Thursday, May 9th – An Evening of Ballet Excellence

As you know, I make my living as a professional ballerina. It’s my passion, my lifeblood, and I am fortunate enough to perform throughout the city at some wonderful events. Last Thursday, I had the pleasure of taking to the stage at The City Ballet Theatre in the Upper West Side, in an extraordinary event organised by The Ballet Guild. The performance was utterly exquisite. A blend of classical grace and contemporary storytelling. I had a lovely costume and it featured a stunning new pink silk tutu! Pink tututus make my heart soar. If you get a chance, do head along and watch some beautiful, professional dancers perform, you’ll be totally inspired! I highly recommend checking out The Ballet Guild – they’re all about promoting the magic of ballet, just like I am!

Friday, May 10th - The Glamorous Side of Broadway

If I had the chance to go anywhere in the world to watch a show, I'd choose to be here, on Broadway. For sure, Friday night was just magic. The music, the lights, the story – everything came together beautifully! It was my third time seeing "Chicago", a show that has everything - murder, scandal, intrigue – the perfect mix for a dramatic evening of theatrical entertainment! It was totally amazing! Chicago's been going since 1996, so I really wanted to check it out and finally got my chance! It's definitely an iconic Broadway show! But even if it’s just the ambiance of a post-show drink or just hanging out in the theatre district, it’s a must. I’m off again tonight to see “Phantom of the Opera,” which should be just as breathtaking as Chicago. A full schedule is great as it keeps you on your toes, in so many ways! I really must make more time to go shopping too though!

Saturday, May 11th - A Ballet Bonanza in Brooklyn!

On a Saturday I was treated to a day of absolutely wonderful ballet. A couple of my dear dance friends invited me along to Brooklyn to watch the "All Brooklyn Dance Festival". A huge showcase with dancers from different styles. It’s a great place to see some fantastic emerging talent - if you are in Brooklyn, you must visit! I'm so glad that there’s so much ballet here in New York. The variety of dance performances here is fantastic. Ballet really can change lives – especially the young dancers coming up - they’re so passionate. It gives me hope for the future!

Sunday, May 12th - A Day For Discovering Vintage and Tea!

After a week full of dancing, I felt a Sunday spent in a gentle fashion would be perfect, and that's exactly what I did! My first port of call was a delicious afternoon tea. We can't forget those scones, and cream, and of course, those cakes - divine! And then it was off to shop on a treasure hunt around Greenwich Village – lots of fantastic vintage boutiques that I love exploring. I managed to unearth some divine pink, pearl-embellished earrings, they were just stunning, perfect with my favorite pink silk ballerina skirt.

Today’s Plan? It’s All About the Metro

My week of magic continues! Monday, and that means the metro. I love travelling on the metro here in New York. The metro is the artery that links so much together, and it makes such a big city manageable. The sheer energy of so many people moving about the place – it’s electrifying! I’m heading into Midtown for a meeting about my website! A meeting at a cool coffee shop overlooking Central Park. You’d be surprised at how busy things can get here on Monday, even early in the morning, but I don't mind a bit of excitement. This city is buzzing with people doing exciting things - and with some planning, and some creative ideas, who knows what the future holds?

Living my Best Life – Pink Tutu on

There’s so much inspiration everywhere you turn here in the city. You get an intoxicating blend of the artistic, the flamboyant and the utterly glamorous – but with it, it feels like I’m really living my best life, and it makes my heart soar! I mean, who else gets to travel the world, explore exotic places, see shows, do a spot of shopping, meet amazing people, AND have the chance to wear pink tutus every day!

Derbyshire Roots & The American Dream

I often reflect on how far I have come, moving to New York City a couple of years ago from my home town of Derbyshire, England. It was tough to leave behind family, friends, and all my favorite local haunts – a cup of tea and a slice of Victoria sponge cake in a lovely tearoom is hard to beat. However, I felt so strongly that there was a place here for me. A new chapter to embrace. It is all a little surreal, the whole American Dream concept! New York is a truly remarkable city, but it doesn’t feel so overwhelming to me because I believe, deep down, that anyone, from anywhere, can really achieve their dream, if they have enough heart, determination, and courage to step into the unknown and put their tutu on.

I believe anyone, no matter who they are, from England or America, or anywhere else for that matter, can get involved and express themselves with fashion. And that includes wearing a fabulous pink tutu, don’t you think?

Fashionable Thoughts & My Tutu Vision

It all started for me as a child. I loved nothing more than to twirl, to dance, and to put on all those glittery princess dresses my parents bought me. Of course, at some point, you grow up and that "princess" idea starts to fade away. That is unless, like me, you never really grow up. Instead, you embrace the beauty, joy, and expression that goes with pink and with twirling tutus, the chance to let your creativity, femininity and dreams take over. There is magic in a pink tutu, and if you truly believe it, that is just a magical feeling! It’s the beauty in the detail that truly matters! If we are going to talk about the future, let's hope fashion is all about joy and a celebration of individuality and style, which is pretty much why my love for pink tutus is as strong as it's ever been.

I'm not saying that you have to wear a pink tutu every single day! That said, I really do recommend it sometimes! My mantra in life is – just wear your tutu! Be proud of who you are and how you make a statement – wear it well and don't be afraid to rock it! But as long as you embrace fashion that truly reflects your inner personality, and the joy you have found along the way, then it’s a winning combination – just like wearing a pink tutu to make that amazing fashion statement!

I'd love to hear about what you are up to and what fabulous fashion finds you’ve discovered this week! Comment below!

Until next Monday, don’t forget to love pink, love tutus, and live your very best pink tutu life. Stay fabulous!


Pink Tutu Blog NYC, Monday 2002-05-13 - Post 362.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-05-13 she danced in New York City