New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-07-29 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #373 - Dancing Dreams in the Big Apple

Monday 29th July 2002

Hello darlings! Emma here, fresh from another whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple! My suitcase is bursting with memories (and maybe a few new shoes, I'll be honest, darling) from my trip to the most fabulous city in the world!

This week has been a true triumph. Just picture it, my darlings - I sashayed onto the stage of the illustrious Broadway Theatre in my sparkling, pink tutu (you know, the one with the feathers!) for a performance of Swan Lake. The roar of the crowd, the hushed anticipation before the music swelled, the pure joy of telling that classic story with every pirouette... Pure magic!

Speaking of magic, this week was the opening night of the Shakespeare in the Park performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream in Central Park. Oh, my darlings! A night under the stars, with the moon shining down as Puck and his mischievous fairy friends danced through the magical forest. There's just something utterly romantic and captivating about the theatre in the open air, isn't there?

Now, let's talk fashion, shall we? This week's must-have item? A pair of the cutest little ballerina flats I've ever seen, with a bow as big as a poppy and a dazzling pink hue that matched my tutu perfectly! I found them at a vintage shop in SoHo, where the walls were crammed with the most fabulous finds. You simply must visit if you're ever in New York, darling!

After my shopping spree, I treated myself to a splendid brunch at Sarabeth's, tucked away in the charming Upper West Side. Oh, the avocado toast, the fluffy pancakes, the perfect pot of English Breakfast tea... It was simply heavenly! They even had a delicious pink lemonade to wash it all down!

Now, you all know I can't resist a good dose of New York subway magic! The rush hour may be a little...intense... but the sheer variety of characters I encounter makes it utterly thrilling. This week, I saw a group of teenagers, all in vibrant tutus, dancing their hearts out on a subway platform! (Let's be honest, darling, my inner tutufreak did a little shimmy in excitement).

And speaking of dancing... The School of American Ballet (SAB) put on an absolutely fabulous workshop this week! It was a joy to watch these talented young dancers honing their skills. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and I just couldn't help but be inspired!

Now, my darlings, don't forget to visit the "Pink Tutu Blog" website,, for more details about the fabulous fashion finds and theatrical treasures I discover in the Big Apple.

Before I go, I must share my absolute favourite quote from the past week:

“If I cannot dance, I do not want to live." - Friedrich Nietzsche.

Just goes to show, darlings, life is about dancing your heart out, embracing every adventure, and never letting go of the twinkle in your eyes. Now, excuse me while I pop off to practice a few fouettés and spin into a joyful weekend of sunshine and pink!

Until next time, darlings! Remember, it’s never too late to wear a pink tutu!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-07-29 she danced in New York City