New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-08-05 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 5th August 2002 - Post #374: A Whirlwind of Tutu and Tinseltown

Hello my lovely readers! It's Emma here, and you wouldn't believe the whirlwind that was my last week in New York City! Just picture a tutu-clad whirlwind – that's pretty much how I felt. This is what being a "Pink Tutu Blogger" is all about, embracing the vibrant, sometimes chaotic energy of this city. This week, however, we're focusing on something altogether more refined...Broadway!

So grab a cuppa (or a glass of champagne, why not!), and let's dive into the world of glitz, glam and a little bit of "tutudom", because this is the week the Pink Tutu touches down in Tinseltown.

Backstage Adventures: Ballet Under the Big Apple

The journey started, as it usually does, on the metro, whizzing past skyscrapers and buzzing with the electricity of this ever-changing city. I was on my way to the famous Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, where I'd bagged tickets to see the show "Revelations". It's hard to believe it's been two years since I danced with the Alvin Ailey dancers here - a dream come true!

It was a night of raw emotion and breathtaking choreography. The energy of the theatre was tangible - it felt like every heartbeat in the room was synchronized with the music. I had a little twirl on the way to my seat, as one does - it wouldn't be a "Pink Tutu" adventure without a little sprinkle of pink, wouldn't it?

But the adventure wasn't just confined to the performance itself. My week has been a real whirlwind of back-stage insights, a whirlwind of tutus and talented dancers. After "Revelations", I got to chat with the choreographer, the wonderful Judith Jamison, a truly inspiring woman.

As you might expect, she couldn't believe the story behind my "Pink Tutu" blog, but she loved it, thought it was delightfully quirky. That's the magic of a tutu - it brings a smile to people's faces and starts a conversation.

Broadway Bliss: Stepping onto the Stage of Dreams

But the true star of the week, the shining diamond in this Manhattan tiara, was, of course, Broadway. Let's be honest, it's the reason I practically hopped onto the first plane out of London last week!

Broadway is an iconic stage that draws talented performers and enthusiasts from all corners of the globe. This week, I got to see "The Lion King" - wow! The costumes are unbelievable - it's a truly spectacular show, a feast for the senses! They just have so much creative flair, each character perfectly brought to life.

Now, there's a running joke amongst my friends (who just have to tolerate my sometimes outlandish fashions) - they all think I'm trying to convince the whole world to wear a pink tutu, and maybe it's starting to take root, because after the Lion King, a girl with a huge smile and a pink feather boa (pink is such a dominant theme these days, even in Manhattan!) came up to me and complimented my "super awesome tutu". It just was awesome!

And you wouldn't believe, even in the middle of Times Square, a woman in a hot pink polka dot dress walked by with a chihuahua in a little, pink, tutudressed chihuahua. Now, that's what I call style. I gave them a huge, twirling wave. The city was starting to speak my language!

From Pink Tutu to Pink Shopping Spree: A Fashionista's Fantasy

After the Broadway magic, we have to talk about a quintessential part of my trip - shopping. There's nothing quite like exploring the vibrant fashion scene in New York City. I started my trip off with a fabulous lunch date with my dearest friend, Lucy. Lucy lives in Brooklyn and is a talented dressmaker, a real artiste, who taught me a lot about fabrics, cuts, and finding the right accessories. It was just the inspiration I needed before hitting Fifth Avenue and the designer boutiques.

I had been saving my pennies, all year long from my ballet performances, and they were definitely begging to be spent on a new pink tulle skirt. After the stage, it's all about the tulle - and I'm pretty sure that every shade of pink can be found on those fabulous streets of New York.

Of course, my trip wasn't just about tutus and dresses - I bought a few beautiful vintage scarves and a vintage broach. They both have this story behind them, an aura, and when I add these little pieces to an outfit, it adds character and just feels so special. The colours really complimented my pink tutu too. Vintage shopping in New York was an absolute joy.

Finding Your Inner Ballerina: Dance Your Heart Out in the Big City

And, let's not forget - this is the "Pink Tutu Blog," after all. And that means dancing! Yes, even on my shopping sprees.

I was completely caught off-guard on Fifth Avenue. I was waiting for the light to change when a group of guys (quite good looking, as well) started a street dance battle, full of breakdancing and impressive spins and I just had to get involved. So, with a flick of my pink tutu and a smile as big as the city itself, I joined in! It felt like being right back at a rehearsal in Derbyshire - those days spent getting lost in movement and finding that perfect combination of fluidity and grace, you know?

The boys were incredibly nice, giving me the room to perform, it really felt like New York City's energy embraced me, even with a few missteps and my decidedly non-professional dancing skills, you know? The guys clapped and cheered when it was all over. You just can't find that in a shopping mall in Derbyshire.

Pink Tutu Diaries: The End of the Chapter - For Now

As always, time in New York City feels like it flies by, so my trip had to come to an end. But you know what they say, the show must go on!

Next week, it's back to England, to my tiny little hometown of Chesterfield, Derbyshire, for another performance - that’s the joy of being a ballet dancer - the shows keep on coming! After that, I will be jetting off to Amsterdam - and you bet there will be a new tutu in my luggage.

For now, though, I want to thank each and every one of you for joining me on this whirlwind tour of "Pink Tutu Blog NYC." Whether you’re in London, Paris or on a backstreet in a quaint Derbyshire town, remember that each day can be a ballet. Find your own stage, embrace the excitement and the challenge of life and always be ready to take a twirl!

Remember - it's never too late to add a touch of pink and twirl a bit, whether it's in a fancy ballgown or just a casual outfit with your favourite tutu skirt. After all, I believe we all have a ballerina inside, ready to take centre stage!

Stay tutu-licious, everyone!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-08-05 she danced in New York City