New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-09-09 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #379 - New York, New York, It’s My City Now! 🩰💖

Hey darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog NYC! This week, we're ditching the cobblestones of London and dipping our toes (or rather, our pointe shoes) into the Big Apple itself! 🗽

From Derbyshire to the Big Apple

You know how much I love my Derbyshire countryside, but sometimes, a girl needs a change of scenery. And let's face it, when it comes to glamour, fashion, and that undeniable buzz, New York is where it's at. I've been performing in London, but a few weeks ago I said goodbye to the West End and hopped on a plane, ready for some serious city exploring.

Tutus and The Subway

Arriving in NYC is like stepping into a movie set. Yellow cabs honking, neon signs buzzing, the unmistakable smell of hot dogs...and all those gorgeous people! I immediately realised that New Yorkers, bless their cotton socks, love their pink. I mean, pink tutus might not be everywhere just yet, but the streets are already teeming with bold pinks, shocking pinks, blush pinks, and even a hint of lavender in the oddest places. (Did I mention I LOVE the subway? I mean, it’s all grey and utilitarian, except for all the wonderfully random colours.)

Fashion Overload

First stop? The Empire State Building! But even with those epic views, I was more preoccupied by the amazing window displays and fashion shops around it. Did I say "more"? No, actually, fashion in New York is the view. Seriously, everything about this city screams fashion.

My First Broadway Show: Phantom of the Opera

After all that shopping, I headed to the iconic Broadway district and saw Phantom of the Opera! Oh my gosh, I had tears streaming down my face by the end. The singing, the drama, the costumes...and did I mention the singing? I felt like a little girl again, mesmerized by the magic. This performance made my heart sing.

Pink Tutu in New York? Why Not?

Let's be honest, it can feel a little scary stepping into a world so unlike your own. Even if you're a tutu-loving ballerina, going to a big, bold city can be intimidating. But guess what? The magic of a tutu? It can be like wearing your own little shield of happiness. Even amongst those stylish, fashion-forward New Yorkers, it brought out the smiles, the "ooh, I love that tutu!" and the genuine curiosity in their eyes. My fellow ballerinas, you’d be surprised how people open up to a little bit of pink joy in a world sometimes full of grey.

The Week That Was

  • Sunday: Soaking up the city energy with a long walk through Central Park, trying to imagine what it looked like in the 19th Century.
  • Monday: My first trip to a real New York Deli! They had everything. My bagel was so good.
  • Tuesday: First ballet class in the Big Apple! I found this amazing studio in SoHo - very avant-garde and very New York.
  • Wednesday: More shopping! I found the most divine lavender-coloured scarf to match my tutu!
  • Thursday: Had an impromptu photoshoot with a couple of fashion bloggers. I can't wait to see the pics.
  • Friday: Caught the coolest dance performance by the Urban Bush Women in a funky little space downtown. I think they even spotted my tutu and gave me a little nod of approval!
  • Saturday: Spent the whole day with a friend, who, get this, actually wears a pink tutu every weekend for a few hours around Times Square just to bring some joy to the people! She is the most amazing girl, truly inspiring. I wish we could do more things like this!

And the New York Pink Tutu Mission?

Just like in London, I’m going to spread the love. The next few weeks I'll be going to the park, doing pop-up tutu workshops in different neighbourhoods, taking on different New York activities like ice-skating (oh, this tutu-lover can’t wait!), and trying to get as many people as possible to twirl in pink. You can catch all of it here on the Pink Tutu blog - because believe me, New York needs more tutus.

Coming Up Next Week:

I'm headed to see the Brooklyn Bridge and plan on visiting the Statue of Liberty! There's nothing quite like discovering this amazing city, with all its art, energy, and culture, but even better? It's the amazing people who fill those streets! Oh, and let’s be honest, I’ll also be sharing more amazing pink finds - just wait until you see the new designer shop I found!

Keep it pink, darlings,



PS: Follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuNYC and share your pink moments with me using the hashtag #PinkTutuNY!

(Please remember, this post is still a work in progress! I am waiting to hear about what you think about the post - do you like the flow of it? Is it engaging and fun? Do you like the ideas for her journey through NYC? )

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-09-09 she danced in New York City