New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-09-30 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #382: Dancing Through the Big Apple 🍎

Monday, 2002-09-30

Hello, darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, back from a whirlwind weekend in the dazzling city that never sleeps! New York City, you're a dream come true – a vibrant tapestry of colours, sounds, and exhilarating energy that just fills me to the brim with inspiration.

As a Derbyshire girl at heart, I’m not sure I could have imagined the impact this city would have on me. From the moment I hopped off the metro (oh, how I love the thrill of hurtling beneath the city, a constant symphony of subterranean clangs and whirs) and emerged into the cacophony of Times Square, I felt like a character stepping straight out of a Broadway show.

And speaking of Broadway… you guys, this weekend has been pure magic!

First off, I treated myself to the ultimate treat: tickets to the Royal Ballet's performance of "Swan Lake" at the Metropolitan Opera House. 🩰 This was a bucket list experience! I mean, let’s just say that I spent half the interval gasping at the gorgeous gowns, trying to capture them in my camera (with minimal success, naturally – these ladies were radiating with so much poise that their glamour nearly defied photography). The performance was divine – the elegance and strength of the dancers, the breathtaking costumes, the soaring music… sighs dreamily I was truly transported.

Of course, I wouldn't be Emma without a little tutu-twirling after the performance. In fact, I'm finding myself incorporating pirouettes and arabesques into all sorts of situations, much to the amusement of the kind New Yorkers I’ve encountered (a shout out to the taxi driver who gave me a thumbs up as I did a quick jeté onto the curb – he understood!).

But dancing isn’t the only thing that's set my heart aflutter this weekend. Let me tell you about the divine shop I stumbled upon on Fifth Avenue, a treasure trove of the most delightful vintage finds – from sequined evening gowns that could rival Cinderella’s (ahem, the sparkly silver one) to adorable feathered headbands and gloves. 🧤 I swear I could have spent a whole day in that place! Thankfully, I exercised my willpower (a tiny bit) and emerged with a fabulously feathery bolero and a beautiful vintage beaded bag – perfect for a sophisticated soirée.

Speaking of soirees… I have to tell you about this amazing event at the Whitney Museum. Imagine: art exhibitions in an awe-inspiring modernist space, a bar serving perfectly chilled pink cocktails (the pinkest one was actually called "Pink Tutu" – how perfect, right? ), and, get this – an impromptu ballet performance in the courtyard! I mean, where else could you find this kind of artistry in the middle of New York City? It’s one of the things I absolutely adore about this city. There's magic around every corner, and the unexpected becomes extraordinary.

Before I end this post (but not before telling you about the scrumptious cherry pie I had at this charming little cafe on Bleecker Street – a true New York delight), I need to remind you that our #PinkTutuChallenge is still on! This week's prompt: "Tell us about your most magical moment in pink!" 🎀 Share your stories in the comments section of our website ( Don’t forget to use #PinkTutuChallenge!

Right, darlings, until next Monday. I'm off to find the most beautiful pink flower in Central Park – gotta keep the tutu dreams alive!

P.S. I’ve updated our NYC Pink Tutu map with some of the most delightful spots from this weekend – do have a look! It's bursting with colourful destinations for every kind of ballerina-at-heart. 🌸

Happy pirouettes!

Emma 💖

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-09-30 she danced in New York City