New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-11-11 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #388 - A Tutuful Tuesday in the Big Apple!

Hello darlings! Emma here, writing to you live from the Big Apple itself! It's Monday, but it feels like a Tuesday – that's the magic of New York, you never quite know what day it is, you just know you're having the most fabulous time!

And this week, I'm celebrating a most glorious tutuful Tuesday! (Although it's actually a Monday). This week was all about the joy of movement, both on and off the stage. I spent the week immersing myself in the captivating world of dance in all its forms. And, of course, as a girl who always believes in adding a little extra sparkle to life, a pink tutu was my constant companion, fluttering alongside me on my exciting escapades!

Now, I must tell you about how my trip started! It was one of those moments that you truly believe only happens in movies, especially if those movies feature a gorgeous pink tutu and a cheeky, witty ballerina.

You see, dear readers, I was on my way to New York by the Underground (I still find it so thrilling to be in the big city where everyone travels by Metro!) with a change at Baker Street. You know, the one made famous by that most famous of detective, Sherlock Holmes! It's such a magical place. Anyway, there I was, amongst a throng of suited commuters. Then, it happened. It all happened in a rush of London Underground jostle!

A fellow passenger - a man I can only describe as a distinguished gentleman with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, tripped. In the resulting mayhem, his newspaper landed right at my feet. And on its front page? You guessed it! It was a headline announcing a free dance workshop by world-renowned choreographer, Annabelle Dance, held right here in the heart of New York City!

Honestly, darling, you couldn’t have scripted it more perfectly if you tried! It felt like the Universe itself had delivered this opportunity right into my pink tutu-wearing lap! The gentleman was mortified at first (even I am always slightly mortified if I've done something unladylike!). He went beet red (yes, a most shocking hue), muttered his apologies, then smiled at me! And that’s how I met William – the most lovely, generous, and thoroughly dashing fellow with a penchant for classical ballet, who gifted me his front row seat to a private ballet recital just a couple of streets down from our Underground meeting spot! (A gift I gratefully accepted!)

William said I reminded him of a "pink ballerina from a beautiful, sunny summer fairytale!" My heart did a little flutter, I can tell you. I don’t mind telling you, it really did make my whole week. And, after his generosity, well, who was I to argue about this perfectly-timed "gift from fate?"

But, darling, that was only the beginning! Because New York City has something for everyone - even those with an absolute and abiding passion for twirling, dancing and wearing the most fabulous tutus (I was lucky to find an incredibly stunning pale pink number in SoHo!)

My New York adventures continued with a trip to the legendary Metropolitan Opera. Oh my heavens! The costumes! The performance was magnificent - I lost myself completely in the captivating dance sequences. And you just have to see the sheer brilliance and opulent details of the stage sets in those classic grand old theaters – you could lose hours just admiring them!

It wasn’t all about ballet though! New York, you know, has all the latest and most fabulous fashion. And I don’t mind telling you that I was lucky enough to grab myself the most adorable pair of pale pink stilettos from the exclusive designer boutique right around the corner from my ballet studio.

Honestly, you should have seen how those delicate, pink stilettos looked dancing alongside the pinkest of all my tutus! You can find the snaps of me twirling about on my Instagram – the link is on my sidebar! Do take a look – they are such a perfectly delightful match. And of course, I have had to share this beautiful pink ballet fashion ensemble in a very special lookbook which is coming to the Pink Tutu Blog on next Monday! Do sign up to be notified when that posts!

And what a day for my blog – November 11th! The day we remember all of those who gave their lives to defend our freedom – those who have fallen and the living and those yet to be called upon. I wear my poppy proudly to honor the men and women of my native England who have fought to keep us safe, here and around the world.

You know how much I love New York. And this time around, I was simply entranced. Every corner was a surprise! Every shop held new, delicious surprises – with such lovely vintage fashion – you could literally find a wardrobe right there! There were fantastic cafés, delicious sweet treats and delicious places to have tea (a proper afternoon tea, of course!), art galleries displaying magnificent paintings – in short, an absolute whirlwind of excitement!

Then I popped in to the dance studio - a little gem tucked away on a backstreet that felt straight out of a musical movie! There were dancing and spinning ballerinas everywhere! (With many wearing stunningly pretty, pastel pink tutus) What's more, the teacher - Ms. Rose - a seasoned, professional dancer with an absolute fire in her eyes and a charming Southern American accent, welcomed me with a smile and a most kind invitation to join their advanced ballet class.

Honestly, you can't get any closer to true grace than in an American ballet class – they've really perfected their dance technique! Of course, I politely accepted - but my heart was pounding with excitement! The chance to learn from Ms. Rose! Oh, darlings, it was truly an exhilarating experience – like being transported back in time to a time when dancers used every muscle and honed their skills until every single move was flawless.

We went through the basics of stretching, warm up exercises and some advanced routines – pirouettes and the glorious grand jete. I swear I could see a little pink tutu flicker in Ms Rose’s eyes! But my favourite memory from that magical afternoon?

One of the dance students (who told me she had just finished university in California and moved to NYC for the ultimate dance experience - how fabulous is that?) taught me an absolutely delightful, new-to-me, dance move she learned from her favorite dance tutor on Instagram.

Darlings, imagine a series of steps involving elegant movements where you spin your body like a whirlwind with graceful, feminine extensions of your limbs and a final pirouette in a beautifully formed arabesque! We did a final sequence - where, for the finale, you spin into a gloriously perfect “port de bras!”

That glorious dance move (called the “twirl”!) gave my life a sense of the complete joy of dancing. You know what? I think it was just as captivating for Ms. Rose – because you just couldn't stop grinning as the lesson was drawing to a close.

You see, the magic of dance is a reminder that, no matter how complex or elegant a routine becomes, the true joy of dancing is always within each step - an art that truly resonates with our inner souls!

So there you have it. My tutuful Tuesday! Full of sparkle, adventure, beauty, delicious food (the apple pie was incredible) and so many opportunities to celebrate my beloved dance! Now, if you will excuse me, darling, I have a very important duty to fulfill... (I’ll be sending an email to the fabulous Miss Dance, Annabelle. I mean, darling, after that stunning class! If she’s lucky, my tutus could grace her studio one day... maybe!)

And on that note, my lovelies, I must sign off!

But remember: always dream, always sparkle, and never stop dancing – just like a tutu-clad ballerina on a mission to add more magic to the world! See you all next week!


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-11-11 she danced in New York City