New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-11-18 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 18th November 2002 - Post #389

New York, New York!

Oh, my darlings! I am positively bursting with excitement after a weekend absolutely crammed full of pink tutu goodness! This city truly is the hub for all things fabulous and fashionable, and my pink tutu was the perfect accessory to take on this whirlwind tour of a weekend.

But first, a little background. This weekend was my last in New York, I've been here for almost a month and my feet haven't stopped twirling! I've taken class at the very best studios in the city - the energy in each class was just electric. I met so many incredible dancers, all brimming with talent and passion, it's enough to make your head spin (and not just from the pirouettes!).

You wouldn't believe the clothes I found in this city, my darlings. The shops, oh the shops! So much vintage pink loveliness – think flowing chiffon and delicate lace. A complete fashion feast for my eyes!

My bank balance may be feeling the strain after all the fabulous purchases (a girl's got to indulge sometimes, right?), but let me tell you, it's been well worth it!

Saturday Night Fever… in a Tutu

Now, I promised to tell you all about this amazing ballet show I saw on Saturday, didn't I? I just had to share it! I have a slight confession – I had absolutely no idea what I was walking into, just knew I had to experience it. And oh, what a show it was! I wouldn't be able to spoil it for you, but let's just say the stage was bathed in a soft pink glow, there was a giant inflatable swan and the entire theatre seemed to hold its breath for the final pirouette. It was pure magic!

Oh, and let me not forget to mention the fantastic audience. A complete melting pot of different people, but all connected by a love for dance! I even spotted a fellow pink tutu devotee! The feeling of camaraderie was absolutely electric. It made me truly realise that our love for dance is something that unites us, and transcends all boundaries.

The New York Metro – A Dance of Its Own

As usual, I relied on the good old New York Metro to whisk me around this massive city. This isn't just your average transportation system, my darlings. It's an entire ecosystem! I was enthralled watching the locals rush about – their clothes, the hurried whispers, and those ever-present coffee cups – they were all performing a beautiful ballet of everyday life.

The metro was especially interesting on Saturday evening. A diverse mix of characters and costumes flitted in and out, a symphony of life on the go. From the businessmen with their smart suits to the fashion-conscious youngsters with their latest trends, it was a delightful feast for my senses! I even saw a couple arguing through their phones (a contemporary performance of its own!)

I couldn't resist taking some photos of the city’s street performers, each one putting on a mini performance, captivating passersby. I witnessed a young breakdancer who moved like a dream and a charming musician with a voice smoother than butter – pure Broadway magic!

A Slice of the Big Apple

Oh, how I adore New York! Its vibrant energy and constant buzz is something truly special. I loved just wandering around, discovering hidden cafes and charming corners. The street life, the smell of hotdogs in the air, the sheer diversity – it's all part of the magic.

But there was one thing that truly made this weekend special. Remember I mentioned those vintage clothing stores I found? Well, you won't believe this... I stumbled across a vintage pink tutu from the 1920s! It was in perfect condition, a delicate layer of lace with a faint scent of rose perfume lingering. It was love at first sight, and it's already become my new favourite piece! You see, this is what makes the journey of a pink tutu devotee so magical - you never know what adventures await around the corner!

I've got a secret to tell you… the city feels a bit too exciting for me today. A part of me actually craves the calm and tranquility of Derbyshire. I am really going to miss the sights and smells and buzzing atmosphere of New York.

So for now, I’ll just have to live off my memories of New York and cherish this tutu - a small reminder of the beautiful city and the amazing experiences I've had.

Coming up on my blog this week, darling…

Stay tuned! My next adventure begins on Monday. A fabulous friend has invited me to take a little day trip to see some gorgeous countryside scenery with the backdrop of a castle, which we will of course explore and share pictures of with you next week. It’ll be the perfect change of pace, giving me a bit of time to decompress and soak up the tranquil atmosphere. I can't wait!

But first, let me ask you… What are your top five travel tips? Share them below and let's create the ultimate Pink Tutu travel guide!

Until next Monday,

Love, Emma xoxo


I'm always searching for new adventures, new pink tutus and new inspirations! Don’t forget, you can follow me on my blog every Monday on


Be sure to tag me on Instagram in your own pink tutu adventures! #PinkTutuWorld

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-11-18 she danced in New York City