New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-09-01 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 430: A Tutu-tiful Time in the Big Apple!

Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, back with another fab post from the fabulous city of New York, a place that's certainly stolen a piece of my heart. This week's adventures are all about dance, shopping, and those glorious, glorious shows. Oh, and did I mention tutus? Because, as always, my beloved pink tutu is never far from my side!

It's been another whirlwind week here, with so much to see, do, and, of course, dance about! As the song says, "The city that never sleeps" certainly lives up to its name. I arrived on Monday morning, with a big smile on my face and my trusty pink tutu bag in tow.

A Subway Symphony of Pink

First on the agenda? Finding a good old-fashioned subway adventure! You know I just adore these little tunnels of concrete and magic. I mean, you just can't beat the thrill of navigating these subterranean wonders with your trusty metro card in hand!

The morning commute was a joyous symphony of sound, colours, and, naturally, pink! Let me tell you, darling, the locals do love their bright colours! There were ladies sporting flamboyant outfits that would make even the most flamboyant Parisian swoon. I think the best part of travelling by subway in New York is just how eclectic and colourful everything is! It’s like a human rainbow, only with a side of sassy and, oh, of course, fabulous!

A Ballet Bootcamp and a Show that Sparkled

Monday afternoon was all about ballet, my beloved ballet! You see, I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't squeeze in a few classes, right? And New York is teeming with phenomenal studios. I discovered a hidden gem in a quiet corner of the Upper West Side, called “The Pointe Studio,” with the sweetest ballet teacher. The session itself was just perfect – we worked on our barre technique and then took our practice to the centre of the room, gliding and swirling. It was blissful.

Later that evening, I had a truly special treat – a ballet performance at the gorgeous New York City Center. Oh, the spectacle of it all! The music, the choreography, the beautiful dancers – everything just seemed to click into place, creating this mesmerizing show that left me utterly breathless. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't already scheming to find another performance, darling! There's something about watching these magnificent ballet stories unfold that just fills me with inspiration, a desire to move, to twirl, to fly!

Tutu-rific Tuesday: Shopping, Shows, and Sparkly Delight

The following day was a whirlwind of fashion and theatre. It began with a shopping spree in the trendy Soho district, a vibrant haven for independent fashion designers. Let me tell you, darling, Soho has its own distinctive vibe, it's an electrifying blend of edgy street style and designer glamour, all wrapped up in a dazzling, trendy bow.

The vintage boutiques had me lost in a sea of swirling colours, fabrics, and sequins. But it wasn't just any ol’ vintage I was after; I was looking for something that screamed "New York Fashion" and "Emma!" with equal force. And oh, darling, did I find it! There was this fabulous, bold, red-and-gold top that would make a flamingo jealous, I just had to add it to my wardrobe!

The day finished on a high, with another stunning performance - "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at the enchanting Shakespeare in the Park! It was a magical outdoor theatre experience, bathed in moonlight. The actors were incredibly talented and the whole setting, in this sprawling outdoor park, was just breathtaking!

A Glittering Friday on the Runway of Times Square

As the week went on, the thrill of discovery just continued. Thursday found me diving headfirst into the New York library system. They have this extraordinary collection, the sort of thing that any literature lover would swoon over.

Friday evening was the big night. This was a night that every dancer, and fashionista for that matter, in the city just couldn't miss - a “Night of Dance” gala at the famous Ziegfeld Theatre. It's a real historic landmark, and I was lucky enough to secure tickets! Imagine a grand staircase adorned with elegant red velvet, crystal chandeliers sparkling, and a stage pulsating with energy, it's nothing short of spectacular!

This was not just any gala, oh no, it was a dazzling showcase of talent, from renowned ballet companies to promising dance schools, and even some exciting contemporary performers. They all showcased their artistry on this extravagant stage, making for an truly exhilarating experience.

What was truly special about the event, and what warmed my little pink tutu-clad heart, was the message of community it carried. The performers, audience members, and everyone involved seemed to be united in their passion for dance. The energy, the applause, it all seemed to flow and twirl together in perfect harmony. It truly made me feel like I was in a real dance-lover's dream!

Tutu-tiful Treasures in Every Corner

Saturday brought me to a rather special art gallery tucked away in Greenwich Village. It was a place brimming with vivid, bold, abstract art, full of expression and life, just like the city itself. I found myself completely immersed in the artistic landscape, absorbing colours, textures, and textures. There’s something just incredible about getting lost in a sea of creativity!

A Farewell Embrace and a Promise to Return

My last day, a Sunday, found me enjoying a lovely picnic in Central Park. I've come to know the park well this week, with its picturesque spots, charming pathways, and tranquil pond where swans and ducks gracefully dance!

As evening descended, I found myself strolling along the High Line, that magnificent elevated park with breathtaking cityscapes. I thought about everything I’d seen and felt this week - the endless creativity, the passion, the vibrant spirit of New York. And with every twinkling city light I watched, I realized one thing - I am completely and utterly in love with this city.

Goodbye, New York City. Thank you for making this journey a true spectacle of wonder and joy! It has certainly filled my life with pink, glittery memories that I will cherish. But don’t worry, my dear readers, I’ll be back again very soon with my beloved pink tutu, eager for more magical adventures in the big apple.

Until next week, stay glamorous, dance with abandon, and don’t be afraid to let your inner pink tutu shine.

Until then,



Remember, darling, a pink tutu can take you anywhere! So, go forth, spread joy, and dance your way through the world. And don’t forget to follow me on every Monday for new posts and a dose of fashionable pink!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-09-01 she danced in New York City