New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-09-29 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #434 – A Twirl Through the Big Apple!

Monday, 29th September 2003

Hello darlings! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog NYC, where it's always a beautiful day for a twirl! This week, I'm bubbling over with excitement because, believe it or not, I'm in New York City! The Big Apple itself, the city that never sleeps
 and where dreams – well, let's just say dreams definitely get a lot bigger!

You know how I always say that I want to bring a bit of ballerina magic to every corner of the world? Well, my latest ballet gig – a rather lovely, en pointe rendition of 'Giselle' at a beautiful theatre in the heart of Derbyshire – allowed me to tick another item off my bucket list: travelling to New York. And I'm wearing pink! Not just a dash of pink – we're talking a vibrant, shockingly bright pink tutu that I’ve christened “The New York Rose.”

Of course, it wasn’t all tutus and glitter. It wasn't like the time I did actually find a tutu in a thrift shop in Derbyshire... Now that was magical! This trip, I was, as always, balancing ballet with a hefty dose of shopping. I mean, if I'm going to be twirling in the Big Apple, I've got to look the part!

Fashion: Where the Heart and Soul Really Is

Where did I start? Let's just say Fifth Avenue, ladies, is a magical place! The shop windows were a blur of colour and designer labels – Gucci, Prada, even Louis Vuitton – you name it, they had it! The window displays were masterpieces themselves, tempting you in with the promise of the latest trends and styles. But I'm all about individuality, finding those little gems, so I ventured off the beaten track, exploring smaller boutiques in SoHo and the East Village. That's where I found it – a gorgeous vintage, blush-coloured coat. I just had to take it home. It screams old-world Hollywood glamour with a touch of Parisian chic, and it pairs perfectly with my "The New York Rose" tutu!

Of course, a day of shopping can be tiring. So, I took a pitstop at the infamous Ladurée for some delicate macarons, oh my! Each macaron is an art form in itself. I'd planned on buying some, but of course, had to sample them all first... Just for the blog, of course! I couldn't resist grabbing a box to take home and enjoy.

Seeing the Sites & Taking a Twirl
 or Three

You can't come to New York and not see the iconic sights, can you? So, naturally, I spent a day galavanting through Central Park. It truly is a green oasis in the middle of the city! The squirrels are cute, and everyone seems to be so friendly – from dog walkers to mothers pushing strollers to couples in love!

Then it was off to the Empire State Building! The view was absolutely breath-taking! It truly gives you a new perspective on the city and the incredible, bustling energy that pulsates beneath you. There was a certain spark in the air – I even thought I could hear faint strains of a ballet music somewhere below me!

But don’t worry, my love of dance never fades! While New York doesn’t exactly scream “ballerina haven,” there are pockets of ballet everywhere you look! On one particular street corner, a street performance stole my breath away. I watched with delight as the dancers moved like silk, their expressions weaving a story as beautiful and intricate as a ballet on a grand stage! My heart, well, it simply skipped a beat, I had to take part – and so, I joined in. After all, it’s just not possible to contain this passion! My impromptu dance certainly caught the attention of onlookers.

I have a hunch they’ll never forget seeing a girl in a pink tutu – “The New York Rose,” of course – dancing with pure, unabashed joy in the heart of the city! It’s that joy I want to share with everyone, from the seasoned dancer to the girl who's never worn a tutu before. This is how we bring ballet magic to the world – one twirl, one laugh, and one bright pink tutu at a time.

Dancing into the New York Night

Now, every girl needs to pamper herself once in a while, and what better way than with a Broadway show! It had to be something classic, something glamorous
something that was pure drama and magic, and it couldn’t be just any show. Of course, it had to be 'Cats'!

Who hasn’t dreamt of twirling on a stage under those glittering spotlights? Let's just say 'Cats' left me breathless. The energy in the theater was palpable. Even I felt the need to twirl at the edge of my seat. The costumes were outlandish, the choreography was incredible, and the sheer power of the performances – truly, it transported me back to my earliest days as a dancer, where the love for it was still innocent, pure and wild!

A Note of Gratitude: Pink Tutu Magic

As I look back on this whirlwind week, my heart is overflowing with joy. This city, this energy, this adventure – it's exactly what I needed to recharge my creative spirit, to remind myself why I do this, why I embrace the pink tutu, the dance, and the travel. And, as always, this trip, as I said in post 347, would not have been possible without my devoted followers who are with me on this wild journey, encouraging me every step of the way. Each dance, each show, every beautiful memory I collect here in New York helps to build the pink tutu dreams and reminds me to never, ever stop twirling!

Stay tuned next week for more tales from the pink tutu world.

With twirling love,

* *

PS Be sure to leave a comment below, I’d love to hear your thoughts and dreams. Do you want to dance in New York? Maybe we could both try those famous LadurĂ©e macarons! Just keep those comments coming - let's make this blog sparkle! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-09-29 she danced in New York City