New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-10-06 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #435 - New York City, New York - Monday, October 6th, 2003

Hello my darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing blogger, Emma, here, back from another fabulous weekend in the Big Apple!

As you know, New York is a place that truly captures my heart. From the buzzing streets to the majestic skyscrapers, it’s an endless playground of possibilities. This past weekend, I truly embraced all that this vibrant city has to offer. And wouldn’t you know it, everything somehow had a lovely pink-tutu twist to it!

A Journey on the Subway

My adventures started on Friday, after arriving at LaGuardia Airport, of course! It was time to take a trip on the iconic NYC subway. My tutu, a blush pink confection with layers of delicate tulle, twirled with joy as I rode through the city's underground network. Everyone gave me a smile - some even did a little skip along with me! Who knew the underground could be so exciting?

Ballet at the New York State Theater

As you know, my passion lies in the world of ballet, so naturally, Friday evening was all about a performance at the legendary Lincoln Center. The New York City Ballet, I’m telling you, those dancers are divine! They flew across the stage, their every move an embodiment of grace and artistry. It was a magnificent evening, full of breathtaking beauty and elegance. After all, what could be more exquisite than watching such talent unfold right before your eyes?

A Touch of Fashion in SoHo

But my weekend wouldn't be complete without a little dose of fashion therapy! I spent Saturday exploring the chic boutiques of SoHo. You know how much I love a good bargain, so finding a stunning pink top adorned with glittering sequins was pure bliss! Just imagine the outfits I'm going to create with that!

Dinner at the "Pink Paradise"

To end the evening on a high, we had a wonderful dinner at a new restaurant downtown. It was simply divine! Every single item on the menu had a hint of pink in it. From pink-hued cocktails to pink pasta, I felt like I was dining in a little pink paradise! It's no surprise, really, that my life revolves around this wonderful shade.

A Glimpse of Broadway

Sunday morning started with a trip to see the incredible “Wicked” show on Broadway! My darling, you wouldn't believe the stunning costumes – each one a true work of art, especially the green gown worn by Elphaba. Honestly, it had such a captivating and alluring aura! Even my bright pink tutu had a moment of jealousy!

A Tutu for Every Occasion

As a seasoned pink tutu-wearer, I can tell you - there is no occasion that doesn't benefit from a touch of pink tutu magic! From a chic brunch in Central Park to an evening stroll through Times Square, it's truly an essential fashion staple in my wardrobe! My goal, of course, is to make the pink tutu the most celebrated fashion accessory, worn by people of all ages, genders, and styles! Isn’t that an extraordinary dream?

And that's a wrap on another fantastic New York City weekend!

You can follow my journey as I continue to spread the pink tutu love! Head over to and follow me on Instagram, where I share more of my adventures!

Keep shining, my lovely friends, and may every single one of you be happy!

*Until next time, *


P.S I just want to say thank you for all your support. It's been amazing seeing you all embrace the pink tutu with so much enthusiasm! You've all made me realise, even from back in Derbyshire, that dreams can come true. I'll be sure to include even more pink tutu ideas in future posts. Don't forget to subscribe and share with all your friends. You never know, maybe they'll join the pink tutu revolution! **

*A Few Extra Thoughts: *

  • Remember that I am funding these adventures through my ballet performances! My love for dance fuels both my passion and my journey.
  • If you're a fashionista at heart or simply someone who appreciates beauty, don't forget to share this post with all your friends! Let's spread the pink tutu joy together!

* I can’t wait to share more pink-tutu magic in my next post! *

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-10-06 she danced in New York City