
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-02-16 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC - Monday 2004-02-16: The Big Apple Swirls! (Post #454)

Hello darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, back with another thrilling tale from the bustling streets of New York City! This week's adventures? Oh, let me tell you!

I'm so excited, I almost can't contain myself! This week's post is a special one because I finally ticked something off my 'must-do' list for this incredible city: *I went to the Ballet! *

But before I spill all the details on the glorious dance performance, let's get into my typical Monday routine!

A New York Morning:

My Monday mornings start bright and early, fuelled by a cup of steaming hot Earl Grey tea and a croissant (I can't help it, the pastries here are simply divine). Then, I slip into my trusty pink tutu, because really, how can one not start a Monday in New York in a pink tutu?

After all, it's a simple rule: if you want the whole world to embrace pink tutus, you have to be a shining example! Just imagine if every girl in this city sashayed around in a pink tutu - now that would be a sight!

Today, my destination is Manhattan's bustling theatre district, the heart of all things theatrical. And the best part? My trip there is by subway! I just love the underground world of the New York Metro, its intricate maze of tunnels, the rush hour cacophony of chatter and announcements, the distinct scent of the tracks - all of it just adds to the charm. I might not have a pink tutu-themed metro pass (yet, mind you!) but the journeys on these subterranean trains are always an adventure!

Fashion Fix:

Speaking of adventure, you all know my weakness: shopping! But this Monday's fashion spree was more purposeful than usual. My beloved tutu needed a matching new handbag, something sleek and chic, but with a hint of whimsical pink, naturally. And lucky for me, Macy's on 34th Street came to the rescue! Oh, what a treasure trove of delights! It took ages to finally pick just one handbag - but in the end, I settled on a stunning vintage rose-gold chain bag with just a smidgen of pink trim - perfect!

Now, back to the highlight of my week...

Ballet Extravaganza:

My favourite ballet company, American Ballet Theatre, was showcasing a captivating production of The Nutcracker at the iconic Metropolitan Opera House in Lincoln Center! Can you believe it? I have been yearning to see this performance for ages and now, finally, I have!

From the moment I stepped into the hallowed halls of the Met Opera, I felt the magic in the air. The vibrant and lavish setting of The Nutcracker, the beautiful costumes, the intricate choreography - it all left me mesmerised!

The first act, a magical journey into Clara's dreamscape, was such a joy. I especially loved the Waltz of the Flowers, and the beautiful movements of the snow-like ballet dancers as they pirouetted gracefully. It was simply enchanting!

But the best part? The show itself, while spectacular, didn't really compare to seeing it all while wearing a pink tutu. Let me tell you, the fellow theatregoers' curious glances were a delightful added bonus! I felt like I was part of the spectacle - the pink tutu became a real conversation starter! Every few minutes, someone would smile and point at my pink tutu. I felt like a true icon - my very own little ballerina dream come true.

After the final curtain, the joyous buzz of excitement and chatter swept through the Met Opera. I could practically feel the shared love of ballet all around me!

I strolled out onto Lincoln Center's courtyard feeling utterly inspired. I can't deny that this experience re-kindled my own love for ballet, even further solidifying my belief in its magic. Ballet is more than just dance, it's an art form that speaks to the soul, that inspires, that transforms!

A New York Night:

The post-show energy from Lincoln Center followed me onto the subway. The subway hummed with activity - from young actors returning from late night rehearsals to exhausted office workers, heading back home, everyone sharing this city's rhythm of constant movement. I love how this city, so busy and intense, can make you feel truly connected to others!

Dinner, naturally, had to be special to top off such an amazing evening. My pick? A bustling little Italian bistro tucked away in a quaint alleyway in Little Italy. You wouldn't believe it - the pasta was the best I've had this side of the Atlantic.

Now, as I write this from my little pink-tutu-themed apartment in the heart of New York City, I find myself filled with a deep sense of gratitude. Thank you, dear readers, for journeying with me! This week has been truly special. And don't forget, a pink tutu makes any adventure extra special!

Remember, until next week, keep twirling, keep believing in your dreams, and keep rocking those pink tutus!

Love and glitter,


P.S. Do tell me, my dears, have you ever seen The Nutcracker? Tell me about it in the comments!

P.P.S. Did I mention this week was extra special because I finally found a pink tutu-themed metro pass!? You all know what that means! It's time to step up my NYC tutu game even further. Maybe it's time to coordinate my tutu with my favourite local shops, The Daily Bagel on the Upper West Side or the Empire State Building, perhaps? What do you think?

P.P.P.S. Keep a lookout on www.pink-tutu.com every Monday! I can't wait to share my adventures with you all. Don't forget to follow me on social media @pinktutuemma! And always, remember: A little pink tutu goes a long way!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-02-16 she danced in New York City