New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-02-23 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #455 - Monday 2004-02-23 - Tutuing around the Big Apple!

Hello lovelies! Welcome back to another week of Pink Tutu Blog NYC! It's Monday, and you know what that means... a fresh new blog post, just for you!

It feels absolutely brilliant to be back in New York City. My last few gigs back home in Derbyshire, England, were such a blast! The audience absolutely adored the new routine I’d been working on, a fiery tango number complete with red velvet tutu and a killer pair of red sparkly shoes (you can’t see me, but I’m giving a little twirl right now)! The feeling I get when the music swells and the stage lights shine on my red sparkly tutu... pure magic!

Speaking of magic, I've been in New York for a whole week now! And let me tell you, it’s a whirlwind of tutus and glitter!

I landed in the city just before the weekend, and I haven't wasted a single minute since. After all, you only get so many trips to the city that never sleeps, so you’ve got to get out there and live it!

The first order of business was shopping, of course. There’s a new ballet shop I'd been dying to visit since I heard about it from my fellow ballet-obsessed friend in London. They have the most beautiful, whimsical selection of tutus, from the classic soft pink ones I always love, to playful pastel creations, to those daring, show-stopping tutus you’d only ever see on stage! I absolutely fell in love with a sky-blue silk tutu, so airy and delicate! And as luck would have it, it fit me like a dream!

From Tutus to Treats!

I took a little break from shopping for lunch at the cutest little French bistro I found down a cobblestone street in Greenwich Village. Imagine this: sunshine dappling through the leaves on a little wrought-iron table outside, the smell of freshly baked bread, a glass of chilled rose and a plate of the most amazing quiche I’ve ever had... perfection!

That afternoon, I treated myself to a tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It's a real treasure trove of art and history, and I particularly loved the period costume displays. There were some absolute stunners!

One exhibit, featuring clothing and accessories from the turn of the 20th century, even had a ballet section! They had all sorts of tutus from that time period, it was incredible. Of course, I did my best ballerina pose with each one! My fellow tutu lovers might enjoy recreating the looks. And don’t forget the Instagram stories!

I felt so inspired by the costumes that I found a street artist painting on a canvas. He said that if I found an object he could include it in his next work, and so I took off the blue silk tutu I had bought earlier that morning, and gave it to him. He seemed happy with my generous offering, and I couldn’t wait to see the artwork he’d produce with the tutu! I took his number and was confident we’d catch up. I would keep in touch with him to see if his next artwork would become another part of my tutu story.

Later that night, I treated myself to an evening of ballet at the American Ballet Theatre at the Metropolitan Opera House. It was a full-on performance of Swan Lake, and I just couldn’t get enough of the breathtaking grace of the dancers and the power of the music. Seeing all these incredible dancers swirling in tutus is truly an inspiration to keep dancing and sharing the love of dance with everyone I can. It's what gets me out of bed on Monday mornings, ready to take on the week!

And speaking of taking on the week, Monday morning in New York has to be seen to be believed! People are hurrying down the street in power suits, business meetings, bustling for their morning coffee... and here I am, twirling through the crowds, pink tutu sparkling under the streetlights, ready to conquer my Monday. It’s just another day at the office for Pink Tutu Blog!

NYC T-Shirts

But my week in NYC wasn’t all tutus and ballet. I popped into a clothing store on Broadway and spotted some great T-shirts featuring New York city icons, so of course, I had to get one. I decided on a lovely soft cotton pale pink t-shirt emblazoned with the New York city skyline, and a delicate glitter finish - it had my name written all over it. A little bit of NYC magic on a T-shirt - I am a total sucker for anything with a little sparkle!

What’s On in the City

Monday in the city always has so much to see and do. There are art installations to discover, theater performances to take in, or, if you're a fellow tutu enthusiast, maybe you want to catch a ballet class or take in a live dance performance. There's always a different energy on a Monday. It's the perfect day to wander around, explore new neighbourhoods and see what treasures await around each corner.

For instance, did you know today is National Almond Day?! So I will be sure to celebrate the occasion with a cheeky almond croissant, perfect with my hot Americano and my favourite tutu, of course.

For those of you with your tutu travel boots on, I'll be at the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a fascinating talk on ballet costume history - I’m always happy to soak up a little history! After the talk, I'm planning to explore Central Park and maybe find a spot for a little twirl and take a few snapshots with my fellow tutu lovers! Come say hello and don’t forget to share your pictures with me on Instagram @pinktutunyc.

The day is just getting started here in the city that never sleeps! But for me, this isn’t just about work and exploring new places. It's about sharing my love of pink tutus, ballet, fashion and travel with the world. So here’s to a new week filled with sparkles and sunshine, and perhaps a touch of pink tutus!

See you next Monday!

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

PS: Don't forget to visit to follow my blog every week! I would love to see pictures of you rocking a tutu in your hometown! I want to encourage everyone to wear pink tutus to spread a little bit of joy and laughter around the world. Let's start a pink tutu revolution! I'll be sharing all of your lovely photos and comments on the site. I want to turn the world pink!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-02-23 she danced in New York City