
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-03-01 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #456 - Monday 1st March 2004 - New York, New York, itā€™s a Wonderful Town!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog! This week Iā€™m beaming with excitement, because you guessed itā€¦Iā€™m in the Big Apple, baby! New York, New York! What can I say about this phenomenal, frenetic, fascinating city? Letā€™s just say, itā€™s more than a little bit of a dream come true for this Derbyshire lass!

My love affair with this incredible city began, as it does for so many, at the Ballet. This week, I was absolutely privileged to see ā€œSwan Lakeā€ at the Lincoln Center. The performance was breath-taking, the costumes utterly magnificent, and the passion of the dancers was just...magnetic. Seeing it in such a historic venue, in the heart of New York, just added to the whole, truly magical experience.

Tutu Time

Speaking of ā€œmagicā€ there is absolutely no way I could visit New York City without bringing my most fabulous pink tutu. The city is an explosion of color, and the people are stylish, chic and, well, daring enough to rock some amazing fashion! Where better to flaunt my Tutu than this bustling city? I even managed to take some seriously Instagram-worthy pictures in Central Park, so don't forget to check out my latest feed - my new pink feather boa was a big hit with the pigeons, or perhaps it was my twirling! šŸ˜‰

Of course, no trip to New York would be complete without a little bit of ballet-themed retail therapy. And let me tell you, New York is a sartorial playground for the fashionista in me. From the vintage treasures of the Lower East Side, to the luxurious department stores on Fifth Avenue, there is something for everyone in New York.

Speaking of shopping, did you know March 1st marks the beginning of National Womenā€™s History Month in the U.S.? How fabulous! I absolutely love the concept, it gives us a chance to reflect on all the extraordinary achievements of women throughout history, celebrate their courage, intelligence and passion. I couldnā€™t think of a better place to mark this than here in New York.

From Broadway to the Subway

Speaking of celebrations, my love for all things New York goes far beyond just ballet and fashion. Iā€™m in awe of this cityā€™s vibrant arts scene. Broadway shows, the legendary museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History - itā€™s just mind-boggling. I mean, have you ever seen a T-Rex like that before?!

As a true, genuine ballet girl at heart, it wouldn't be a New York adventure if I didnā€™t spend a fair amount of time on the metro! This isnā€™t your average subway system! Think Art Deco station interiors with intricate tiling, and those fantastic ironwork grilles and balustrades... The subway truly feels like another architectural experience for me - all the while being extremely practical! And just a little bonus fact - it's home to some fantastic street performers, some even doing the ballet thing!

I love taking photos of the subway scenes on my iPhone, youā€™ll have to check my Instagram later to see all the action.

Pink Power!

It wouldnā€™t be Pink Tutu Blog without some Pink Power! My plan? To wear pink tutus on all my outings. Itā€™s a mission, a calling, a dance across all the concrete of New York! One pink tutu at a time! Why not? It adds a little sparkle to even the most mundane commute, it gets everyone smiling, and who doesnā€™t love a touch of pink, darling?

But the most fabulous part of my pink tutu plan is seeing the delight on peopleā€™s faces when they see my little dance across town. The joy in their eyes, the smiles, the sheer unexpectedness of it! You should have seen the little kid's face yesterday! And did I mention my sparkly pink ballet shoes? Total star power right there!

Adventures in Dining

Of course, any journey in New York is all about food, isnā€™t it? Iā€™ve tried a little bit of everything! From the best pizza at that cute little joint in Greenwich Village, to those delicious cupcakes (think sprinkles, think sugar, think fabulous!), to those fabulous Jewish delis where you just can't leave without trying a pastrami on rye! (But be careful, they're BIG sandwiches.) My inner fashionista also demands some afternoon tea, and I must admit, the elegant afternoon teas Iā€™ve sampled so far have been heavenly! All cream, cucumber sandwiches, and little pinkies held just so! Oh, New York, how I love thee.

I've even taken in a show! The atmosphere was so exciting, with a lively audience who were singing and chanting along with the performers. Itā€™s truly incredible. Did you know I had a great chance encounter with the composer of one of my favourite musicals at a show on Saturday? Just think, I might even be invited backstage for a quick photo-op! I am truly living the dream. (Donā€™t forget to check my Instagram stories this week!).

More Than a Trip

You see, this isn't just a holiday for me; it's a whole new experience. New York City is more than a city, itā€™s an energy, an attitude, an inspiration. This isn't just a blog, darling, it's a whole movement!

And you know what, I'm going to try to bring that magic back to Derbyshire when I get home. More about that next week! Until then, Iā€™m out there exploring the avenues of my new love affair! New York City, youā€™ve captured my heart! And remember, darlingsā€¦ if you see a pink tutu swirling down the street in this wonderful, magnificent cityā€¦thatā€™s just me!




Don't forget to check my website for more behind-the-scenes adventures, tutu-tastic updates and exclusive fashion finds. Until next Monday, darlings!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-03-01 she danced in New York City