New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-04-19 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #463 - Monday, April 19th, 2004: A Dance Under the Stars!

Hello my darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the most fabulous city in the world – New York, New York! It’s Monday, which means it’s Pink Tutu Blog day, and my oh my, do I have a treat for you this week!

You know I’m a girl who loves her routines. Monday mornings usually start with a trip down to the metro station, a quick swipe of my MetroCard (my own personal fairy wand to transport me around this city), and then a magical journey underground, past stations with names that sound like a ballet show – Times Square, Grand Central… so many enchanting destinations!

This week, I decided to kick things off a bit differently. I thought, "What’s more magical than a Sunday matinee at the Metropolitan Opera?" And my lovelies, it truly was a dream!

As I entered the Met, the beautiful pink lights from the grand foyer were like a spotlight shining on me and my sparkling pink tulle tutu. The music in the air – just the thought of all the magnificent operatic voices soon to grace the stage - gave me butterflies. I even saw some of the dancers from the American Ballet Theatre taking their places! How divine!

It’s no secret that I'm a bit of a theatre fanatic. I think every woman in the world deserves to feel like a princess for a day, to shimmer in a dazzling gown and be swept off their feet by a prince in a shimmering suit. I see theatre as the magic we all need in our lives. And honestly, the most important thing is, as always, the tutu!

My outfit for this day of glamour? I was feeling a bit vintage and chose a deep pink blouse, delicate lace detailing and a sweet little pastel-pink tutu. My favourite pink clutch finished the look, and a tiny tiara, you guessed it, pink of course, held back my hair.

Oh, the show! My word, I simply cannot describe the majesty of the operatic performances! It was just what I needed to re-inspire me for a new week of adventure. But enough about me and my delightful adventures. Tell me, have you seen any amazing theatre shows lately? Any fab tutu inspiration? Do tell!

I know many of you out there are probably thinking, "Emma, you live such a glamorous life! Travelling, dancing, tutus… but how do you do it? How can I live a life like yours?" Well, my darling friends, I’ve discovered that even when you have a modest budget, you can still have extraordinary adventures!

For me, it’s all about creating your own magic! My secret? I make ballet my job, not my hobby. I’m a dancer, it’s in my soul, and I work hard. It’s no walk in the park, but the joy I get performing, seeing other people be inspired, and even just watching other people do it on stage…. it truly makes it all worthwhile. So don’t be afraid to dream big! I’m proof that even the tiniest spark of a dream can grow into a beautiful flame!

So now that you've seen me dance in New York City, what's coming next? I don't want to spoil any of the fun, but I can hint that a visit to a world-famous museum is on the cards…and a spot of shopping at the very finest boutiques, because a girl needs her pink-tutu outfit for that, of course!

Keep your eyes peeled on the blog next week, for all the details… And don't forget, keep those tutus twirling.

Yours in sparkles,

Emma 💖

Emma's Outfit:

  • Pink Blouse: Found at a vintage shop downtown - A true treasure! They do say good things come to those who wait! 😉

    • Pastel Pink Tutu: I simply cannot live without this lovely tutu. My special creation, designed by me, from the most luxurious tulle - a real princess feel!

    • Pink Clutch: A timeless piece from Chanel, found in a gorgeous vintage shop. There are hidden gems to be discovered everywhere in this city!

  • Tiny Pink Tiara: Oh this is so lovely… the crowning jewel of my whole wardrobe, let's say! Bought online at a fabulous little Etsy shop, and is a tiny sparkly princess dream.

What Emma’s doing today (Monday, 19th April 2004):

I'm going to take the metro to a favourite place called the New York Public Library to take some pictures. I hear it's an architectural gem, and they even have the most lovely little reading rooms… perhaps a book on Ballet history will be calling my name? 😉 The New York Public Library also has a wonderful event today… the "Authors Live" program, with some famous writers talking about their works. So exciting! And after my Library visit, there’s an early evening rehearsal. You’d never guess, but my ballet performance today at Lincoln Centre was so magical, a very important producer in the theatre world gave me his card. This could be my big break! He seems interested in me dancing in a big new ballet show for Broadway, maybe a tutu ballerina show, you know? So exciting! Fingers crossed.

Emma's top tutu tips

  • When you buy a new tutu, always get a bit extra material! You can trim it down later if necessary.

  • Always store your tutus flat, on a hanger if possible. And of course, store them away from dust and heat. A precious item like this needs careful attention!

  • Never be afraid to try something new. This might mean mixing fabrics and experimenting with textures - but always with a pink base, darlings!.

Things to do in New York this week:

  • Catch a play on Broadway! If you can, try to get tickets to a show by the American Ballet Theatre, it’s a must see for anyone who loves ballet.

  • See a museum exhibit, my favourite is the Met’s Costume Institute Exhibition (the MET will always have the most magnificent exhibits, you really can't miss it!), or go to the Museum of Modern Art.

  • See a musical - The most iconic shows on Broadway always make me feel so nostalgic, and bring out my inner theatre queen!

*Until next Monday, have a wonderful week full of fashion, fun, and twirling, my loves! *

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-04-19 she danced in New York City