New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-04-26 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #464: Dancing Dreams in the Big Apple! 🩰🍎

Hey everyone! It's Monday again, which means a new week of adventures and a brand new post for my dear Pink Tutu Blog. This week, I'm bursting with excitement because… drumroll please… I'm in New York City! 🗽

I've always dreamed of exploring this magical metropolis, and now I'm finally here, tutu and all! 💖 As I'm writing this, I'm sitting at a little cafe with a steaming cup of tea and a slice of the most delicious apple pie (it's true, they really do do apple pie better in America!), watching the world go by. The energy here is truly electrifying! I can already tell this is going to be a truly unforgettable trip.

So, where do I even begin? It all started with an incredible opportunity to perform at a benefit gala for a local dance school in the city. Of course, I had to accept! It's a dream come true to bring my ballet to a new audience, and the gala was an absolute blast! The energy from the crowd was fantastic, and afterwards, I even got to chat with a few fellow dancers, swapping tips and stories about life in the big city. It was like stepping into a real-life ballet dream!

My First Day in the City That Never Sleeps 🏙️

After my performance, I hopped on the subway (it's just so exciting to ride a proper Metro!), heading straight to my little haven – a charming hotel right in the heart of Greenwich Village.

Let me tell you, New York is a whirlwind! The moment you step off the train, you're hit with a sensory overload. From the constant chatter and hustle-bustle to the towering skyscrapers that seem to kiss the sky, it’s exhilarating!

My first mission? Explore my surroundings, of course! So, with my trusty pink tutu and my camera in tow, I ventured out into the charming cobbled streets. I'm just utterly in love with this part of the city – it's full of character and life, with beautiful brick buildings, cute little boutiques, and quirky art galleries tucked away in every nook and cranny. It's no wonder so many creatives and dreamers find their home in Greenwich Village!

Pink Power in the Big City 💕

And what's a Pink Tutu Blog without a touch of pink, right? New York City didn’t disappoint! Everywhere I turned, there was a touch of pink! From the iconic pink taxis, to the bright pink candy stalls on the street corners, and even the fluffy pink pillows in the windows of vintage stores, it seemed like pink was a part of the city’s very soul.

And let's not forget the ultimate pink destination - Tiffany & Co.! ✨ Yes, I couldn't resist a little trip to their flagship store on 5th Avenue, the epitome of luxurious sparkle!

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Emma, a pink tutu and Tiffany’s? Isn't that a bit too much?" Well, darling, let's face it, the city of New York is all about making a statement! If anything, I think my pink tutu helped me stand out, attract attention, and make new friends, and that’s what being in New York is all about, right? 😉

Seeing Stars: Broadway Bound! 🎭

I was so excited to take in a Broadway show – and not just any show, a legendary one: The Phantom of the Opera!

Oh, the drama! The music! The costumes! It was utterly breathtaking! And, you’ll never believe it, they had a real life chandelier falling onstage, the most amazing dramatic scene I’ve ever seen! I gasped so loud, a little girl behind me turned around and said "wow". This girl, you'd think she had been watching the show for a hundred years, but I guess that’s New York – the show must go on!

The sheer talent and artistry on display was inspiring – every dance sequence, every costume change, every note sung, it all felt like pure magic. For a brief moment, I was whisked away to another world, and that feeling, that’s what makes Broadway so special.

Exploring New York: The Metro Adventures! 🚇

Okay, let’s talk about the best bit of my New York journey - the Metro! Now, for you non-New Yorkers, the Metro here is basically the city's beating heart. It's how people get everywhere – from your local bodega to your Broadway show.

I’m obsessed! I love riding the subway in this city. Not only is it convenient and fast (which is perfect for me, because I’ve got a packed schedule with my ballet and performances!), but it’s a truly fascinating cultural experience. The noise, the sights, the diverse people from all over the world – it’s truly captivating. I can’t stop taking photos and writing about the scenes in my little diary.

My favourite part of the subway system? The sheer beauty of some of the older stations! Imagine intricate mosaics, ornate carvings, and arches soaring high overhead. You really get the sense that New York has a story to tell, a history woven into its very foundations.

A Night of Shopping Bliss! 🛍️

Of course, no trip to New York City would be complete without some serious shopping therapy! And I'm here to report that New York is truly a shopaholic's paradise! There's something for everyone, from designer boutiques to vintage stores.

But for a girl who loves tutus, you can bet I headed straight for Bergdorf Goodman! Oh my goodness, it’s truly like a department store in a fairytale! There were glittering gowns, glamorous shoes, and endless shelves filled with accessories, each piece a miniature work of art. You know, for me, it was like going to the ballet, the whole experience felt magical!

And guess what else? Bergdorf Goodman also had a dedicated department for children’s clothes, and guess what they had there? Tutus! Yes, pink, and sparkly ones! So, for my first piece of shopping in New York City, you guessed it – I bought a beautiful, new, extra special pink tutu, specially to bring back for you, my darling readers, to showcase on next week's blog post. Isn't it lovely? I can’t wait to share it with you all!

From the Pink Tutu: Reflections on a Week in New York City

It’s true, New York is truly a city that has it all. It’s a place where you can feel anything and everything! There’s excitement, energy, a mix of the sophisticated and the wild, it’s full of surprises.

For me, being here has been an inspiration, it’s a reminder to never stop dreaming, never stop pursuing my passions. And, it's made me more determined than ever to encourage everyone out there to wear a pink tutu. If you dare, step outside of your comfort zone, take a risk and embrace your individuality. Because you never know where it might lead you!

And, as I close this post, my heart is full of gratitude. I feel incredibly blessed to be on this journey, to be able to share my love of ballet, and inspire others to embrace their passions and dreams. Thanks for coming along with me, everyone. I can’t wait to tell you more about my amazing adventures in New York City in the weeks to come.

Till next week,

Love and pink tutus,

Emma. 💖


It's April 26th today, and that means it's National Pretzel Day! Now, who else is ready for a salty snack while I tell you more about my journey? Stay tuned for more pink-tastic stories from the heart of New York City! 😉

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-04-26 she danced in New York City