New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-05-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #467 – A Tutu-tiful Trip to New York City!

Hello darlings! It's Emma, your pink tutu-wearing travel buddy, and this week's blog is all about my utterly magical adventure in the Big Apple! Yes, that's right, your girl's been waltzing around New York City, and oh my, what a whirl it's been!

I arrived on a crisp May morning, the air abuzz with the city's infectious energy. Straight from the airport, I hopped on the iconic subway - oh, the thrill of navigating those labyrinthine tunnels! I felt like a princess in her chariot, just waiting to be whisked away to a magical land.

Now, you all know my biggest passion is ballet. So, of course, I had to check out some of New York's world-class dance performances. First on the agenda was a truly breathtaking performance at the Lincoln Center. The grace and artistry of the dancers was captivating, their movements as delicate as spun sugar, yet with such power and expression. And the costumes, oh my goodness, simply stunning! The colours, the fabrics, it was pure dance-related eye candy!

Speaking of costumes, how could I resist a visit to the renowned New York City Ballet's Costume Shop? A behind-the-scenes glimpse into the world of dance attire was simply delightful! Rows upon rows of shimmering fabrics, meticulously hand-crafted tutus, and countless dazzling accessories filled the workshop. It felt like stepping into a fantastical wardrobe from a dream!

My love affair with tutus isn't just confined to the ballet world though. New York City is a fashion paradise, and I made sure to embrace the stylish spirit of the city by rocking my own signature pink tutu wherever I went. Whether I was twirling around Times Square, taking in a Broadway show (which, let me tell you, are absolutely fantastic!), or exploring the eclectic shops of SoHo, my tutu added a touch of whimsical charm to every experience.

But my trip wasn't just about performance halls and dazzling lights. It was about immersing myself in the unique rhythm and character of this extraordinary city. I strolled through Central Park, feeling the serenity amidst the bustle of the city, savouring the sweet scent of blossoms in the air. I stood in awe of the imposing architecture, from the Art Deco masterpiece of the Chrysler Building to the elegant grandeur of the Empire State Building, each building telling its own silent story.

And, of course, no visit to New York City is complete without experiencing the delicious culinary scene. From the classic New York bagel with cream cheese to the iconic New York pizza, the flavours were as vibrant and diverse as the city itself. I especially adored the colourful, quirky cafes tucked away in charming side streets. I mean, where else could you find a unicorn-themed brunch with rainbow pancakes? Only in New York!

As my adventure drew to a close, I realised that New York City has a certain magic, a contagious energy that you can't help but be swept up in. It's a city that inspires dreams and possibilities. And, I'll be honest, this city certainly sparked some tutu-related ambitions!

Speaking of which, let's talk tutus, shall we? This week's theme is "Tutus for Everyone!" Remember, I truly believe that every single one of you can find a tutu to express your inner ballerina! It's not about age, size, or experience. It's about feeling empowered and joyful, embracing the beauty of movement and playfulness.

This weekend, challenge yourself to put on a tutu, whether it's in your own living room, at the park, or even on a special outing. Dance like no one's watching, embrace the freedom of movement, and most importantly, have fun!

As I say farewell to this incredible city, I leave with my heart overflowing with gratitude and inspiration. New York City, you've shown me that magic and sparkle are found everywhere, and that with a little bit of pink tutu magic, anything is possible!

And don't forget, my dearest tutu-lovers, every Monday at, you'll find a fresh blog post about my travels and everything tutus! So, stay tuned, and keep your tutus twirling!

Lots of love,

Emma xox

P.S. This week, I also want to talk about what's happening on the date of this blog post, Monday, May 17, 2004!

  • On this very date, a legendary ballet company, the Bolshoi Ballet, took centre stage at the Metropolitan Opera House. They performed an absolutely stunning version of “Giselle” which, if you haven't seen it, you simply must!

  • Also on this day, the annual New York City Ballet's Spring Gala took place, a spectacular event celebrating the art of ballet with an exquisite display of artistry and grandeur.

  • Now, this part's extra exciting: If you were on the streets of New York on this Monday, you might have witnessed a unique pop-up performance by the “Dance Theatre of Harlem.” They were performing right in Times Square, reminding everyone of the magic of dance and the accessibility of art.

And for those of you wondering how I funded my New York adventure, you guessed it! It was all made possible by the amazing opportunities my ballet career provides. From stunning solo performances to elegant ensemble pieces, each performance allows me to keep my tutu dreams alive and fuel my adventures! So thank you, to every single person who has supported my work, your love means the world to me!

I'm already plotting my next big trip - and I can't wait to share it all with you, right here on Pink Tutu Blog NYC! Until next Monday, keep twirling!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-05-17 she danced in New York City