
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-06-14 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #471 - A Twirling Whirl Through the Big Apple

Hello darlings! It's Monday morning here in the glorious city that never sleeps, and guess what? I'm still beaming from the weekend! A quick scroll through my photos proves that I'm certainly not exaggerating, just look at those wide grins and twirling tutus. It seems the energy of New York really does charge up your joie de vivre, and let's be honest, my dear readers, life simply does get a little bit more fun with a dash of pink tulle, don't you think?

Before I share all the delightful details of my weekend escapades, I'd like to extend a huge thank you to all you lovely lot for the fantastic feedback on last week's blog post about my Derbyshire homecoming. You are truly the best! It seems like so many of you also dream of twirling in a tutu on the cobbled streets of your own childhood homes. Oh, the nostalgia! Let's take that pink tutu dream even further - anyone joining me in a global pink tutu flash mob? I reckon that'd really turn heads...

Now, on to this week's delightful dose of NYC adventures! Remember how I told you about being absolutely bowled over by the spectacular American Ballet Theatre gala performance I'd been invited to? It was a true pinch me moment, standing in the heart of Lincoln Center with a fabulous frock and a feeling of pure exhilaration! This gala was a celebration of their upcoming season, featuring the most incredible dancers I've ever witnessed. I simply could not believe my eyes - the speed, the grace, the breathtaking strength! And, to add to the magic, there were sneak peeks into the incredible pieces they're going to be performing - Oh, my word, I just can't wait! This city is a paradise for ballet lovers, I tell you!

But let's be honest, for a ballerina like myself, New York is all about so much more than just watching ballet, it's about soaking up its energy! After all, we dancers are more than just ballerinas - we're performers, creatives, storytellers. And to stay inspired, we must embrace it all, yes? The whole hustle and bustle of this magical city is all a part of our creative journey, isn't it?

This weekend, I embraced the excitement head-on, venturing beyond the graceful confines of the theater. Saturday began with a jaunt around the Upper East Side - those cobblestone streets are positively irresistible, and there's something quite magical about spotting a fire escape overflowing with vibrant petunias! Then, it was off to meet my friend, Eleanor, who happens to be a designer here in New York! She's got a knack for finding the most adorable, vintage clothes, you know, those pieces with a touch of history and a lot of character. You just can't get that same feeling from a brand new dress off the rack. After an afternoon spent indulging in the treasure trove that is her little shop, "Eleanor's Finds", we had to, of course, head for the Metropolitan Museum of Art! A day spent soaking in the timeless elegance of the great masters always makes my creative spirit soar! And, what's more, you just have to take in some stunning architecture in this city! How could anyone not be utterly captivated by its skyline? And those buildings, oh my! Some of the grand old ladies still wear those elegant facades and ornate windows that take my breath away.

After all those inspiring encounters with art and history, I decided I needed some music in my life. We spent Saturday evening in the company of the talented "Gotham Opera" - their performance was utterly breath-taking. Those powerful voices echoing through that magnificent auditorium left me speechless. It really does prove that the power of performance is simply magical, wouldn't you agree?

Sunday dawned with a twirling whirlwind of activity, and yes, you guessed it - my trusty tutu was on the case! We hit up the open-air markets in the Lower East Side - the scents alone were intoxicating. Freshly baked pastries, handcrafted soaps, and flowers in a kaleidoscope of colours! You just can't help but be in high spirits in the midst of such vibrancy. We bought the most beautiful hand-woven lavender bags for our new flats! And I can't resist the charm of an antique fair - you can find so many unique trinkets to decorate your life and add a bit of personal touch. You know I adore vintage fashion - and with that love, comes an innate appreciation for anything old and beautifully made! And oh, darling! I simply have to tell you about the vintage shoe stall I discovered, a treasure trove of leather boots, platform sandals, and the most charming velvet ballet slippers you've ever seen! And, naturally, all my shopping adventures had to end with a slice of classic New York pizza! There's just something so special about the combination of cheese and tomato in that simple, satisfying slice.

After an exhilarating day of sightseeing and shopping, I rounded off Sunday evening with a special treat: a ballet class in the heart of the city! There's nothing quite like the joy of joining in a communal passion. And dancing surrounded by such talented individuals always makes my heart skip a beat. As the rhythmic twirling faded into the gentle bustle of the city streets, I found myself reflecting on my weekend adventures, feeling utterly charmed and brimming with creative inspiration. New York City, you're a true siren, drawing me in with your promise of unforgettable experiences.

Now, back to the real world! As my dear, fluffy friend "Twinkle" the tutu rests gently on the back of my chair, I must turn my attention to the mundane but vital task of planning this week's upcoming performances. This is the core of my life, of course - sharing my passion for ballet with the world! And nothing gives me more joy than using the earnings from my performances to continue funding these wonderful adventures. It's truly a magical cycle - to travel, to explore, to create and, most importantly, to inspire!

You can be sure I will be keeping you up-to-date on my whirlwind of activity - follow me on Twitter for daily updates from my adventures and you can catch a glimpse into my life by visiting my website - www.pink-tutu.com. Don't forget to visit every Monday for a fresh dose of pink tutu-infused travel tips and fashion insights!

Until next week, darlings, keep your chins up, your steps light, and your dreams full of pink tutus. I'll be here twirling!



P.S. And by the way, did you know that today marks the 50th anniversary of The Beatles' * first American TV performance on "The Ed Sullivan Show?" Now, isn't that a piece of history that deserves a celebration in itself? I'm off to dust off my records and enjoy a dose of *Lennon and McCartney! Have a fantastic week!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-06-14 she danced in New York City