New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-06-28 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City - Post 473 (Monday, 28th June 2004)

Oh darling! It's Monday morning in the Big Apple, and let me tell you, my toes are still tapping from a whirlwind weekend. What an absolute dream of a time! Now, gather 'round for another fab instalment of my NYC adventures!

Firstly, as always, I need to express my unending gratitude for all of you, my wonderful followers! I wouldn't be able to chase my dreams and spread the pink tutu love around the globe without your constant encouragement and support. You know I wouldn't dream of leaving Derbyshire for good (especially with a good cuppa and a proper roast on the horizon!), but exploring the world and inspiring others to twirl with joy is a dream I'm determined to pursue!

This week has been a real mix of exciting delights. Let's start with Saturday night - what better way to begin the weekend than a mesmerising performance by the New York City Ballet at the Lincoln Center? Honestly, I couldn't get over the elegance, the energy, the sheer skill of those incredible dancers. The costumes were beyond divine - it's truly remarkable how a single movement, a swish of a skirt, a flutter of a tutu, can stir the heartstrings in such a profound way. I'm forever inspired by the dedication and grace of the professional ballet world, and this performance solidified why I dedicate myself to spreading that same spirit of artistry wherever I go.

Sunday, being a creature of habit, I began the day as always: a delectable brunch at my favourite Parisian-style cafe, followed by an afternoon of exploring the city's chic boutiques. Honestly, I could spend days just wandering the streets of Manhattan, absorbing the latest fashion trends and indulging my love for all things beautiful. This week, I snagged a magnificent sequined top that would look absolutely fabulous with my new pink tutu - more about that in a future post!

As the sun began its golden descent, it was time for the main event: Broadway! Yes, my dears, I caught the final showing of "The Lion King". Talk about an immersive experience! The music, the costumes, the acting, everything was simply magical! It was like being transported into another world - I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a tear or two of pure joy streaming down my face. Oh, and did I mention the beautiful pink tutu the female lion wore? Simply exquisite!

But wait, there's more! After the performance, a fellow tutu enthusiast, named Sarah, approached me in the lobby! She saw me wearing my favourite pink tutu (my classic "Twinkletoes") and exclaimed how much she loved my blog! Turns out she's a devoted follower and we spent the next hour chatting about our mutual love for the ballet world, all things sparkly, and, of course, pink tutus! We even took a picture together - you can catch it on my Instagram (@PinkTutuAdventures)! Sarah was kind enough to suggest a local ballet studio for me to check out - more on that next week!

Of course, all of this whirlwind excitement wouldn't be possible without the fantastic New York City subway! Now, let's be honest, there are certain elements of riding the subway in NYC that can be quite...challenging. But I do love that you can experience a glimpse into so many lives during a single journey. From the flamboyant artists, to the city-slick professionals, and, let's not forget, the incredibly stylish, trendy youngsters (often adorned in…you guessed it…PINK tutus! Maybe it's the subtle influence of my blog?) – the subway is a vibrant melting pot of New York. Just the other day, I even saw a little boy sporting a magnificent pink tutu, which, naturally, prompted me to give him a big smile and a playful twirl! You can never be too young to spread the pink tutu love!

But remember, dear friends, my journey doesn't end here! My trip to NYC was simply another stepping stone on my path to bringing joy and fashion to every corner of the world, all while promoting the incredible beauty and grace of ballet. Until next week, may your steps be light and your heart full of joy!

Your girl in pink,


P.S. Don't forget to check out for more delightful posts, travel tips, and, of course, plenty of pink tutu inspiration! Keep those questions and comments coming! Let's all spread the love, one twirl at a time!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-06-28 she danced in New York City