
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-07-05 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: Monday 5th July 2004 (Post #474)

"New York, New York! Where Dreams Take Flight (and So Does My Pink Tutu!)"

Oh, darling readers, this past week has been simply divine! It's been a whirl of pink tutus, captivating shows, and the glorious magic of New York City.

I finally arrived in the Big Apple, a little over a week ago now. The excitement has hardly subsided, honestly. This trip marks the pinnacle of my dance career, as I landed a plum spot dancing with the renowned City Ballet Company here in New York! How does a little ballerina from Derbyshire, England, get to be here, you ask? Well, dear readers, I wouldnā€™t be here without the magic of ballet, of course.

My talent was nurtured by dedicated teachers back home, and it has led me to this incredible journey. With each performance, with each beautiful, graceful movement, I find my own way to move forward. And, with a touch of pink-tutu-luck, my dance talent found its way to the heart of New York! My current performance in The Nutcracker, has allowed me to finally follow my dream of performing on Broadway. This amazing city truly inspires me, and I feel my own unique ballet story is being written within its grand theatre walls.

A Week in Pink-tutu Paradise!

Now, to share my adventures!

Sunday 27th June: I arrived on a bright and sunny Sunday. After a tiring flight, I was totally delighted to step into a taxi. It wasn't just any taxi either, it was a gorgeous, bright, shiny, cherry red classic car! Such an amazing start to my Big Apple experience. It was like stepping straight into a scene from a glamorous 1940s film.

As the taxi rolled through the heart of Manhattan, I felt like I had entered a magical dreamscape, one I'd dreamt about all my life. It's such an incredible experience to walk down a street and have the iconic New York skyscrapers rising around you!

My hotel was just a stoneā€™s throw from Times Square. What a view! The sheer scale and magnificence of everything simply blew my mind.

Monday 28th June: I awoke to the sights and sounds of a brand new week! My first chore, as always, was finding my nearest Starbucks. With a pink tutu ballerina in need of her caffeine fix, my first New York breakfast was, naturally, a vanilla latte (extra whip, of course!) paired with a cinnamon croissant, all whilst taking in the bright morning light flooding into the cafƩ.

A leisurely breakfast allowed for a full exploration of the surrounding area, and I couldn't resist popping into a cute pink boutique nearby. The moment I stepped inside, it was a symphony of colour, textures, and vintage trinkets. Oh, darling readers, it was like I had found heaven in a little pink corner of New York! The entire shop was simply delightful - my new favourite spot! You just have to pop in if you are ever in the area!

That evening, it was back to the world of ballet. The rehearsal for The Nutcracker went very smoothly! Itā€™s always so exciting and a touch daunting, performing with a new company. New choreography to master, new steps to polish, and the thrill of performing alongside new dancers. However, after such a brilliant welcome, my anxieties quickly vanished. What a wonderful, talented group of dancers I am so privileged to share the stage with!

Tuesday 29th June: Today's rehearsal was followed by a much needed break. I simply had to visit a real New York diner for a proper meal, and who wouldnā€™t want to indulge in the iconic American burger experience! So, it was a classic juicy burger and crispy fries. To keep my energy up for all this dancing, my treat included an ice cream sundae (I am a ballerina after all!). It's good to allow yourself some luxuries on occasion in order to keep those steps swift and strong!

And then it was time to hit the shops! Being in New York City, a place bursting with fashion, creativity, and individuality, means that itā€™s simply a must to go shopping! Itā€™s one of the best things about this place. It was an absolute treat to browse and purchase some fabulous new items to enhance my pink-tutu wardrobe. You have to make the most of a place like New York City - donā€™t you think? You just never know what gems you're going to find tucked away amongst those bustling city blocks.

Wednesday 30th June: Oh my word, another full day! This day had to begin, of course, with an exploration of my favourite subject: fashion! I was simply overjoyed to find a charming little vintage shop called ā€œVintage Dreamsā€ hidden down a side street off Fifth Avenue. This amazing store has to be on my New York Fashion Must-See list! It was bursting with colour and pieces with so much character. I could not help but pick up an elegant vintage shawl with shimmering pink detailing! It was just the right colour to accentuate my favourite pink tutu. The perfect combination!

Of course, the day wouldn't be complete without a trip to a Central Park stroll. I couldn't resist picking up a giant cup of caramel-laced hot chocolate and some freshly baked cinnamon rolls! (All of course, on a pink paper napkin). Sitting on a park bench watching the people walk by - it truly does make you appreciate the beauty of simple life moments - this is what I adore about New York City, the constant pulse of life and the vibrant atmosphere.

Thursday 1st July: My afternoon was dedicated to ballet class. The studio was just a short walk from the hotel, a tiny, quirky studio hidden in the city maze. Iā€™ve been attending ballet classes here for the past few days to get ready for the opening performance of The Nutcracker on Friday! Oh, it is a magical experience! It has also been so great to connect with the dancers at the studio - a delightful group of talented souls from different parts of the world. They have helped me to feel at home in the bustling metropolis that is New York!

Friday 2nd July: This is it - opening night! After so much preparation and a fair amount of stress (and a few nervous laughs too!), it was time to put everything I had into my performance for The Nutcracker. It was a night filled with the excitement of dancing alongside such incredibly talented dancers and musicians, and an equally brilliant response from the audience! It was truly a moment to savour - a night I will cherish forever!

My favourite moment was a graceful pirouette under a huge glittering Christmas tree on stage. A few twirls of my pink tutu, under the magical, shimmering lights as a beautiful rendition of Tchaikovsky's music flowed around us, felt simply surreal! And to have the energy and enthusiasm of the audience swirling around you is something that only ballet can deliver.

I think I saw at least 30 tutus in the audience on Friday, all thanks to the influence of #PinkTutuBlog! I can't thank you enough for helping to make the dream of the Pink-tutu-revolution become a reality. More people need to embrace their own inner dancer!

Saturday 3rd July: Itā€™s not all about dancing and performance though. Even ballerinas have a need to unwind. A day of indulgence and relaxation. And what better way to relax than with a high tea in New York City? The afternoon sunshine poured through the window as I sipped on the most delightful, delicious tea paired with freshly baked cakes. Oh, this has become a weekend ritual for me!

Later that day, we indulged in a little New York culture and visited the stunning Metropolitan Museum of Art, where we were met by extravagant artefacts that stretched back through centuries of history and fascinating cultures. Of course, it was all in a beautiful building with a magnificent staircase ā€“ very ballet-esque indeed.

Sunday 4th July: The Nutcracker performance! It's the final show of the weekend - hurrah! After all this hard work and a couple of sleepless nights, it feels so good to have already had one performance under my belt. Now, the second one will be full of confidence and energy, thanks to all the practice and encouragement from the City Ballet Company family. My tutu is ready to twirl with a final flair!

I think a trip to Central Park again is called for. There's nothing better than feeling the sun on your face in a lovely part of the city. There are so many people here who come to the city to discover its many unique offerings and attractions - just like I have! There is something here for everyone. It's a true melting pot of talent and culture - it does not feel like you could ever be bored in New York City.

Iā€™m also going to treat myself to a visit to Tiffany & Co. for a little ā€œwindow shoppingā€. (What ballerina can resist a splendid display of beautiful jewelry?)

Tonight I have a date!

(Yes, itā€™s a first date - and itā€™s with a ballet dancer from the company! We've met several times at the studio during practice. He's an amazing dancer and is really funny, a kind and very charismatic person. Iā€™m rather smittenā€¦ I have to say that my pink-tutu dreams may be about to become a reality once again).

I must confess it's not the easiest being a ballerina in New York City. The demands are high, but itā€™s all so worthwhile. Evenings are filled with performance and I'm still trying to fit in those morning yoga sessions and get the most out of the ballet studio! And as a new addition to the city itself, it takes a little while to navigate the complex metro system, especially as itā€™s an entire world of its own.

Itā€™s all so exciting, but it's definitely something that takes getting used to!

One more thing.

This is the only way I manage to see the world and do what I love. Itā€™s the result of a lifetime of hard work and dedication. And that means being strict with myself when it comes to how I use my money, because the ballet performance that Iā€™m working so hard at is what pays for my travel. Every penny counts and I want to make sure that itā€™s being spent well. So I always keep a lookout for any fantastic deals!

That said, a girl needs her favourite pink tutu to dance in. And let me tell you, finding a unique tutu in New York can be a real challenge in this fashionable city. I have to say I am lucky to have discovered that little shop I told you about - they do the most wonderful things! You should come and have a look at it. Youā€™ll find me there.

Iā€™ll keep you updated on how my date goes next week. It's already hard to wait.

For more #PinkTutuBlogNYC adventures visit:

  • www.pink-tutu.com

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-07-05 she danced in New York City