New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-07-12 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: Monday 12th July 2004 (Post #475) - Tutu Time in the Big Apple!

Hello lovelies! Emma here, your favourite tutu-wearing, ballet-loving blogger, back from another whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple. It's hard to believe it's already been six months since I packed my pink suitcases and said "ta-ta" to Derbyshire, and wow, what an adventure it's been! This week's post is extra special, because not only did I witness some incredible dance performances, I also explored a few of my favourite fashion haunts and, of course, danced my socks off at a delightful ballet class.

From Derbyshire to NYC: A Journey of Tutu Dreams

Let me tell you, adjusting to New York was no walk in the park, even for a seasoned traveller like myself. But, with my trusty pink tutu and a heart brimming with excitement, I tackled every challenge with a smile. There's nothing like a little bit of pink power to conquer a new city!

I landed on a Thursday evening, after a delightful flight with British Airways, and promptly set off for a rehearsal at the Broadway Dance Center. It was my first proper ballet class since arriving in New York, and let me tell you, the energy was palpable! These New Yorkers really know how to dance! We tackled pirouettes, fouetté, and grand jetés, all while basking in the vibrant energy of the studio.

New York, New York, Where Dreams Come True

The weekend kicked off with a show at the American Ballet Theatre, the pièce de résistance of this trip! It was a mesmerising performance of "Giselle," with an outstanding performance from the entire company. I couldn't help but be swept away by the artistry and the emotion in every single movement. I was captivated!

I felt the need to indulge my love of pink, so naturally, I took myself for a delightful lunch at Bergdorf Goodman's, surrounded by fabulous handbags, shoes, and couture that I only dreamt of back in Derbyshire! (The champagne also helped a little bit...)

A Taste of Fashion and Shopping Extravaganza

The next day was dedicated to exploring some of my favourite fashion hotspots in the city. Bloomingdale's was a whirlwind of floral prints and girly frills, while I found a gorgeous pink scarf at Tiffany & Co. I even had the courage to try on a sequined mini dress from Betsey Johnson - oh, what a dream! It felt so New York City. (Okay, it may have involved a little impromptu impromptu dance number on the shop floor... Who could resist!)

Subway Adventures & the Magic of Manhattan

Now, who needs a taxi when you can hop on the metro? For this ballet girl, the New York City Subway is like my own personal pink princess carriage. It takes me all over the city, and I get to people-watch and observe the hustle and bustle. Plus, the metro art makes me smile!

Of course, no trip to New York City is complete without a visit to the Metropolitan Opera House. It is absolutely stunning! I enjoyed a wonderful performance of Puccini’s "La Bohème," all in one of my favourite colours, naturally. I wore a dusty pink top and my most luxurious tutu! I had a wonderful view from the balcony, taking it all in with the elegance and grace I felt so lucky to experience.

The Dance Floor is My Playground

And no, my adventures weren't all about shopping and fancy shows! On Saturday evening, I treated myself to a dance class at the renowned Dance Theatre Workshop, which had some truly mind-blowing choreography. The instructor encouraged us to explore our individuality and movement, and the sheer energy of the class was just phenomenal. The workshop was the perfect way to de-stress after a whirlwind weekend in the city.

Tutu Tales and the Power of Pink

I love my trips to New York. I always leave feeling refreshed and energised, with a fresh perspective on life and my art. The magic of this city never fails to inspire me. The city of New York and its endless possibilities leave me mesmerised and hungry for more.

Of course, you know I've been snapping photos galore! Look out for my New York Fashion posts next week. And if you’re wondering how I can afford all these trips to NYC, let’s just say a lot of hard work and a bit of pink magic goes into it! Don’t worry, you don’t need a fortune to be fabulous – my best tip: get yourself a pink tutu, it will open the world of dancing dreams to you too!

As always, be sure to stay connected with me on Instagram at @PinkTutuEmma and join the conversation by posting photos of your own dance moves and pink outfits using #PinkTutuBlogNYC. Until next time, darlings!

With love and pirouettes,


P.S. What are your favourite ballet performances? Let me know in the comments below!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-07-12 she danced in New York City