
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-07-19 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday, 19th July 2004 - New York, New York, Itā€™s A Wonderful Town! šŸ©°šŸ—½

Hey, my darlings! šŸ‘‹ This is Emma from Pink Tutu Blog NYC, and this is post number 476, live from the concrete jungle that never sleeps! As always, you can find this blog every Monday on www.pink-tutu.com, my little corner of the internet dedicated to all things pink, twirling, and fabulous. āœØ

New York, youā€™ve truly captured my heart. Itā€™s hard to believe itā€™s been nearly a week since I arrived in this electrifying metropolis! And you know me, I'm always on the lookout for exciting new things to add to my wardrobe, whether it be a gorgeous vintage hat or the perfect pink tulle for a new tutu creation! I'm pretty sure my suitcases are overflowing with sparkly fabrics and dancing shoes already!

Speaking of dancing, last night was truly spectacular. The New York City Ballet performance was everything Iā€™d dreamed of. Those dancers are incredibly graceful! Iā€™m still buzzing about their flawless leaps, turns, and intricate choreography. Their artistry was so powerful it left me breathless. Itā€™s no wonder ballet is so cherished in New York!

Of course, after the show, I was treated to the best hot chocolate ever at Murrayā€™s Bagels ā€“ you just have to try their cinnamon sugar bagel with a schmear of cream cheese! It's the perfect sweet treat to round off a magical evening.

But I digress! The reason Iā€™m writing today is because my inner adventurer is bursting to share a little glimpse of this incredible city with all of you! I've been busy exploring every nook and cranny of this magnificent place. Iā€™ve already ticked off so many things from my list! From exploring Central Park with its verdant beauty and romantic gazebos to marvelling at the art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, every day here is an explosion of culture, energy, and joy.

Did you know thereā€™s a statue dedicated to my favourite fashion accessoryā€¦ the tutu? That's right, my lovelies! Just near the iconic Times Square, thereā€™s this rather magnificent sculpture of a dancer en pointe wearing a gloriously pink tutu! It made me want to spin with glee! šŸ’–

But enough about me and my tutu obsession (although you know itā€™s my one true passion!), letā€™s dive into a day in my life in New York:

Monday Morning:

It started early ā€“ I couldn't miss the chance to take a morning yoga class in Washington Square Park. Talk about a way to start the day! I need to get my body prepped for the dayā€™s adventures! Then it was time to catch the subway. You might be surprised to hear that, in a place as busy and exciting as New York, I absolutely love the metro! Itā€™s like a subterranean wonderland with so many unique characters going about their day. Plus, it's much cheaper than taxis and gives you a different perspective on the city. After all, I'm always looking for an excuse to squeeze in some extra time for practicing my pirouettes and jetĆ©s, which you might find a little strange in a cramped, crowded train! šŸ™ˆ

A Lunch with a View:

After class, I decided to try out a trendy cafe right near the Empire State Building ā€“ the view from there was incredible! What a perfect place for an afternoon cup of coffee, topped with a delicious macaron and my favourite: a strawberry, and pink grapefruit, smoothie! I couldnā€™t resist indulging in a bit of retail therapy in SoHo, after, picking up some cute accessories, some pink fluffy socks and a couple of pairs of the most stylish shoes youā€™ve ever seen!

Dinner at Little Italy:

For dinner, I decided to try one of the traditional Little Italy restaurants for the authentic Italian cuisine! And it certainly didnā€™t disappoint. I indulged in a huge, mouthwatering bowl of spaghetti carbonara ā€“ simply divine! The food was delicious, the atmosphere was warm and inviting, the place was bursting with laughter and music ā€“ I was in foodie heaven!

Back to the Dance Studio:

As soon as I finished eating, I hopped onto the metro back to The Steps Dance Studio. It's tucked away on a side street just a stone's throw from Lincoln Center. Itā€™s where Iā€™ll be spending a good part of my week, taking jazz and contemporary ballet classes. There's a real sense of community amongst the students and teachers, it feels like one big happy family! šŸ©°

The Highlights of the Evening

The highlight of my day was my class with a fabulous dance teacher, the fantastic Miss Miller, She introduced me to some beautiful, exciting new choreography! And as I gracefully spun and leapt across the studio floor, I couldnā€™t help but think ā€“ ā€œthis is truly where I belongā€! šŸ’«

After hours of stretching, leaping, and pirouettes, it was time to go. As I caught the train home (did I tell you how much I love New York's metro system?!) I caught the reflections of the glittering cityscape in the windows, which was quite a sight.

My little haven in the big city was just a few stops away. Itā€™s a beautiful apartment ā€“ perfect for a ballet enthusiast! The balcony overlooking a charming cobbled street, makes for a picturesque haven where I can practice my routines every evening. šŸ©°

But the best thing about my apartment is its enormous wardrobe space. Thereā€™s room for my tutu collection to really flourish! Thereā€™s something so magical about a full wardrobe filled with all sorts of fluffy, pretty colours! Pink is, of course, my absolute favourite. But sometimes, itā€™s fun to add a bit of purple, lavender or a dash of aqua. Iā€™m all for embracing all sorts of shades! šŸŒˆ

The best thing about dancing and writing is that I can explore this phenomenal city from the comfort of a well-fitting tutu! What more could I ask for?!

Well, thatā€™s my little glimpse into my exciting week here in New York! As you all know, there's no place on Earth thatā€™s more exhilarating and full of endless possibility.

Until next time, I urge you all to spread the love, be your fabulous self, andā€¦ donā€™t forget to embrace your inner twirling self! Iā€™ll be adding some new videos on my website with a behind-the-scenes look at New York, plus a brand new, exclusive performance, coming soon! Don't forget to check back next Monday for more New York escapades!

Happy dancing! šŸ©°



PS. Donā€™t forget, the Pink Tutu challenge continues! I'm calling on everyone, everywhere, to put on your most wonderful, dazzling tutu, and post a photo of you doing it! Tag it #PinkTutuChallenge on social media, and I'll be featuring my favourite ones on my blog every week. We can turn this city into a whirlwind of tulle, sunshine and good times! āœØ

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-07-19 she danced in New York City