New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-08-16 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Monday 2004-08-16 - New York, New York! (Post #480)

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your resident pink tutu aficionado, writing to you from the heart of the Big Apple! I can barely contain my excitement. Today, Monday, August 16th, 2004, I finally made it to New York City. Oh my word, it’s just like stepping onto the stage of a Broadway show!

You see, I'm a girl who thrives on adventure. I love experiencing new things, and New York, with its towering skyscrapers, vibrant streets, and electric energy, promised to be a symphony of sensory delight. And it’s already exceeding my wildest dreams!

Remember how I told you I fund my travel adventures with my ballet performances? Well, my latest engagement at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival was a resounding success! We were even interviewed by the Edinburgh Evening News! All the glitter, pirouettes, and applause, have landed me here, and let me tell you, this little ballerina is in heaven.

I started my day at the stunning Metropolitan Museum of Art. The sheer scale of the building and the grandeur of its architecture were breathtaking. I’m just mad about museums – even if my attention span is a bit, shall we say, "limited." But all that gold, marble, and art is pure magic.

My eyes widened with delight at the "Costume Institute." There was everything! Vintage Chanel, flapper dresses, exquisite embroidery…I’m dreaming of a ball gown fit for a princess. You can bet I’ll be incorporating these elegant and extravagant styles into my pink tutu wardrobe – maybe a blush pink, diamond-encrusted tutu?

For lunch, I ventured into a cafe just off Central Park – it was so charming and quaint. The green space surrounding it was breathtaking. Honestly, I spent an hour simply sketching my impressions of the vibrant, tree-filled, tranquil expanse. Just magical!

Afternoon meant more museums! Next, I explored the American Museum of Natural History, with its towering dinosaur skeletons and mind-boggling collections. I even saw a live T-Rex skull! Oh, the drama! And all I could think was: how amazing would it be to wear a shimmering pink tutu in this glorious dinosaur hall! Imagine the photographic opportunities!

Now, speaking of amazing photographic opportunities... You all know how much I adore taking photos. And wouldn't you know it, New York is bursting with fabulous places for photo-worthy moments. Think picturesque streets, quirky corners, and oh-so-photogenic locations for your pink tutu adventures! Just wait for those blog posts!

After my museum explorations, I felt a little weary, so I grabbed a cappuccino (with a touch of vanilla - my favourite!) and settled on a park bench. Just me, my little notepad, and the endless stream of life passing by.

Evening came and with it, a burst of colour and sound! A lively ballet street performance at the South Street Seaport! I swear, I thought my heart would leap out of my chest! It was a thrilling exhibition of acrobatics and dance, with street art as the backdrop. A stunning fusion of styles – a vibrant clash of textures!

What a truly inspirational experience. The passion these performers exuded - it ignited a fire within me. As I walked back to my little hotel (where, I must confess, I had to practice my pirouettes before getting into my pink PJs!), I felt exhilarated. The city itself was like a swirling dance performance - a beautiful, graceful chaos, if you will.

And I just knew I was destined to become part of it.

To wrap up the evening, I walked through Times Square, that chaotic, electric jungle of lights and billboards, and felt the buzz of the city’s energy course through my veins. It was so intense that my eyes just popped open! Oh, it’s absolutely a sight to behold! A symphony of sounds, colours, and the electric thrum of human interaction – an urban dream!

You know, there’s this unspoken invitation in the air. It seems like every city has a story it wants to share, and New York has whispered its intentions to me: Come and dance, be bold, shine brightly! I can't help but feel that this journey is just the beginning of something truly magnificent, darling.

Now, about tomorrow’s plans… a private ballet class in a historic dance studio, a delightful afternoon in Central Park, and then…perhaps some window-shopping along Fifth Avenue for those exquisitely beautiful fabrics for my next pink tutu design! Oh my, oh my, what will it be?

I have to confess, my little heart is overflowing with joy! This journey feels like a dream, and I just know the very best is yet to come. As always, thank you for sharing this magical journey with me, my dearest readers. I’ll keep you posted! Stay tuned!

Emma x

P.S. Don’t forget, your own pink tutu adventures are waiting to be lived, dear readers! Remember, my ultimate aim in life is to see every single one of you rocking a pink tutu! You have my blessing!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-08-16 she danced in New York City