New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-09-13 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #484: Dancing Dreams in the Big Apple!

Hey everyone,

Happy Monday from your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, Emma! It’s a bright, crisp New York morning and I’m sitting in a little café in the heart of Manhattan, my cappuccino warming my hands while I sip and soak in the city’s vibrant energy. I can't believe this week is September already! Where does the time go? This year is whizzing by faster than a ballerina’s pirouette!

Well, let’s get this Monday post flowing…

Backstage at the Ballet

It’s been a whirlwind week! Last Saturday I was twirling in the wings at the Metropolitan Opera House for a performance of Swan Lake, my feet aching gloriously after another day of rehearsing and prepping for the show. There’s a special magic that happens backstage at a ballet – the hustle and bustle, the camaraderie amongst the dancers, the excited anticipation before the curtain rises… It's enough to make a ballerina's heart flutter!

My favourite thing about performing Swan Lake is, of course, the stunning costume – an ethereal, fluffy white tutu that’s the epitome of romanticism and grace. It always reminds me why I fell in love with ballet in the first place.

And did I tell you I wore a shocking pink hair ribbon that night?! Just to add a little 'Emma' flair, of course. My little touch of pink amidst the sea of white swans!

Pink Tutus Take the Metro!

Between shows, I’ve been living my best New York life! One thing I love about this city is how accessible it is by metro – the subway is a true symbol of NYC’s buzzing spirit. I’ve been taking the subway all over the city - exploring art galleries, visiting the famous landmarks like the Empire State Building, getting my favourite bubble tea from that cute little place on 42nd Street. My pink tutu even caused quite a stir at Grand Central Terminal. Everyone wanted to stop and take photos, I was a little bit overwhelmed, but in a good way, of course!

And guess what? My favourite department store, Macy’s, just opened a whole new floor dedicated to fashion and beauty! It’s amazing – racks and racks of beautiful clothing, glitzy makeup, sparkling jewels, the whole lot! It took me an hour to walk the whole floor! I'm considering investing in a new pair of pink sparkly shoes to go with my signature pink tutus...

The Pink Tutu Diaries

You know I love my New York blogs. It feels like a diary to capture my journey in this fabulous city. This week's focus was on the Fashion District. Imagine me, Pink Tutu and all, navigating through a maze of showrooms, fabric shops, and fashion houses, finding amazing inspiration for my ballet costumes.

I even had the chance to peek into a small costume atelier that makes all the exquisite outfits for a local ballet company. It was fascinating! Rows upon rows of gleaming satin, feathers, and glittering sequins – every colour imaginable! And, naturally, the best shade of pink!

And, my fellow pink tutu-wearing friends, you'll be excited to know that the New York ballet scene is brimming with upcoming shows and performances. I'm already planning a trip to see "Giselle" next month, and it’s going to be incredible! But it's not just traditional ballet.


This week, I actually went to see a show on Broadway for the first time since I’ve been here, which was last year. I went to see ‘Hamilton’, and my goodness it lived up to all the hype! This was definitely a new style of performance for me and, wow, was it captivating! The music, the dancing, the costumes... it was like watching a whole other world unfold. The show, of course, inspired a few ideas for new ballet moves that I'm dying to try.

Sharing The Love

As usual, the week flew by, and I can’t believe it’s time to write this blog post! One thing that I’ve realised on my travels is that people everywhere love a little bit of pink tutu magic! Every city has a hidden world of ballet lovers – it’s a joy to connect with them.

Remember, everyone is a ballerina at heart. Don’t be afraid to let your inner twirling self shine through. If you see me in New York, don’t be shy, come say hello!

Now I have to go, my dance shoes are calling! I have a rehearsal for the autumn season, and it's going to be magical! Keep twirling and sparkling everyone!

See you all next Monday!

Lots of love,


P.S. Make sure you check out to see my fabulous ballet performances and videos from this week. I even posted a special video of myself dancing around New York with a pink tutu!

P.P.S Don't forget to wear pink and keep those tutu dreams alive!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-09-13 she danced in New York City