New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-12-06 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 6th December 2004 - Post #496

A Dancer's Dream Come True: New York City in Pink

Hello my darlings, and welcome back to another week of fabulous adventures from your favourite pink-tutu clad travel blogger! This week, I'm writing to you from the heart of the Big Apple itself - New York City!

I've always dreamed of visiting this magical city, with its iconic skyline and electrifying energy. It feels like a dream come true, and the cherry on top? I've got my trusty pink tutu packed for all the exciting sights and adventures New York has to offer!

From Derbyshire to Manhattan: The Journey Begins

As some of you know, I hail from the beautiful Derbyshire countryside in England. While Derbyshire has its own charming character, I've always felt a pull towards the bustling excitement of the city. I always knew that one day, I'd pack my tutu and conquer New York. Well, darling, that day has arrived!

I must admit, it wasn't all smooth sailing getting here. After an adventurous journey that included a few missed connections (and one rather panicked moment at the airport), I finally arrived in Manhattan feeling like I could burst with excitement! Thankfully, the metro proved to be my saving grace. It's the quickest and easiest way to navigate this sprawling metropolis, and with the rhythmic rattle of the tracks beneath my feet, it feels almost like a ballet in itself!

A City That Never Sleeps, and Neither Do I!

This city truly does never sleep! There's an electric hum in the air, day and night, from the twinkling lights of Times Square to the energetic street performers on every corner. It's a sensory overload in the best way possible!

I've already been busy exploring! I spent a lovely afternoon in Central Park, where the crisp autumn air had turned the leaves a kaleidoscope of colours. The sight of the golden trees was breathtaking, and even I managed to contain my spinning tendencies – a rare feat when surrounded by so much natural beauty!

Of course, no trip to New York is complete without experiencing the legendary Broadway theatre scene. Yesterday, I caught a matinee of The Phantom of the Opera, which had my heart fluttering from start to finish. It was sheer magic!

Shopping, Splendour and a Dash of Pink

Naturally, no journey would be complete without some retail therapy. New York's shopping is legendary, with everything from high-end boutiques to quirky vintage stores tucked into every corner. I must admit, I’ve already lost myself in a whirlwind of shoe shopping, a penchant I suspect I inherited from Cinderella herself! I even managed to snag a beautiful pink clutch bag at a bargain price, perfect for my evening engagements.

But it wasn't all about buying new outfits, though I do believe every well-travelled ballerina should be on the lookout for chic attire! I visited the stunning Metropolitan Museum of Art. The paintings were captivating, the sculptures were magnificent, and it reminded me of the artistic expression that unites dancers and artists across the globe.

Balancing Ballet & Fashion

The incredible thing about my life, as a dancer, is that it's so fluid! One minute I'm wearing a glittering sequined tutu under the bright lights of the stage, and the next I'm searching for vintage finds with a dash of whimsy, a true reflection of my love for fashion. Here in New York, the two intertwine effortlessly.

Speaking of the ballet, my trip to NYC was expertly planned, as it just happens to coincide with the December season at the New York City Ballet! And yes, you've guessed it darling, I am already booking tickets to see the spectacular Nutcracker performance. This classic tale is guaranteed to be a feast for the eyes, with intricate choreography and costumes that will be nothing short of dazzling!

Embracing the Spirit of the City

I've fallen completely in love with New York's energy and diversity. It's a melting pot of cultures, filled with artists, musicians, performers, and every flavour of life imaginable! The people are friendly, the city's spirit is contagious, and the atmosphere is both exhilarating and exhilarating.

New York, like a perfectly crafted dance piece, is about a constant movement, always in motion, and embracing the unpredictability of it all. This city makes me feel alive, energised, and ready to twirl with joy!

*But I wouldn’t be true to myself, if I didn’t spread a little pink love while I'm here! *

New Yorkers are some of the most stylish and confident individuals in the world, and I believe they could do with a little touch of pink magic. This week, my mission is to encourage everyone to add a little bit of pink to their outfits.

What do you say? Will you join me?

*I can’t wait to see how much pink joy we can spread together! *

Until next week my lovelies,



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-12-06 she danced in New York City