New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-12-27 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #499 - Monday 2004-12-27 - Dancing in the Big Apple!

Hello, lovelies! It's Emma, your resident pink-tutu-wearing, New York City explorer! Another Monday has dawned, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Blog post - this one straight from the heart of Manhattan!

This week's adventures started, as they so often do, with a delightful ballet class. My teacher, Ms. Alexandra, is an absolute darling. She reminds me a little of a delicate pink flamingo, with her long, elegant limbs and playful spirit. Today, she taught us a graceful pas de bourrée variation - it's like floating on air! My pink tutu swished so beautifully as I twirled and leaped, making my own personal little ballet-powered whirlwind!

But let's get back to the Big Apple, shall we? Now, December in New York City is just magical. The city itself feels as vibrant as a Christmas bauble, sparkling with twinkling lights, glittering decorations and a joyful festive spirit. There's something absolutely charming about bundled-up New Yorkers rushing around, carrying bags filled with gifts, their cheeks rosy from the chilly air. It feels like a giant, glittering, happy-go-lucky Christmas card, and I couldn't be happier to be right in the middle of it!

Yesterday, I even went to see a matinee performance of "The Nutcracker"! Oh my goodness, you wouldn't believe the grandeur of the costumes! It was like watching a symphony of dazzling colours come to life. The ballerina playing Clara was exquisite, so delicate and captivating. And the Sugar Plum Fairy? Let's just say, she was like a vision in pink - truly an embodiment of pure, feminine beauty!

After the show, I couldn't resist wandering around the streets of the Upper West Side, a charming little haven with cobbled streets and friendly boutiques. I stumbled upon a fantastic vintage clothing shop overflowing with exquisite fabrics and dazzling colours - pure joy for a girl who adores vintage fashion like myself! I managed to find the most exquisite emerald green velvet evening coat and a feather boa so fluffy, it's begging to be worn to a fabulous party. I simply couldn't resist!

Speaking of parties, my evenings have been filled with an endless stream of seasonal events. From glamorous Christmas balls to chic winter soirees, my diary has been overflowing with invitations! The social scene in New York during the holiday season is nothing short of thrilling. It feels like everyone is putting on their best attire and embracing the magic of the season. I, of course, have been embracing the occasion with my favourite pink tutu, paired with sparkly silver accessories. Why just be a partygoer, when you can be a pink tutu party princess?!

Let's not forget the ever-so-convenient and efficient New York City subway. I simply adore gliding through the city's underground world! Each train station is a unique little portal, showcasing different aspects of the city's personality. The metallic rumble of the train is a soothing symphony, as the vibrant city whizzes past outside. There's truly nothing quite like it!

I must tell you, however, my sweet, stylish friends, that life in New York isn't all glitter and glitter, although that is definitely a part of it! Even the most fashionable, fairytale city has its quirks. This week, I was unfortunate enough to encounter a rather unpleasant "Subway Siren." This wasn't your ordinary serenade, no, dear readers. This siren, bless her soul, decided to practice opera scales at the top of her lungs! Her vocal performance, shall we say, was certainly memorable! I could not help but stifle a chuckle at the irony of a classical opera rehearsal taking place in a concrete jungle!

Speaking of ironic encounters, I ran into a particularly unusual scene on my walk back from my ballet class yesterday. A group of businessmen, clad in sharp suits, were trying to cram themselves into a yellow taxi cab - a true New York City spectacle. And wouldn't you know it, all three of them were sporting bright pink tutus, each vying for a place in the already jam-packed taxi!

You see, my lovelies, pink tutus seem to have this irresistible magic - a kind of joyous anarchy that compels even the most buttoned-up individuals to embrace their inner sparkle!

The day before yesterday, I even went on a little side trip to the Met Museum, one of New York's crown jewels. Walking through its grand halls, my eyes were feasting on a smorgasbord of stunning artwork, from ancient Egyptian treasures to the exquisite portraits of the Renaissance. I felt transported through time, immersed in the beauty of the past. However, I couldn't resist sneaking a glance at myself in one of the many ornate mirrors, twirling gracefully in my pink tutu! After all, what's a little whimsy among the art gods, right?

Before I let you go, I simply have to share one more little New York moment. While browsing through the charming shops on Bleecker Street, I heard a particularly rousing melody coming from a small jazz bar. It was a soulful serenade, one that spoke of heartbreak and hope, delivered with a captivating, soulful charm. It was as though the very essence of New York was pouring out through the melodies and rhythms. There's simply no place like it in the world.

You see, lovelies, my mission here in the Big Apple is simple: to spread the joy of tutus and encourage everyone to embrace their own inner sparkle, no matter what the occasion! After all, life is too short for boring attire. And if that involves twirling through New York City in a pink tutu, so be it! It's not about being trendy, or being daring, it's about feeling fabulous!

So until next Monday, darling readers, go forth and find your sparkle!

With all my love and twirls,

Emma (Your very own pink-tutu-wearing New York City explorer!)

Don't forget to visit my website: to check out the latest fashion inspiration, ballet class tips, and all the pink tutu goodness you can handle!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-12-27 she danced in New York City