New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-01-03 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: Monday 3rd January 2005: New York, New York! (Post No. 500!)

A Happy New Year to you all! It feels absolutely wonderful to be back in my little corner of the internet, typing away after what feels like a whirlwind week in the Big Apple! I can’t believe it’s already been five hundred posts on this blog – how time flies when you're having fun! To celebrate, I thought I'd treat you to a super special post full of sparkly photos and, of course, the fabulously pink details of my trip to New York City!

It all started with a fabulous performance opportunity. The “Ballet of New York” was looking for a lead ballerina for their production of “Sleeping Beauty” - talk about a dream come true! Not only did they want me, they actually flew me over to New York City! How incredibly exciting was that? It really does feel like my dreams are coming true, especially after spending the past few years fundraising for my ballet, travelling the world, and working hard on my website. I honestly think that wearing my pink tutus on stage is a bit of a lucky charm for me – especially in NYC!

As soon as I arrived, I felt the buzz of this iconic city. It felt different to anywhere I’d ever been – I swear the streets were even louder than in London! The buildings seemed to pierce the clouds, with dazzling lights dancing on the shop windows. Of course, I was in my signature pink tutu (what else, my dears?) with a new faux fur shawl I picked up at Harrods in London – perfect for the chilly New York air!

Speaking of Harrods, I must share my newest secret for a truly unique travel experience: shop, then perform! My most recent trip to Harrods involved picking up a gorgeous outfit – a little black dress for a swanky dinner in the city, some gorgeous tights for the chilly nights, and, of course, another pink tutu for the stage – no tour of New York would be complete without a pink tutu, would it? The Harrods sale gave me the perfect excuse to stock up, and it allowed me to fund my trip with a little money left over for the fun stuff!

Once I'd done all the usual “fashionista” activities, it was time for the big day: the dress rehearsal! As always, I chose to wear my pink tutu, the colour pink always brings me so much luck. I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a touch of nervousness bubbling inside me, but nothing could take away the thrill of stepping onto the stage in front of a completely new audience. It felt incredible!

Now, imagine my delight when they clapped after the dress rehearsal! Not just a polite little clap, but genuine, thunderous applause. I felt like I’d truly conquered New York. It was magical.

As for the show itself, it went down an absolute storm. I must admit, there’s nothing like performing with a symphony orchestra – the music added a new dimension to the choreography. My costume for “Sleeping Beauty” was absolutely exquisite - layers of ivory silk and a gigantic sparkly crown (which, I'll admit, took a lot of concentration to keep on my head, especially with all the dancing!) There’s something magical about slipping into a character, whether on stage or just for a little fashion photoshoot for my blog.

After the show, I celebrated with the rest of the ballet company, indulging in a plate of delicious lobster mac and cheese (so New York!). My tastebuds went to the next level and, for a moment, I completely forgot I was still in a pink tutu. Honestly, this is what travelling is all about: creating those unique moments. I guess the universe must have been watching me closely this past year, because this incredible opportunity felt almost surreal. My New York adventure really does feel like a dream come true!

Adventures in the City That Never Sleeps

On a day off from rehearsals, I explored some of the sights I'd dreamed about ever since I was a little girl.

I started with a delicious English breakfast (that’s right, I do miss a proper fry-up!), which fuelled me for the long day of exploring ahead! And what do you do in New York after a hearty breakfast? Hop on the metro of course, which was a sight to behold all on its own – such a labyrinth of colourful tiles, amazing advertisements and the constant flow of people!

First stop: the majestic Central Park, which is truly something out of a fairytale. I took my time strolling through its vast greens, feeling like a true heroine in my pink tutu! My inner princess could never get enough of this majestic park – with its frozen pond (it was the middle of winter after all!), and its ice-skaters whirling like magical figures!

Speaking of fairy tales, I simply had to go to Times Square – it truly lives up to its name. The billboards lit up the night sky, and I felt like a princess walking amongst the stars, except with my trusty pink tutu of course!

Then, the ultimate fashion destination: Fifth Avenue. Honestly, it’s as glamorous as you’ve always imagined it to be. The elegant windows, filled with clothes, bags, and shoes you could only dream of (until you perform with the "Ballet of New York", that is!), made me want to shop til I dropped! I restrained myself (mostly), but managed to pick up a stunning pink sequined scarf – for that extra sparkle!

Now, I know what you’re thinking, how can you travel to New York and not see the Empire State Building?! Well, I did, of course, but my secret mission wasn't to simply take pictures, but to climb right to the top! With a few steps (and several minutes) on the lift, we rose above the city, making it feel like I was reaching for the stars. As we reached the viewing platform, my jaw dropped, honestly the view was spectacular – so vast and glittering – it left me speechless. That feeling, the combination of beauty and grandeur, I couldn’t imagine seeing anywhere else!

One evening, I popped into the famous "Met," and let me tell you, that place truly took my breath away! There were so many beautiful pieces of art, but the one that really resonated with me was a collection of ballerina statues. You could really see the strength and grace of their figures, all beautifully preserved through time. It felt like I was getting a peek into another time. Honestly, I was lost for words, and that rarely happens to me. The Met, oh how I love you!

But of course, no trip to New York would be complete without a visit to a real, bona fide ballet performance. It wasn't even "The Nutcracker" or "Swan Lake" – they put on something called “Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels” – completely unknown to me before I stepped foot in the theatre! Now, I’m always up for a challenge (especially with tutus involved!) so I bought a ticket, and was so grateful that I did! The choreographers had taken so much inspiration from ballet tradition, but spun it in exciting, modern ways. I was captivated by the combination of classical technique and contemporary ideas! There were definitely a few nods to my pink tutu fashion with some brightly coloured costumes – a dream come true! And, the amazing performers were clearly experts – their movements flowed seamlessly with every flick of their wrist, every leap into the air. I even saw a couple of ballerina’s sporting pink tutus too (my heart did a little leap of joy!). I thought my journey to inspire the world in tutus would never end!

Of course, you’d be wrong if you think I forgot about the amazing food! The smell of bagels on the streets of New York is so tempting, and I was totally in love with the variety of delicious coffee – I tried several different cafes during my trip and I was so excited when I found the “best latte in New York”! It really felt like a magical potion – smooth, sweet, with the perfect frothy top – a little slice of heaven in my busy day! It was so good I had to have it every day.

And don't forget about the desserts! The "New York cheesecake" is every bit as good as they say it is. I couldn't help myself – I had to buy myself a slice.

I’ve left New York with a full heart, feeling energised, and ready for a new year of ballet and a new year of sharing my fashion dreams with the world.

The Importance of Wearing Pink

For those of you new to #PinkTutuBlogNYC, my favourite colour is, you guessed it, pink! I think it’s such a versatile and fun colour, and the epitome of all things glamorous and fashionable. It makes me feel good. Every girl knows a pink tutu is a timeless classic! And of course, the biggest reason I wear a pink tutu everywhere I go is simply to inspire you. It’s my own little way to get everyone around the world wearing pink tutus (ahem, even if they just keep it at home for special occasions!)

What makes New York City such a fabulous place to share my love for pink? Well, the city embraces self-expression. Whether it's bold, quirky, or classic, New York celebrates individuality in every way – just look at all those crazy street performers in Times Square! It’s a reminder that it’s ok to stand out. And with a pink tutu as fabulous as mine, I could not go unnoticed.

Of course, being bold with a pink tutu does require a certain amount of confidence, and not all of us are born with it. But trust me, as soon as you slip into a pink tutu, you can’t help but feel confident! You just know you’re a true ballerina and a fashion queen.

Where Can You Find Pink Tutus?

This week I will be posting all about the pink tutus that have inspired me – stay tuned! To give you a few hints, I’ll say, it's best to shop local – you know those family-run shops and independent boutiques full of treasures you wouldn't find anywhere else? They’re the absolute best for a truly special tutu. It can be quite a challenge to find the perfect pink tutu (and sometimes a lot of fun too). But it is a journey that requires lots of patience, and lots of pink! After all, finding a new pink tutu makes me feel amazing. What else could you want?

In my last blog, we discussed where I got my amazing costume from - for my "Ballet of New York" tour, that is! You were very curious, so here are the details:

  1. "Costumeria" is an absolutely amazing boutique for theatrical costumes and more. It is a true gem for all those with stage ambitions! Check them out online if you need your own dazzling theatrical costumes or if you're on a trip to New York. You will be spoilt for choice. You’ll definitely find some inspiration and a fabulous new tutu here.
  2. "Cosplay." Okay, cosplay seems a little "outside of the box" for this blog - but hear me out, dear readers. It is one of my absolute favourite places to pick up tutus (I'm even planning to attend a "Tutu and Tea" costume event in Derbyshire later in the month - I have so many ideas for outfits!). I recommend the amazing "Cosplay" store, It's right next to Harrods - what could be better than having a pink tutu, a little black dress AND the world famous "Cosplay" on your doorstep?
  3. Finally, you may be shocked by my choice here – "Tutu Delights". This "up and coming" boutique was one of my favourite discoveries! They sell vintage and new tutus. Not just the traditional pink ones either - a lot of gorgeous tutus come in different colours, shapes and even sequins and pearls. They had so much pink! And all so beautiful, too.

I love nothing more than seeing all of you embracing my motto of "Embrace your Inner Pink Tutu." It makes me feel so much more confident. If there's anything I’ve learnt during my trip, it’s that, even if you’re from a little village like Derbyshire, you can chase your dreams, no matter how big they seem! I hope this has been inspiring for you all. Now, head to the shops and pick up your perfect pink tutu and make your own fabulous dance move on the journey of life! Until next week, keep dreaming in pink!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-01-03 she danced in New York City