New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-05-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #517: A New York State of Mind (and a whole lotta pink!)

Hey there, lovelies! It's Emma here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to the Big Apple, and bursting to share every last sparkly detail. This is my 517th post for my NYC blog - can you believe it? Time flies when you're wearing a pink tutu and dancing through life, eh?

Now, as you all know, this week’s trip was made possible by a series of fantastic performances – think twirling and leaping through my Derbyshire ballet academy days, but this time with the glitz and glamour of New York City audiences! So, in between perfecting my fouettĂ©s, I made the most of every minute, taking in the sights, the sounds, the shopping...and, of course, the pink. Did I mention I'm absolutely obsessed with pink? You can't go a single day without spotting at least a touch of pink in my wardrobe, darling. It's my signature colour!

This trip started as any true ballet enthusiast would dream it – a pit stop at the glorious American Ballet Theatre to catch the breathtaking Swan Lake. I was completely mesmerised by the ballerinas’ effortless grace, their ethereal movements gliding across the stage with a story to tell in every flick of a wrist and every point of their toes. And don't even get me started on the costumes – swoon. It's moments like these that remind me why I dedicate my life to the magic of ballet.

But of course, no New York adventure is complete without indulging in the city's fantastic fashion scene. I took full advantage of the opportunity to visit Saks Fifth Avenue, where the shoes are simply divine! After trying on countless heels, flats, and boots – all adorned with strategically placed pink detailing, of course – I ended up with a pair of gorgeous pink ballet flats that are perfect for flitting about the city. Trust me, these are going to be my new go-to for all things fabulous!

You know, I love everything about this city – the energy, the constant buzz, the endless possibility, the diverse crowd. Even the rumbling subway system adds to the experience! This time around, I made it a point to use the subway more, and it was actually quite an adventure. Just picture me, my pink tutu practically sparkling in the fluorescent light, my ballet bag bouncing alongside me, all while humming a Broadway tune. Now that's a sight I’m sure no one on the train will ever forget!

But New York is so much more than just dancing and shopping. On my walk through Central Park, I got caught up in a charming performance by the Central Park Conservancy – street performers singing and dancing with so much enthusiasm, their passion simply contagious. I couldn’t resist joining in for a little jig, much to the amusement of the passing crowd! Let's just say it took a lot of willpower to hold back from busting out a full pirouette – I'm such a drama queen sometimes. 😉

Of course, I wasn’t the only one caught up in the performance’s magic. There was a group of kids mesmerised by the music, their eyes sparkling with a sense of wonder and joy, their faces lit up with happiness. It reminded me of the beautiful innocence of childhood and the power of simple moments to make a lasting impact. And you know what? That's what I truly love about this city - it has the power to remind us to rediscover that same spark of joy and amazement that we felt as children.

Speaking of rediscovering that childhood magic, have I told you about the incredible New York Public Library? It’s like stepping back in time! The towering marble facade and the intricately detailed interiors create an atmosphere of pure awe. And to top it all off, there's a beautiful statue of a mermaid guarding the entrance. It felt like walking into a fairy tale. The entire library is practically overflowing with stories waiting to be told, knowledge to be discovered. I just can't get enough of it.

My trip to New York wouldn't be complete without a Broadway show, would it? It was “Wicked” this time, and let me tell you, the costumes, the music, the actors
it was all just fabulous. And for the record, the green witch’s outfit totally inspired me. Let’s just say I'm thinking of adding a little green to my wardrobe, although obviously pink will always be my primary colour!

There’s simply so much to see and do in this city. The sheer amount of entertainment options available is truly astonishing! But no matter where you go or what you do, always remember: it's about taking those little moments to experience the city through your own unique perspective. Don't be afraid to be yourself, to wear your heart on your sleeve, and to let your tutu shine bright in every corner of this amazing place.

After all, that's the magic of New York, isn't it? It's a place where you can truly embrace who you are and celebrate your individual flair! I'm reminded of a quote by Audrey Hepburn: “I believe happiness is a choice - a choice to appreciate, to find joy, to see the beauty in every moment and to celebrate the preciousness of life.” That's exactly how I feel every time I step foot in this fantastic city, and I believe that everyone has the potential to experience that same sense of magic and happiness!

This brings me back to my mission in life – encouraging everyone to embrace the power of pink and wear a tutu! Remember, my dears, a tutu isn't just a piece of clothing; it's a symbol of confidence, femininity, and joie de vivre. So, embrace your inner ballerina, go forth with a touch of pink in your wardrobe, and remember: the world is your stage, and you’re free to twirl and dance with a heart full of love and a tutu that sparkles with magic!

Until next time, darling!

Yours truly,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-05-02 she danced in New York City