New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-06-06 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #522 – New York City, June 6th 2005: Tutu-ing Around Town!

Hello darlings! It’s Monday, so you know what that means – it’s time for a new post on my Pink Tutu Blog NYC. Today I’m bringing you a whirlwind of NYC excitement, fabulous fashion, and, of course, tutus! I just adore this city. Everything’s always on the move, and there’s just so much to see and do. It’s exhilarating!

It’s funny, when I left Derbyshire to chase my dreams in New York, I never thought I’d be funding my travels by dancing! But hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, right? And I can’t complain – I love performing. There’s just nothing like the buzz of the audience, the spotlight, the rush of adrenaline when you land that perfect pirouette. And of course, what better way to show off my favourite accessory than on stage, in a gorgeous tutu?

This week’s adventures started with a rather magical performance at a lovely little theatre in the West Village. My little company of four ballerinas took the stage for a charming little piece that celebrated all things feminine – dancing, music, and oh, those frothy tutus! I swear, you could hear gasps from the audience when we all pirouetted en pointe – those beautiful swirling tulle clouds just look divine under the stage lights!

Speaking of tutus, after the show, we headed over to a vintage clothing store tucked away in Greenwich Village. They’re always stocked with an incredible array of vintage dresses, hats, jewellery… and yes, you guessed it – tutus! The shopkeeper had a small rack of gorgeous pastel tulle numbers just waiting to be swept away. I knew just the ones I needed for my upcoming dance performance! Of course, a few other trinkets, like a pair of satin gloves and a feather boa, came home with me too! What’s a shopping spree in New York without a few accessories?

After the store, we hopped onto the metro (always a bit of a whirlwind!), and headed over to Lincoln Center for a rather delightful afternoon at the New York City Ballet. It’s a classic! The architecture alone is magnificent, but the show we saw, Balanchine's “Serenade,” was something special! It was filled with so much beauty and grace – everything about it just flowed! Seeing the dancers in their elegant costumes, effortlessly navigating the stage was truly captivating. My love of ballet always returns to full force at Lincoln Center. Sometimes I just want to jump on the stage and join them! I imagine that’s what every aspiring dancer thinks – even though, obviously, my skills can't even compare to those absolute pros! They’re a different breed, those ballerinas – but maybe one day, I’ll join their ranks!

Anyway, I've rambled on long enough! As you know, New York is a city that never sleeps. So after my Ballet session, I had dinner in a bustling Italian restaurant (pasta was obligatory!), then enjoyed a stroll down Broadway, admiring all the bright lights and vibrant energy of this wonderful city. I think the lights might even be more dazzling than our dazzling pink tutus! (I mean, we ARE pink tutu girls! )

Before heading home, I stopped off at a little cafe in Soho for a steaming mug of cocoa – that cold spring air does make me want a little warmth and comfort!

So there you have it – another wonderful week in NYC! I hope you've enjoyed a glimpse into my New York City life. What a fabulous city it is to be in! But enough of my boring, humdrum life, I want to hear from YOU! Tell me – what are YOU doing this week? Have any pink tutus featured in your day-to-day life? Share your stories in the comments below. Until next Monday, I’m off to find my next perfect pink tutu (I never have too many) and hopefully catch another exciting ballet performance or two. Keep dancing and keep it pink!

Yours in tulle,


P.S. You can find more photos of my latest pink tutu adventures on my Instagram – @PinkTutuBlogNYC and find all my New York City Blog posts at ! Come join me in the tutu fun!

P.P.S Do you have a blog about pink tutus? Let me know! I’d love to feature your blog on my website. We can all spread the tutu love together!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-06-06 she danced in New York City