New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-09-19 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 537: A Pink Tutu in the City That Never Sleeps!

Monday 19th September 2005

Hello, darlings! 🩰 It’s Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, back from a whirlwind trip to the Big Apple! Oh my goodness, New York City…it was just…amazing!

As always, I'm thrilled to be sharing my adventures with you on, your one-stop shop for all things pink and twirly. I always look forward to posting on a Monday, and I simply had to tell you all about my trip to New York! I travelled over for a few ballet gigs – that's how I fund my fabulous travels, you know! It was the perfect opportunity to squeeze in some show-stopping fashion, yummy food, and of course, some fantastic ballet.

Let’s rewind! As a little ballerina with big dreams, my ultimate aim in life has always been to get everyone wearing pink tutus. It’s an incredibly versatile piece of clothing, after all! For a trip to the city that never sleeps, however, a standard pink tutu wouldn't cut it, darlings. No, I had to amp it up a notch, just like the city itself! I’m not one for hiding in the shadows – it's all about being bold and bright. This called for my new tutu – the one with the sparkly tulle and feather trim!

After an (almost) painless transatlantic flight – I really do love a good aeroplane nap – I was met by the roar of the city! Taxi horns, bustling crowds, towering buildings – it was sensory overload, and I loved it. My little hotel in Midtown felt a million miles from my comfy home in Derbyshire, but it was the perfect base for all my explorations.

Day 1:

My first day was a whirl of activity, all about absorbing that New York energy. The minute I dropped my suitcase, I donned my tutu and set off for Central Park. Imagine my joy when I discovered a group of ballet students taking lessons right in the heart of the park! They had a gorgeous green background – such an idyllic setting! They looked so graceful, their leaps reaching for the blue skies. It made my heart soar. I stood there a while, mesmerized, then just had to say hello! Their laughter and enthusiasm were so infectious – instantly I felt like I'd made new friends! I had to join in for a few moves, and I swear the other ladies in the park stopped and clapped when I gave them a spin! A tutu always attracts a crowd!

Later, my inner shopaholic emerged. A quick detour down Fifth Avenue, and it was time for a spot of retail therapy. My dear, my dear, the shops! They were positively bursting with beautiful creations! And there I was, strutting in my pink tutu amongst the ladies in their designer duds! You know what? They looked so jealous. 😉

Day 2:

I started the day with a trip to Broadway to see ‘The Phantom of the Opera'. My, the costumes! Simply breathtaking. I think I got lost in the opulence – and maybe even had a few tears during the musical! I love a bit of a good cry in a theatre! The dancing, though…well, let’s just say it’s not my favourite type. A bit too dramatic for my liking, to be honest. Give me some beautifully crafted ballet steps over fancy jumps any day!

Afterwards, I explored the theatre district – an absolutely enchanting wonderland for a ballet lover like me. Everywhere you looked, there were little dance shops. One even had tutus in the window. You can imagine I had a slight moment of happy squealing. The smell of that shop! It was pure magic. I stocked up on some ballet shoes and a beautiful pink sequined leotard for myself – you know, just to make my daily tutu outings a bit more fabulous.

Day 3:

Today was all about culture! I ventured down to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I spent the afternoon lost in a sea of paintings and sculptures, and of course, they were amazing! But, nothing beats a real live performance. I headed down to the Metropolitan Opera House to see the incredible “The Nutcracker”. It was perfection, dear friends. I love that classic ballet! The story, the music, the costumes...simply unforgettable!

Afterwards, the urge for some traditional American comfort food was too strong! I devoured some delicious apple pie – I might have been the only one in that whole restaurant sporting a pink tutu, but you know what? Nobody blinked. I was in New York! Anything goes!

Day 4:

It was back to my roots with a ballet lesson in one of the many dance studios of the city. Now, this was the kind of dancing that really gets my blood pumping! You'd never guess that a city as vast as New York has so many fantastic ballet studios, but I was like a child in a sweet shop, choosing where to take class. A classic barre and some stunning leaps. This city, darlings, it simply keeps on giving!

Day 5:

The final day had to be a bang! I treated myself to tickets to the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater! A big Broadway performance – it's where I learned that I’m not quite as good at taking notes in my tutu as I thought! Every note I tried to write got completely jumbled up by the mesmerising dance. This was powerful, emotive, thrilling. And their costumes… I have to add that my ballet-loving heart couldn't resist visiting the New York City Ballet. I could spend all day watching ballerinas on stage – and I am not joking. Oh, and for a little light relief, a couple of delicious cinnamon buns at a cafe! A sugar rush! I swear I twirled my way out of that café – those cinnamon buns simply had me feeling my best!

My little trip back to Derbyshire was already making me feel sad – but don’t worry, I've already booked my next big adventure! You’ll be hearing about my Parisian adventures very soon – maybe I'll even have a Parisian tutu especially made for the occasion. I love an excuse to dress up! And, just so you know, if you ever find yourself in the city, remember, the ultimate New York accessory is, you guessed it, a pink tutu! It's what brings everyone together!

I can’t wait to see you all back here on Monday, my dearest pink-loving friends! Until then, I’m going to dream of waltzing with a Broadway star in my own pink, sparkly tutu! 😉

Keep it twirling,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-09-19 she danced in New York City