
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-10-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 17th October 2005 - Post 541: New York, New York!

Hello, darlings! Emma here, back with another week's adventures in the dazzling city of New York! It's been quite a whirlwind, I can tell you that! From waltzing through Central Park to twirling through Broadway, this week has been an absolute ballet dream!

Oh, but before we begin, darling, let's be clear - this week's adventures were all made possible by the fabulousness that is my tutu! A brand new, fluffy pink number, complete with sparkly, hand-sewn embellishments (you just have to check out my online shop to see how glorious it is - link below!), helped me navigate the Big Apple's chaotic streets with an air of confident grace. The perfect balance of practicality and whimsical, as ever.

So, how was the trip? Let me tell you - New York City truly embraces the ballet spirit. This city never sleeps, but its energy just feels right for someone like me - I was truly in my element, flitting around like a pink butterfly!

The whole journey began back in Derbyshire, at the quaint little train station - no place could ever rival London's Kings Cross, of course, but a train journey always sets the stage for a magical adventure! Once in the city, the bustling streets became my personal stage! The sights, the smells, the sheer exuberance of it all, felt like stepping onto a grand New York musical.

And it really was all about the performances this week, darling!

Monday: A Broadway Bash

Let's just say my week kicked off with a bang. I went to see "Wicked!" and let me tell you, this musical just oozed pure glamour. Emerald City truly did live up to its name - glitz and glamour was the name of the game. Those costumes were magnificent - all greens and yellows and sparkling accents. I even spied a few sparkly emerald tutus which had me completely enamoured (imagine!) It truly set the bar high for the week. The energy, the talent, the music - everything was just so good! It made me want to dance right on the stage with them, ahem just in a non-interrupting, very supportive way of course. The story was beautiful and poignant - those singing voices, oh my word!

Tuesday: A Waltz with Central Park

I decided to start the day with a waltz around Central Park, a moment of peaceful reflection amidst the bustling city. Central Park itself is just the most* wonderful space to lose yourself! The leaves were beginning to change color, and the sunshine felt warm on my face as I danced through the leaves. A little pirouette, a grand jetรฉ, it was the perfect morning to remind myself that sometimes all you need is the park, the music within your soul, and a dazzlingly beautiful pink tutu to have a great day! I met the sweetest young girl with a purple tutu (clearly my fellow ballet spirit!) and we giggled our way around the paths while dreaming of dance. Oh, the magic of this beautiful city!

Wednesday: Fashion Fever in Midtown

Now, every good ballerina knows that fashion and performance are an inextricably linked duo! So naturally, on Wednesday, I ventured into the fashionable abyss that is Midtown! It's an absolute fashion paradise! So many clothes shops, shoes shops... Everything! The clothes here are divine! The colour and the sparkle - pure perfection! The highlight of the day, for me, had to be visiting that iconic fashion shop with all those windows... I even went in and had a fitting! The sales assistant was most kind and, with a little encouragement, she let me try on that most exquisite black satin evening gown - completely covered in sparkling pink tutus! The best part was she understood my need for a 'twirling test'. Divine!

Thursday: Dancing Under the Stars

A big highlight for me had to be Thursday night. It was ballet night at Lincoln Center! I arrived to the sound of hushed whispers and excited gasps from all the fashionably attired New Yorkers who, clearly, had no doubt about my place there amongst the "ballet crowd." And it was all perfectly magnificent. From the lighting and stage to the costumes and performance - it was breathtaking! Every moment a captivating work of art! A perfect, inspiring piece of theatre that just transported me. I was mesmerized from the opening curtain right to the final bow, I tell you, I almost burst into applause at least ten times. My only complaint - it had to end!

Friday: Ballet Class & Lunch in Little Italy

Oh, but darling! You can't go to the Big Apple and not experience the joys of ballet class, can you? So, on Friday, I popped down to a local studio. It was an absolute joy - even with the small space and all the students with differing skills. Such incredible enthusiasm! I was particularly impressed by a little boy in a gorgeous lavender tutu - that kind of self-expression just warmed my heart. The class was invigorating, and after, I took a walk to nearby Little Italy for the most amazing pizza lunch. Little Italy, with its traditional brick streets and bustling markets, gave me that feeling of the "real" New York. It truly felt like an experience. The aromas were just delicious. The vibrant colours of fresh produce on every corner and, of course, the delicious Italian bread... it just felt authentic.

Saturday: The High Line

I adore parks and anything green and fresh, so my Saturday was all about enjoying a little urban oasis: the High Line! It was such a wonderful find, this walkway suspended amongst buildings. This was no ordinary walk in the park, darling, no sir. It felt like I was on some elevated runway for models strutting their stuff. I had a little stroll along the path, my pink tutu swaying gently (my heart fluttered! ) it was really so romantic and relaxing, just what I needed after the exhilarating ballet experience. I even met another fabulous fashionista who just loved my tutu and had her photograph taken with me (in return for sharing some style tips, of course!).

Sunday: A Moment of Serenity at Bryant Park

I knew that, no matter how fabulous my trip had been, I needed to give myself a moment to take it all in and process. I decided on Sunday to take myself for a cup of tea and a delicious scone at Bryant Park. The sunshine streamed down through the trees and all I could think was, "what a life" It really is like being in a beautiful fairy tale.

And this was it, my darlings! The week came to a close. Back to reality. And back to the question: how could I bring that magical New York feeling home with me? You see, there's a certain something in the air of this place, a spark of joy and creativity and energy that I knew I'd always crave. So what is the solution? How do I retain the thrill of dancing down those vibrant avenues and waltzing through the park, once I return to the cobblestone streets of Derbyshire? Well, my dear readers, I knew the answer had to lie in one, all-important element - pink tutus. We need to unleash the pink tutu magic on the world!

Here is my plan, my little lovelies: we must each start embracing our inner ballerina! Let's bring the elegance and grace of pink tutus everywhere! From Derbyshire to the Big Apple, London, and everywhere in-between! If New York can make it work, then we can too! So, tell me what do you say, shall we get started?

Shop My Pink Tutu Collections!

Follow me at: www.pink-tutu.com (New Blog Every Monday!) and www.instagram.com/pinktutu (where you'll find daily updates!).
And don't forget to send me photos of your amazing tutu adventures!

This week's shopping splurges:

  • A glorious pink ballet bun holder, perfect for keeping that perfect ballet bun even while I travel.
  • The most delicious and decadent New York cheesecake (the one thing you must have in the Big Apple, if you ask me!)
  • My fabulous new, fluffed pink tutu - (details coming soon!).

See you next Monday, my darlings!

Yours truly,


Pink Tutu - Embrace your inner ballerina!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-10-17 she danced in New York City