New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-11-07 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #544 - New York City Lights & Twirling Dreams (Monday, 7th November 2005)

Hello lovelies!

This week, I've landed in the Big Apple, ready to twirl and sparkle! This fabulous city is so full of energy and excitement, and my heart's already dancing like a sugarplum fairy. It feels absolutely brilliant to be here.

It's always an adventure landing in a new city, and it wouldn't be a proper Emma adventure without a dash of pink and a swish of a tutu! Yes, my fellow tutu lovers, I'm sporting a brand-new pink tulle masterpiece, with an array of shimmering sequined butterflies flitting across the fabric – utterly divine! I felt like a true New York fairy as I skipped through the streets, taking in all the sights, smells, and sounds.

My journey began at Heathrow, a quick, yet delightful stop for some classic English tea and a last slice of Victoria sponge (the flight wouldn't know what hit it with the extra sugar rush!). I am always impressed with Heathrow, the efficient travel, the great restaurants, and the impressive art! After a smooth, relaxing flight across the pond, we touched down at JFK, the iconic New York gateway. Now, you might think New York's a concrete jungle, but the first thing I noticed was the beauty of the city. Imagine autumn leaves, cascading in fiery reds, oranges and golds, their colours mirroring the stunning skyline. Breathtaking!

We were whisked away in a cab to the hotel, a charming little boutique spot, a few blocks away from Times Square. I don't know how I was able to remain so calm during the chaotic ride through New York's legendary yellow cab traffic. You would think after all these years of being in New York City, it wouldn't bother me, but each time I go on that drive to and from JFK, I can't help but giggle and laugh hysterically and almost fall out of the taxi, or, if I were wearing a tutu at that point, possibly tangle myself up in the taxi seatbelts. My dear mum just sits there calmly and tells me to calm down! Maybe next time I will try to take photos out of the window during the trip from the airport to the hotel to help me calm my nerves. Anyway, we made it, unscathed and full of excitement to explore this city we both adore.

First things first: after dumping my suitcases, it was straight to a street food stand, the smells in the air were divine! Hot dogs and pretzels were our lunch choice, all consumed while we admired the bright lights and energy that flowed from Times Square, like the most energetic fountain. My favourite bit of the trip so far: the way they write EVERYTHING on the walls of the buildings in those flashing electric signs. I think it adds to the excitement and chaos and makes you feel that life in New York City is always in fast-forward. We couldn't resist popping into the Disney Store to see the latest releases, especially those bright new pink Mickey Mouse ears – I must say, my mum's not the only one who thinks they're a bit cute! And as evening descended, we found ourselves sitting at an outdoor cafe, sipping cappuccinos and soaking up the ambiance. A perfect first day, wouldn't you say?

Day 2

Every Monday in New York, my week begins with a dance class. You might think that’s a little boring, but let me tell you, every class here is a delight! Imagine a big, airy studio space, the smell of wood polish in the air, the bright light coming through the windows, and that warm energy, where all the local ballerinas, just like me, gather, ready to twirl and learn from the incredible teachers. It was in one of these classes that I found my inspiration for the beautiful tutus I love so much. The joy of being a ballerina, the feeling of complete freedom as I twirl and leap, it's so wonderfully exciting and liberating!

After class, we wandered through Central Park, the jewel of the city, where I was swept up in the colour, the vibrant autumn foliage contrasting with the bright, vibrant blue skies, creating such stunning, awe-inspiring vistas. For a while, the world just disappeared, just the crisp, autumn air and the magic of Central Park. We sat on a bench by the lake, just soaking it all up! Later that evening, I slipped into my sparkling new pink tutu and took to the streets. I'm lucky enough to have been asked to perform at a local charity fundraiser - dancing with a group of other local ballerinas, with a sprinkle of our own magic! It felt fantastic, an electric feeling that buzzed through my whole body! Being surrounded by all those friendly people, all dressed in their finest threads, all clapping and enjoying the show. That's New York magic!

Day 3

This is what I love most about New York: the blend of classic beauty with modern energy! In the morning, I took myself off on an adventure, to explore the legendary MET, the Metropolitan Museum of Art! I must say I’m completely captivated by it, all the sculptures, the old paintings, and the impressive displays. I can’t get over the sheer brilliance and artistic passion evident in the way these paintings have been crafted. I felt so small yet powerful in its midst. And while there's a whole world of art to see there, my favourite part has got to be the Costume Institute - fashion from the 18th century, the glitz and glam of Hollywood's Golden Age, it's truly breathtaking.

That evening, I slipped into something a little more comfortable and set out for Broadway! We watched "Phantom of the Opera," which is a Broadway classic - absolutely brilliant, full of powerful emotions and dramatic scenes. There's something very magical about the music, the special effects, the costuming, it's the quintessential show that every ballet dancer loves to see! Afterward, we wandered the streets of Times Square, soaking up the city's lights and electric vibe.

Day 4

It's all about the thrill of exploration in New York City, every day brings a new adventure. Today, I’m on the subway! One of my absolute favourite ways to get around in the Big Apple. It’s not just fast and convenient, but such a wonderfully exciting way to discover hidden corners, observe locals and all their amazing, and sometimes ridiculous, outfits!

This afternoon, I found myself browsing through some of New York's fantastic department stores! I love trying on the latest styles, from chic Parisian skirts to sleek black trousers, and don't forget, a dash of bright pink to brighten up any outfit! Of course, every visit to New York needs to include a little spree at a classic vintage shop, rummaging through rails of unique clothing and looking for the next dazzling treasure. The pink polka dot dress was love at first sight!

Day 5

Today, the New York ballet. I went with my mum, because we love going to the ballet together. It was a thrilling, inspiring afternoon. We saw the legendary "Giselle", a beautifully poignant story, performed to perfection by the New York Ballet. The dancers’ graceful movements and perfect synchronization left me breathless - truly enchanting. I find myself inspired every time I watch these ballets.

Afterward, we visited the vibrant, charming village of Greenwich Village - a wonderful little spot to escape the city bustle and discover its charming side streets and unique shops.

Day 6

We had to squeeze in another fabulous museum on our last full day in New York, so we popped into the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). The famous collection, like everything else in this amazing city, is massive and we were just in awe! I was particularly drawn to the contemporary pieces, so bold and dramatic and expressing powerful emotion. It was certainly thought-provoking! The bold brushstrokes and striking use of color made me want to take up painting!

Later on, we enjoyed the beautiful architecture of St. Patrick's Cathedral. It was truly awe-inspiring. And if the cathedrals in Europe, are anything to go by, there will always be something grand and impressive about these stunning structures. The peacefulness of this beautiful cathedral was something that really helped my soul to unwind before flying back to Derbyshire, UK the next morning. The whole trip had felt so busy, but relaxing at the same time. It had been an absolute delight!

New York never fails to amaze me, so full of incredible energy. But you know, I love it for that same energy that makes you twirl to the beat of the city, I can't wait to come back and continue exploring every nook and cranny of this wonderful city! But for now, it's time to catch my flight back to Derbyshire, England! Until next time New York City, thank you for all your bright lights, shining sparkles and inspiring memories!

Until next week, twirlers!


Emma xxx

A quick peek into my schedule and diary.

I've had so much fun, seeing a ballet performance, and shopping for amazing tutus. It has made me consider taking a break from the ballet performance circuit to teach ballet to kids in New York, as well as exploring different kinds of performances that don't always involve wearing a tutu. But perhaps this will come later down the road. I also want to think about new ways to generate a constant stream of income to fund my travels, possibly designing a ballet and dressmaking workshop for young adults who want to explore creativity and embrace fashion, a combination of both my passions, all whilst having fun and wearing pink tutus. For now, I will focus on making a start with teaching the basics, and see how far this adventure can take me.

For anyone wanting to see more details about how I've planned my journey, or if you would like to discover any amazing destinations to explore around New York, don't hesitate to drop me a message, either through a comment or message on this post or send me a direct message through the contact page on this site.

Let’s get ready to twirl!

Don't forget to pop over to our website and let me know your favourite tutu styles. See you next week!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-11-07 she danced in New York City