New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-11-14 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #545: New York, New York, You’re All Mine!

Monday, 14th November, 2005

Good morning, lovelies!

Well, I made it! After weeks of planning, packing, and squeezing in extra performances, I'm finally here in the Big Apple, ready to embrace all things New York! Just saying those words - "New York" - makes me want to pirouette right down Times Square!

This trip is extra special, though. It's not just about ballet - although I’ll certainly be indulging in the very best the city has to offer in that regard, naturally - it's about something bigger. This time, I’m here to spread the Pink Tutu Revolution! That's right, my dearest followers, my ultimate mission is to inspire the whole city to embrace the beauty, the joy, the pure whimsicalness of a pink tutu!

Now, you might be thinking, “Emma, darling, haven't you already done enough with that mission?” And to that, I say, no way, petal! The world, and particularly New York City, needs more pink tutus! Think about it – a tutu is the epitome of twirling, of dancing, of a carefree spirit. Imagine all those ladies dashing around Manhattan, gliding through Central Park, having the time of their lives in their gorgeous pink tutus. That, my darlings, is a revolution worth joining!

Speaking of Manhattan, did you know the first time I ever tried on a tutu was in New York City? Well, not actually on the island itself, but just outside in New Jersey. My family went on a trip when I was eight. You could say it was love at first sight. All that sparkle, that twirl-inducing frill, the lightness – a little girl’s dream. I can still remember feeling so special in that tutu, even if it was only a costume shop experience!

But back to New York, darling. We can't get carried away, no matter how enticing the city is. So, without further ado, here is a sneak peek of what's on the agenda this week:

  • Ballet, Ballet, and More Ballet!: I’m hitting the ground running! Tonight, I’m seeing "Giselle" at the Metropolitan Opera House! (The costumes in "Giselle" are truly stunning, and the whole romantic feel is utterly charming). Tomorrow, I have a class at Steps on Broadway in the afternoon, and later in the evening, I'll be attending "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. All those ethereal costumes! It’s a veritable ballet fest!
  • Shopping, Darling, Shopping! You can't visit New York without hitting the shops! I’m dreaming of vintage shops and antique jewellery! I can almost feel the silk slipping between my fingers. I must confess, however, that I have my eye on a little boutique on Bleecker Street… It boasts "handcrafted tutus for the modern woman" – could it be true? Maybe, just maybe, a pink one awaits. Fingers crossed!
  • A City for Tourists and Tourists for Me!: New York is one of the most exciting and fascinating cities I have ever been to, It's like a fairytale in real life, full of glittering lights, colourful streets, and unique characters! My plan? To immerse myself in it all, of course. First stop, Central Park! Then a walk over the Brooklyn Bridge and maybe even a little jaunt down Broadway for the afternoon! And, naturally, it wouldn’t be a trip to New York without experiencing the city’s famed Metro – I love that whirring, clanging, fast-paced experience. Plus, it's a fun and efficient way to get around.

A Day in a Pink Tutu!

Today was a whirlwind of tutus and new sights. It started with a deliciously strong coffee at a quaint little café in the West Village (how the locals sip this brew every day is beyond me!). Feeling perky, I decided to kick off my Pink Tutu Revolution with a stylish and fun photo shoot in Central Park! I had the most charming people complimenting my outfit, with smiles that would rival a hundred sunshine-yellow daffodils. Even some of the squirrels seemed intrigued by my twirling, which was just the cherry on top!

Tutu Shopping!

Later, after a satisfying lunch at an adorable cafe called "The Pink Flamingo" (talk about serendipity!) I indulged in the highlight of my day – a visit to the enchanting "Twirling Hearts" boutique on Bleecker Street! I won’t spoil the details – but let’s just say my heart skipped a beat. They really had everything a Pink Tutu Queen could ever want! My wallet may be a little lighter, but I left with a smile as wide as Fifth Avenue itself, and the joy of my first NYC tutu shopping spree!

Sunset Serenade!

As the day began to wind down, I took a stroll through Times Square, completely mesmerized by the glittering, electric atmosphere. Imagine, my dears, all that bright light with the pink tutu against it! It was nothing short of magical! Then I popped over to Bryant Park to enjoy a delicious burger while watching a group of street musicians, their voices weaving a captivating melody through the evening air. Honestly, if I ever considered a place to stay in New York permanently, this moment might just have sealed the deal!

The Pink Tutu Revolution Marches On!

Today was just a taste of what’s to come, lovelies! Tomorrow is another day, another chance to spread the pink tutu joy and continue the revolution. I can’t wait to see what amazing adventures New York has in store for me next. So keep those comments flowing and those tutus twirling! This journey is all about embracing life with a sprinkle of glitter and a lot of heart!

Until next week, stay happy and always remember, darling, you never know what adventures await when you put on a pink tutu.

Much love, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-11-14 she danced in New York City