New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-11-28 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #547 - New York, New York, It’s So Exciting!

Hello my lovelies! It's Monday, which means it's time for a fresh dose of pink tutu adventures straight from the Big Apple! This week, my tutu twirled its way to New York City, and I am absolutely smitten. Oh, New York, you are just as sparkly and dazzling as I dreamt!

Let me tell you, this is my 547th blog post – five hundred and forty-seven! And I can't believe it, every Monday since I started this journey, I've been sharing my pink-tinted adventures with you. This blog started as a little something fun while I was just a budding ballerina in Derbyshire. It was a way to capture the magic of the dance world and share it with everyone who wanted to join me.

But somehow, this little blog took on a life of its own. And here I am, waltzing through New York City, a tutu-clad ballerina blogger with a dream to make the world a little more sparkly, one pink tutu at a time!

Ballet Magic: Taking Centre Stage in New York

New York, you glorious city, you've been a haven for dance lovers since forever. From Broadway shows to off-off-off-Broadway performances, you have it all! I felt the rhythm of this city pulsing in my soul as I stepped off the metro. The energy is electric – and just a tad bit intimidating!

This week, I spent most of my time taking in the magic of ballet performances. From the legendary Metropolitan Opera House to intimate studio spaces, I was mesmerised. I have a confession: I’ve watched Swan Lake in about 47 different productions around the world! I have to say, each one is like a snowflake – truly unique.

But the best thing about ballet in New York? You can find a performance on just about any corner! From the classical majesty of the New York City Ballet to the inventive contemporary pieces at smaller theatres, there's something for every taste.

My heart, however, was stolen by a street performance on a chilly autumn afternoon. It was this incredible ensemble of street dancers – a little hip-hop, a dash of contemporary, and all the heart and soul you could ever want. They captivated everyone passing by. Honestly, it was the perfect New York City experience – a dash of culture, a whole lot of joy, and a tutu-tastic memory I'll never forget.

Shopping for Splendour: Where Fashion Meets Fun

But you know me, it wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu Blog NYC entry without a dash of shopping! Now, you lovely readers, you know how much I love clothes and how much I love New York. These two together? Pure magic!

Fifth Avenue! I finally did it. It's been on my wish list ever since I was a little ballerina dreaming of dancing with swans. The energy was electrifying! It felt like a stage of its own, with stores flashing like spotlights! Of course, the entire thing had to be styled with a big pink tutu. Because who wouldn't want a touch of magic on Fifth Avenue, right?

From vintage finds to designer labels, I danced through the department stores like a fairy in a whimsical fashion dream. (Speaking of fairy, the window display at Bergdorf Goodman is a masterpiece!) And don't even get me started on the shoe shops! They practically call out to my name with their glitter and shine.

But my best find wasn't in a store at all. It was this beautiful vintage tutu in the most incredible shade of coral pink! Imagine the colour of a sunrise in a desert! It's the perfect colour for a dance recital or just a twirl down the street – and you just know it will find a place in one of my next blog posts.

My Love for the City That Never Sleeps: From Central Park to Subway Adventures

Okay, let's be real, the metro in New York is a whole world of its own! A true kaleidoscope of people and stories. From businessmen in sharp suits to mothers with playful toddlers, to the street performer, the musician, and even a little bunny who popped its head out of a bag… it's like a backstage at life!

You can definitely say I got lost, though! Navigating the New York City subway system is not for the faint of heart. Thankfully, I did meet a friendly face. Turns out, I had the honour of being lost with this lovely, spirited young lady named Tiffany.

Tiffany told me she always carries a small notebook with inspirational quotes, because life needs to be beautiful. We spent about twenty minutes exploring all the nooks and crannies of this underground haven before figuring out which station was our destination. This random act of kindness is definitely one of the most magical moments of the trip.

I’ve also been exploring the city on foot, because truly, what's more exhilarating than just discovering what's around the next corner? The architecture, the people, the sights - it all whispers tales of ambition, creativity, and pure joy. Central Park! Let's just say I brought my tutu on a dance with the swans. It was simply magical!

The Final Tutu-tastic Twist

So, New York, I love you! You are like a shimmering diamond, bursting with life and vibrant colours! And as I close this post, with my tutu twirling around me, I can’t help but feel inspired. Inspired to continue my journey, to travel the world in my pink tutu, and to share every bit of magic with you.

Until next Monday, my darlings!

Don't forget to follow me on and catch me on Instagram @pinktutublog!

Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-11-28 she danced in New York City