New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-01-30 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #556 - Monday, 30th January, 2006 - New York, New York!

Oh, darling! It’s Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing blogger, reporting live from the magical metropolis of New York City! Just a quick update to say that this fabulous gal has truly gone full-blown "Big Apple" crazy. I’m twirling with excitement because this city never sleeps, and I’m determined to keep up.

You’ll have to forgive me if I get a bit over-enthusiastic - this city is bursting at the seams with glamour, a constant energy that’s impossible to resist! It's exhilarating and overwhelming at the same time - the honking cabs, the endless buzz of people, the towering buildings that scrape the sky... I have the feeling my little pink tutu and I are going to fit right in!

From Derbyshire to Manhattan... What a journey!

Remember, darling, that for a girl from the rolling green hills of Derbyshire, this is a complete change of scenery. It feels like stepping out of a charming village hall straight into a bustling Broadway production. I must admit, I'm thoroughly loving the excitement. I can already tell I'll be calling this concrete jungle home for quite some time! It's been a whirl of taxis, tube rides, and navigating this enormous city's map like a secret decoder ring - which, I can tell you, has become my latest passion. You just don’t understand the joy of getting lost in the labyrinthine network of the New York metro...

I know some might think a girl like me - all pink and fluffy - would struggle in a place like this, but my dears, I assure you, I'm feeling quite at home. I think my tutu is really getting everyone’s attention - all the taxi drivers seem to be doing double-takes when I get in and out of their cabs! I’ve been complimented on its colour by quite a few lovely strangers, too. New York's got this edgy vibe, but it's got a big heart - just like me!

This City Lives for a Performance

Last night, I saw the most magnificent ballet production, nestled inside a gorgeous theater with all the historical grandeur you could imagine. Honestly, darling, it was breath-taking. The dancers, their movements as elegant as they were precise, spun stories with every leap, every gesture. The choreography? Pure genius!

Now, I can't tell you the name of the production. There are still a few secrets up my sleeve, so don't ask me what company or what ballet! (Think of it as a little treat for all you pink-tutu-wearing ladies when I return.)

I confess, my eyes were watering at the end, but I won't spoil the tears for you. This is my little pink-tutu-wearing journey of exploration, and each performance brings new treasures, a new world to embrace.

A New York City Shopping Adventure

My afternoon was spent doing something I truly adore, something my bank manager will no doubt less so: Shopping! Oh, my darling! It's been a true symphony of fashion in this fabulous city! I've stumbled upon vintage boutiques bursting with beautiful gowns that would look perfect for a waltz under a starry New York sky. I picked up a few adorable trinkets for my friends back in England, too. I think my suitcase is going to be a bit on the heavy side on the journey home, darling!

Then, just because I love it so much, I couldn't resist a visit to a stunning department store. I must confess, my dear, it’s enough to make any girl lose her head – shoes, accessories, gowns, suits… and so many shades of pink! Oh, I could shop until the sun went down! And to think, it's only January - imagine how tempting things will be in the summer months.

Of course, every outfit, every ballerina performance, and every journey through the city has to be captured for posterity - a memento, a memory to cherish. That’s why, naturally, my new pink-tutu-emblazoned NYC travel diary is now overflowing with sketches, memories, and snapshots from the Big Apple. My dear, this journey's already filling my little pink-tutu heart with so many delightful, dance-worthy moments.

This Pink Tutu Wants More!

The best part? My pink-tutu spirit has sparked so many conversations! Strangers who previously gave me the “I’ve-never-seen-anything-quite-like-this-look" have started to smile and engage me in conversations. It seems I’m becoming quite a phenomenon! It’s making me think - wouldn’t it be amazing to see everyone rocking a pink tutu, just for a day? A day when the world embraces joy, whimsy, and a little bit of the unexpected. It would be absolutely glorious!

Now, you might be wondering how I, a ballerina, a pink tutu wearing devotee, manage to make my dreams come true - how do I fund all these wonderful experiences? Well, you guessed it! My journey through the cities of the world is funded by the beauty of performance.

My lovely readers, you won’t be surprised to know that each and every week, I grace a stage with my talent and share my passion with the world. Ballet is more than just dance for me; it's a language of the soul. It's a way to connect, inspire, and bring joy. And it’s how I afford those breathtaking outfits that I find myself swooning over in every city!

Speaking of which… next week, darling, it's all about New York fashion week, where my love for the beautiful things will truly be tested! Imagine, darling! I can’t wait to tell you about it all. Keep those tutus tucked in and your eyes sparkling - it's going to be spectacular. I’ll see you here next Monday.

Till then, my lovely readers, let your imagination take flight. Twirl on, darling!

Much love, Emma.

P.S. My blog's name is Pink Tutu Blog NYC and I publish weekly - every Monday, just like this one - at Feel free to come by and leave a comment, darling! You're the sunshine in this New York day.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-01-30 she danced in New York City